exclusive marriage

Chapter 271 Suspected withdrawal of drug

Chapter 271 Suspected withdrawal of drug (2)
"Lying to you is the best way for you. I can't take the risk."

What's more, there is a family member of the patient who does not allow her to take risks.

Jiang Xiachu squinted his eyes, his skin became paler under the sun, and his smile faded a bit: "I used to think that you were the one who knew me best, after all, you knew all about my past. It’s still not enough, otherwise you wouldn’t say that’s best for me.”

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiachu smiled, opened his eyes, looked straight at the sun, and then his eyes turned red.She suddenly realized that in this world, there is only one Qi Yichen, the only one who understands her best.

"Chu Xia, I'm your friend, but I'm also a doctor." Qin Xiyuan had no choice but to turn up the music and speak in a low voice.

Jiang Xiachu was also helpless: "Yi Chen once said such things to me." She turned to look at Qin Xiyuan, her reddish eyes were a little cold, "I am a doctor, but I am also your friend."

Qin Xiyuan took a few steps back abruptly, her face paler than that of Jiang Xiachu who hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

Jiang Xiachu smiled, and stared at the dazzling sunlight again: "He is the person who understands me best in this world, even better than myself." When talking about that person, Jiang Xiachu smiled , a touch of satisfaction, just for a moment, desolation and sadness climbed up in his eyes, "But, Yi Chen is dead, there is no such person in this world anymore."

There will never be a man like that who will let her get whatever she wants without asking for anything in return.

That person has become a scar, Jiang Xiachu's scar, Qin Xiyuan's scar.

Qin Xiyuan also looked up, looking at the direction Jiang Xiachu was looking at: "I know, on your wedding day."

"No." After a pause, she whispered dreamily, "It was three days before that day."

Qin Xiyuan was startled suddenly: "What did you say?"

Jiang Xiachu seemed to be smiling, but not smiling, and closed his eyes.

"Yi Chen always said, as long as I'm here with you, I can sleep well."

Qin Xiyuan opened her mouth, but couldn't ask any questions. The slow and soft music flowed, calming down the noise and chaos, leaving only a faint afternoon sun, which was so peaceful that she couldn't bear to destroy it.

On the soft chair, the closed long eyelashes seemed to tremble slightly, this was the first time, she couldn't sleep in this hypnotic music.

People, everything can be changed, but the heart that is most afraid of change.

A strong smell of cigarettes filled the nostrils, and Qin Xiyuan approached the study stepping on the soot all over the floor.

Zuo Cheng put out the unfinished cigarette in his hand, raised his eyes: "How?"

"Recovered part of the memory?"

Qin Xiyuan found a place far away from Zuocheng to sit down, and glanced at the ashtray, good guy, this person is really desperate.

"Forgot what?"

This man is always so concise and to the point, cherishing words like gold.

Talking to Zuo Cheng is just a little bit better, there is no need for a long speech to beat around the bush, and answer directly: "The two years of hysteria in the United States."

Zuo Cheng was silent, his eyelashes were lowered, a thick layer of shadow, his white and slender fingers holding the ashtray, slightly flushed.

After a long time, his deep and hoarse voice sounded: "Deep hypnosis——"

"Don't even think about it."

Qin Xiyuan immediately interrupted, does this man want to be so perverted?

There was a trace of sadness on that dazed face, it was the first time Qin Xiyuan felt something like guilt for this incalculably terrifying man.

"Jiang Xiachu's current situation absolutely does not allow it to happen again, not to mention that even the medicine is resistant to it. The same goes for hypnosis, so don't even think about it."

Zuo Cheng was silent, presumably it was a compromise.

Although this man is perverted, he can't be cruel to Jiang Xiachu.

"Recurrence rate." Zuo Cheng's eyes seemed to have melted snow that never faded for a thousand years.

"It's very high, and her condition is worse than I thought. If it gets worse like this, she will also develop resistance to the medicine she is taking now."

Not to be alarmist, Qin Xiyuan is a qualified doctor.

"Measure." The two words were short, and there was no ups and downs for a while, but there was an aura that people couldn't ignore.

What an unstoppable beast.

Shaking her head, Qin Xiyuan replied decisively: "There is no way."

The light in Zuo Cheng's eyes sank, leaving only an empty layer of ice.

Qin Xiyuan's left eyelid twitched inexplicably, and then added: "There is no solution to the root cause, but there is a solution to the symptoms."


A word was smashed on the ground, the air was low pressure, but Zuo Cheng didn't even raise his eyes.

Her left eyelid twitched three times in a row, and a psychiatrist who specializes in figuring out human psychology began to feel guilty. She cleared her throat and tried to act like a psychiatrist: "Don't stimulate her anymore, hysteria. The cause of the disease is emotion, and obedience is faster than any medicine."

Zuo Cheng raised his eyes slightly, and stared coldly, a kind of oppression was natural.

Qin Xiyuan shrinks her neck and shrugs her shoulders: "Don't believe me?" She smiled sinisterly, "Just try it and you'll know."

Then Zuo Cheng didn't speak, staring thoughtfully at the cigarette butts in the ashtray.

Qin Xiyuan thought, it must be persuasion.

"May I ask, what is the reason why deep hypnosis fails? Love? Or hate?"

Zuo Cheng's cool eyes sank, a little indifferent, a little deserted.Qin Xiyuan felt a shudder down her spine, and she was sure that this question was really presumptuous.

Zuo Cheng slowly half-lyed on the back of the chair, his half-closed eyes were like deep black holes, and he opened his lips: "You are just a doctor."

With a voice like red wine, and words like Lao Baigan, Qin Xiyuan was not annoyed: "Your expression should be the latter."

Just hate who?Why hate?Qin Xiyuan's cleverness is over, she still understands why curiosity killed the cat.

Qin Xiyuan boldly looked at Zuo Cheng, Jun's face showed no trace of emotion: "Although I don't know how you got her to where she is now, I expected this result, it's just faster than I thought. Too much."

After saying a word, Zuo Cheng's eyes condensed: "Explain clearly."

Talking to a smart man saves trouble and effort, and you can get through a little bit, and half a sentence is enough.

"If you hadn't stopped her medicine, she wouldn't have woken up so quickly." Qin Xiyuan became curious, "It's just that I can't figure out why you stopped her medicine when you least want her to wake up."

Zuo Cheng's black diamond-like eyes were deep and deep: "Stop the drug?"

The surprised tone, flustered demeanor, this appearance is obviously unexpected.

Qin Xiyuan was dumbfounded: "It's not you?"

How is it possible, except for this pervert who has such ability and courage, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

Qin Xiyuan looked at Zuo Cheng, and saw his gloomy profile.

Isn't it really Zuocheng?Qin Xiyuan was confused: "That's weird, her medicine has been off for at least two months."

(End of this chapter)

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