exclusive marriage

Chapter 285 I'm afraid she won't want it

Chapter 285 I'm afraid she won't want it (2)
Does it hurt in the early summer... What a gentle sentence, so soft, but it cut open the hearts of so many people, it hurts so much.

She didn't speak, she was trembling, it must be pain.

Zuo Cheng brushed away the sweat-soaked hair on her forehead, and reached out to hug her.

Uncle Jin exclaimed: "Young Master, Young Master."

Zuo Cheng paused.

There was a moment of silence, and the screams were trembling, and only one word was said: "Blood."

Zuo Cheng raised his eyes, and saw that the blue marble was dyed with dazzling red little by little, and when it penetrated into his eyes, it was full of shocking red. Her favorite white dress could no longer tell the original color.

It was dark before his eyes, and he fell heavily on the ground, his pair of dark eyes were as lifeless as the people on the ground, he stretched out his hand, but he didn't dare to touch her, hanging in the air trembling.

"It's okay, it's okay, Chu Xia, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." He patted her shoulder lightly, without touching him, and his white fingertips were stained as red as blood.

The person on the ground suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes were so sad that he couldn't breathe without shedding a single tear.

"You said that his illness has nothing to do with you, you said that you would let him live a good life, Zuo Cheng, you said that you would not lie to me."

Jiang Xiachu's voice was so small, so small that the end of it almost dissipated in the air, but it was full of demons, and hit Zuo Cheng's soft heart directly.

Zuo Cheng put his hand on her lips, coaxing softly: "Hey, don't talk, don't talk, okay?"

Her eyelids drooped little by little, Zuo Cheng picked her up and put her in his arms gently, like walking on thin ice.

The breath in her arms was getting weaker and weaker. She opened her mouth but made no sound.

He looked at her lips, opening and closing, it was a sentence.

She said, "Zuocheng, if I die, don't come looking for me."

He yelled: "If you dare to die, I will let everyone be buried with you."

The person who had her eyes closed suddenly opened them. It was clearly a pair of loose and empty eyes, but they seemed to be burning brightly. She reached out and grabbed Zuo Cheng's clothes. The blood in her palms stained Zuo Cheng's shirt: "child."

With the last ounce of strength, she said two words, her hands dropped, and she never spoke again.

He grabbed her increasingly cold hand and almost screamed: "I want you and the child."

With her eyes closed, she pulled out an absurd smile from the corner of her mouth, her anger was like a thread.

The blood was still spreading, flowing to Zuocheng's feet, the shoes had long since disappeared, and he touched the warmth of the ground.

On this day, Zuo Cheng finally knew that there was a powerlessness called life and death.

At this moment, the Zuo family is full of the breath of death, the kind of aura that is about to strangle people's throats, even if they have been in the Zuo family for many years, they can't help but shiver, let alone the one who was temporarily dragged away. The female doctor who came over.

The female doctor is in her 40s and is an authority in that field. Obstetricians and gynecologists are also used to seeing bloody life and death.

Left and right quickly kicked over: "This is Dr. Zhang Xiao from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology."

The doctor named Zhang Xiao was still trembling in confusion.

I saw the man who had been turning his back all the time turned around, with a face that, at first glance, was so beautiful that it made one's heart jump, but at the second glance, his heart trembled, and then he didn't dare to look at it for the third time.

After a brief silence, a pair of hands that looked more like a painting were raised, with white fingertips holding a black gun.

"There are two bullets in it. If you lose one life, you will lose one."

Doctor Zhang Xiao's legs gave way, and he almost fell to his knees. His mind was blank for a few seconds, and he took the gun with trembling hands.

The obstetrician and gynecologist, who had never touched that thing in his life, was sweating profusely, and there was only one thought in his mind: it is easy to get in through the door of Zuo's house, but it is difficult to get out with it upright.

In the end, the obstetrician was dragged into the room left and right.

The door of Jiang Xiachu's room opened and closed, several nurses came in and out, and pots of blood stained red came out, bit by bit staining the eyes of the man at the door red.

Across a half-near distance, Zuo Jia held his breath up and down, and even the left and right, who were always active, were quiet, honest and weird.

Suddenly, Zuo Cheng, who was guarding the door, turned around and cast a cold glance on Zuo Yu, the red in his eyes had not faded.

"The Zuo family doesn't support useless people. I'm too kind to you."

Like a sigh, like helplessness, like guilt, like self-deprecating...a sentence that can't express emotion clearly, it's indifferent, without bloody, vicious and ruthless.

With a plop, Zuo Yu knelt heavily on the ground and said, "Zuo Yu is guilty." There was no trace of resentment, nor was there any resentment.

"Let's go, your surname will not be Zuo from now on."

The voice was still tepid, only the dark red eyes were as cold as the snow that was not at dusk.

Zuo Yu's shoulders trembled slightly, he opened his mouth, did not speak, got up, stood up straight, then turned around without dragging his feet.

Members of the Zuo family, except for dying of betrayal, no one has ever left like this.

Just stepped on the stairs, the voice of the man behind him was deep and cold: "Do you have any complaints?"


After finishing the four words, Zuo Yu turned around, walked to Zuo Cheng, and spread her palms: "She doesn't want me to give it to Mr., this is the last time I disobey her."

The thing in his hand was handed over to Zuo Cheng, and Zuo Yu left resolutely, keeping his back straight all the time, with the pride and posture of a member of the Zuo family.

It was a crumpled piece of paper, white with light blue patterns printed on it, it was Jiang Xiachu's favorite Jiangzhou rice paper.

Zuo Cheng opened the paper, and the handwriting on the paper was beautiful and elegant, it was Jiang Xiachu's handwriting.

Summer days, winter nights, after a hundred years, return to its residence.

Winter night, summer day, after a hundred years, return to his room.

From The Book of Songs·Tang Feng, Ge Sheng's mourning for his beloved and deceased wife.

28 characters, very thick brush and ink, it can be seen how hard the person who wrote the pen is.

After all, it was the wrong time, too late.

Zuo Cheng turned around, pushed open the door of the room, and kept guarding until this day and forever.

When Jiang Xiachu woke up, it was dark, there were no stars in the night, only one light was on in the room, it was extremely quiet, I couldn't smell my breath, only the sound of dripping.

She opened her eyes, gloomy and without a trace, like the dead autumn water. In front of her eyes were the man's extremely beautiful eyebrows and eyes, a little decadent, but she couldn't reflect a trace of them.

"Early summer."

Zuo Cheng's voice was extremely hoarse, he buried his head in her neck, his stubble was stinging, he hugged her stiffly, and sighed in her ear: "Just wake up."

Zuo Cheng's eyes are always dark and dark, and the eyelids are thick with indigo, which are closed gently.

For two whole days, Jiang Xiachu never opened his eyes, he never closed them, and finally, a restless heart returned to his stomach.

"Child." She hesitated for a moment, held Zuo Cheng's face in her hands, and looked at each other, "Son, are you still there?"

(End of this chapter)

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