exclusive marriage

Chapter 291 She Doesn't Want Me Anymore

Chapter 291 She Doesn't Want Me Anymore (2)
Uncle Jin opened his mouth, shook his head, but still didn't speak.

Zuo Cheng said to himself: "I can't, but I promised her, I won't go to her." There was a light arc of soreness on his lips, which became more and more desolate, "I'm afraid that she will never come back to my side again in her whole life." It's gone." Moaned feebly, a pair of eyes that were so beautiful that they were demon ruled, all the brilliance fell.

He is afraid, regretting, guarding the empty city, without her, every moment is a long meditation, making the time into loneliness, you say, how to persist, how to continue?

Zuo Cheng smiled bitterly, looked for a cigarette to smoke, sucked vigorously, did not exhale, and smoked desperately.

"Master, there is still a child, and the young lady still has a child, she will come back." Uncle Jin looked red, as if begging.

Zuo Cheng took a puff of the cigarette, and the faint blue smoke enveloped his dark eyes: "Uncle Jin, you don't know how ruthless she is." He stretched out his hand and pinched the lit cigarette ash, not knowing the pain, he tightened his fingers tightly, " I should have tied her by my side, I regret it now, what should I do?"

what to do?There is no way for him to retreat, lovesickness is fermenting in his heart, and he is terribly afraid of the long days without her.

If he doesn't come back...he will die like this.

The body swayed, as if he had exhausted all his energy, Uncle Jin stepped forward to support him, and called 'Master' anxiously, but he seemed to be unable to hear him, looking at the winding road at the door, he murmured foolishly: "She, she doesn't want me."

Turning around, Uncle Jin caressed him, stumbled into the door, and locked the city.

This luxurious city, the city of Zuocheng, has been a prison since then, trapping one person.

After leaving Zuo's house, she walked around half of the city before she settled down. Ye Zaixi found a quiet apartment. She lived alone. During the day, there was an aunt who cooked and Ye Zaixi. She was not lonely. My heart is always empty.

She loves to sleep more and more, but still doesn't eat much. For this reason, Ye Zaixi will come over every meal time to watch her eat. She is rarely obedient, but when Ye Zaixi returns, she will run to the toilet , Spit up and down.

On the third day after leaving Zuo's house, at noon, Ye Zaixi came to the apartment, and Guan Ai, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, rushed over and hugged her tightly as soon as Guan Ai entered the door.

Jiang Xiachu was lying on the rocking chair on the balcony, stunned for a moment: "Why are you here?"

Guan Ai narrowed his eyes with a smile: "I'm here to congratulate you on escaping from the clutches of the clutches and the sea of ​​suffering."

Escaping from the clutches of the devil, out of the sea of ​​misery...is it a good thing, yes.

She wanted to laugh, but found that she couldn't laugh no matter what, a stiff arc formed at the corner of her mouth.

Guan Ai was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand, and touched Jiang Xiachu's face with an ugly smile: "Why do you have such an expression? Today is a happy day, so you should be happy." Guan Ai was really happy from the bottom of his heart. In her opinion, left The city is a demon, and it is best to stay as far away as possible: "In the future, there will be no more him in your world, and you will be fine."

There will never be him again...Suddenly, my heart was pulled hard, and it hurt very much.

"I'll be fine." She murmured softly, eyes like the surface of a lake in late autumn, slowly, slowly shedding a tear.

Guan Ai was completely flustered now, and quickly reached out to wipe Jiang Xiachu's tears: "Hey, why are you crying?"

Jiang Xiachu stretched out her hand and wiped it lightly, her hands were full of tears.

Why are you crying?She doesn't know it herself.She wanted to laugh, but she burst into tears and couldn't stop.

Guan Ai has never seen Jiang Xiachu look like this before, catching tears in his hands, his hands and feet are so flustered that he doesn't know what to do: "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm talking nonsense, it's my fault."

Jiang Xiachu just stared at Guan Ai in a daze, without blinking, tears just flowed quietly like that.

Emotions, this thing, have been suppressed for a long time, and once a breakthrough is found, it will be endless.

She opened her mouth, tears flowed into her mouth, very astringent: "Guan Ai, my child." After a long pause, her voice was choked and almost inaudible, "It's gone."

Guan Ai's hands froze, and his eyes turned red.

Sobbing intermittently, Jiang Xiachu cried, she said: "I want to name him, I want to know who he will look like, I want to grow up with him, I want to hear him call my mother, but it's too late, all That's too late."

"I didn't even tell Zuo Cheng, that kid, I like it very much."

When talking, Jiang Xiachu was very quiet, even she was crying, but Guan Ai knew that she was trembling.

At some point, Guan Ai was already in tears, reached out, hugged her who was trembling slightly, and stroked her hair: "It's okay, it's all over."

Like a wounded beast, she hugged herself, trembling, crying, and murmured: "It's just that he doesn't believe me."

Guan Ai gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to cry, and gently patted Jiang Xiachu's shoulder.

This woman, this heart-wrenching woman, God favored her for the only time, let her meet such a man who loves her, but forgot to care for her more, let them fall in love at the right time and the right place .

The sun was still shining brightly. On the balcony, the person on the reclining chair had already fallen asleep. His long eyelashes were still drenched with crystal tears. He seemed to be sleeping restlessly. His brows were tightly frowned, and his hands were placed on his abdomen, as if subconsciously moving.

"It turned out that she would cry like a child like this."

Ye Zaixi leaned over, stretched out his hand, and gently wiped the tears on her cheeks that were not yet dry.

"She—" Guan Ai choked, and smiled wryly, "I fell in love with Zuo Cheng."

Jiang Xiachu, Jiang Xiachu, after all, you have not escaped the doom called Zuocheng.

"When she came back, she told me that she won Zuocheng." Ye Zaixi sighed softly, "This idiot doesn't even know that he has lost his heart."

Rubbing Jiang Xiachu's brows with her fingers, but she has not let go of her frowning. Maybe she is dreaming. In the dream, there must be Zuo Cheng.

You idiot, why can't you keep your heart?
The sun was shining brightly, and there were people coming and going at the entrance of the supermarket. From time to time, someone would stop and take a look at the little woman squatting at the door.

The woman dragged her chin and talked to herself happily.

"Damn you, what a fart."

"Don't think that if you have a white face, you are a little white face."

"Don't play with me. If you want to refuse, you will welcome."

"Isn't it just a man? It's hard to find two-legged toads, and two-legged men are everywhere."

The woman talked more and more vigorously, staring at the billboard at the door. On the billboard, a man with two legs was very white and wearing a racing suit.

She muttered for a while as if no one was there, the woman looked at her, her head drooped, her arrogance just now died down, and she blinked her big eyes pitifully: "But——"

His face turned red in disbelief: "I only care about you."

His eyes were lost in disappointment: "A white face is also good-looking."

(End of this chapter)

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