exclusive marriage

Chapter 287 Is it time to let go

Chapter 287 Is it time to let go (2)
Look how crazy he is!
She looked into his eyes for a long time, then she sneered.

"You always say that I never give you a chance to explain." She teased and mocked, "Actually, we are the same kind of people, we can't believe it, so, I'm afraid that from the moment I fell down the stairs, you started Guessing my intentions, from accident, to suspicion, to certainty, you have made all the plans step by step, all guesses, without my affirmation, for me, you plan ahead and calculate step by step, you have used too much thought, So that my explanation, my confession is not needed."

Her throat was sore and her hoarseness was terrible. Every word seemed to rub against her throat, tearing out the pain.

She couldn't shed tears, her eyes hurt, but she saw that Zuo Cheng's eyes were red.

She thought, he must understand her, because they are so similar.

Zuo Cheng hugged her, buried his head on her neck, his breath was decadent: "I didn't believe it before, so it turns out that there is such a thing as retribution. I lied to you so many times, and I have to pay you back." On her neck, "You know my thoughts, my plans, you know everything, you are too smart, so I always lose to you, how dare I trust you like this, and how dare I be honest?"

In the past, he lied to her, but she believed it. Now, she didn't lie to him, and he didn't believe it. Does this count as karma?She thinks it should be.

A drop of liquid dripped across her neck, burning hot enough to prick her skin.

It was Zuo Cheng's tears. Jiang Xiachu realized that when he cried, he always hugged her. In other words, only she would make him cry. A man's pure sadness for a woman.

She reached out and hugged his waist: "You really lost."

So, I saw your truth, but you only regarded my truth as a lie, and you lost too badly.

Zuo Cheng put his arms around her waist, it was very painful, but she didn't move, she still whispered in his ear, with a cold tone like a smile but not a smile: "It's not just the drawers, it's in the cabinet, on the window sill, and even in the dressing room. They all have this medicine." She turned her head and met Zuo Cheng's gaze, "Zuo Cheng, if I don't want this child, there are thousands of ways, do you think I will choose this one?"

She wanted to explain it once, just once, even if she couldn't find a reason to explain it.

After a long silence, Zuo Cheng replied: "You chose the one that is the most ruthless to me."

Heh, Jiang Xiachu sneered: "I have thought about all kinds of methods, which one to use, and how can I have the most peace of mind." The brightness of her eyes faded, like black pearls after washing, she said, every word was focused and serious , "However, it's just a thought."

Zuo Cheng raised his eyes and looked at her. She suddenly raised her head and kissed Zuo Cheng's eyes: "Do you believe it?"

There was still a sour taste on the corner of her lips, it was tears, she kissed again and licked it clean.

Zuo Cheng trembled slightly, stretched out his hand, and stroked her shoulder, preventing her from licking and kissing again and again.

"Chu Xia, promise me, don't hurt yourself again, you don't want my child, but you can't let me go."

"Heh." She looked at Zuo Cheng and sneered, pursed her lips, her throat became sore and tight, "You don't believe it."

She suddenly stretched out her hand, pushed Zuo Cheng away, heavily, lying on her side in the quilt, with her back to Zuo Cheng: "It's fair, because I don't trust you anymore either."

She only explained once, just once, to be honest, her heart hurts too much.

"Chu Xia." His deep voice took a long time to finish, "Son, don't mention it any more."

Zuo Cheng's deep voice was still echoing, but he had already turned around and walked hurriedly.

Click, the door closed, Jiang Xiachu turned around wrapped in a quilt, looked at the closed door, and whispered to himself: "That sentence is true, but why don't you believe it?"

In the empty room, her soft words floated back and forth, echoing loneliness and sadness. On the quilt, a few white medicine bowls were scattered. She stretched out her hand, put it in the palm of her hand, and stared at it for a long time: "I really just want to Think, I can't bear it, why don't you believe it?"

At the end, she smiled wryly, put her hand on her belly, and rubbed it lightly habitually, "Baby, the shepherd boy told the truth, but no one will believe it anymore." Suddenly, the corners of her mouth froze, and her fingers trembled slightly. , sighed bitterly, "I forgot, you're not here anymore."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep, but the handsome child never fell into her dream again.

In the study room, there was a long silence, several pairs of eyes were fixed on the man who was sleeping on the leather, not daring to make a sound.

Eyes raised slightly: "How is she?" Due to fatigue, Zuo Cheng's voice was dry and hoarse.

Looking at each other and making eye contact, Dr. Zhang Xiao wiped his sweat and stepped forward: "The fetal position is very unstable, and the young lady's mentality is negative, and her nutrition can't keep up. There are nine out of ten children in the womb—"

"Doctor Zhang." Before he finished speaking, Zuo Cheng cut it off softly.

"Eh." Damn conditioned reflex, the word "eh" has nine twists and eighteen bends.

My mother, Dr. Zhang is sweating profusely, his legs are trembling, this yin and yang is strange, the most terrible thing.

After shouting, there was no further text, and there was a faint smell of smoke in the air.Dr. Zhang Xiao bravely took a sneak peek at Zuo Cheng, just in time to meet Zuo Cheng's half-downcast cold eyes.

My father, eyes can really be trained like a knife, Dr. Zhang quickly lowered his head, lowered his head, lowered his head again.

After a while, Zuo Cheng choked out his cigarette, still lying lazily on the leather chair, his voice was especially dry and hoarse after smoking: "That gun is still with you."

Dr. Zhang Xiao's tongue was tied and his jaw was trembling: "Yes, yes." He stretched out his hand, and there was a gun in his white coat, which was like a hot potato.

An obstetrician and gynecologist with a clean family background has been carrying such a thing for the past few days, and he is about to have a schizophrenia.In the past few days, Doctor Zhang has been remorseful, and he shouldn't have come to lie in this muddy water for the position of the dean.

Zuo Cheng opened his lips, and said in a calm voice: "Don't take those two bullets off."

Doctor Zhang Xiao's legs gave way, and he almost fell to the ground. What the Lord Hades said back then: two bullets, one life lost, one lost.

With trembling lips, Dr. Zhang quickly replied: "I will try my best to keep the child."

"Not doing my best."

Four words, there was another gust of cold wind, and Dr. Zhang Xiao shrank his neck.

My mother, it's easier to kill or shave than this. Doctor Zhang wiped his sweat, waiting for Zuo Daxia's next words.

After a long time, Zuo Cheng continued with three simple words: "It must be."

must?The horse still stumbles.The life is worrying, and Dr. Zhang no longer looks forward and backward: "Sir, the young lady can't bear a little stimulation now, and the baby in the belly can't take medicine. The young lady refuses to eat, and only relies on infusion. Even if the child is saved, I'm afraid it won't work Born healthy."


Doctor Zhang's heart skipped a beat, his ears pricked up, and he listened quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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