exclusive marriage

Chapter 40 Prosecutor Beauty

Chapter 40 Prosecutor Beauty
The voice was intermittent, getting smaller and drier, and the face that was exactly the same as Guan Yu was filled with gloom: "Guan Yu is very good to me, what he doesn't give me, Guan Yu will give me. At the beginning, I accepted it, such as the dolls I like very much, such as the limited-edition models that I have been looking at for a long time, Guan Yu doesn’t like those things, I know, she wants it for me. Even Guan Yu has seen it It can be seen that he hates me very much, so she also sympathizes with me, but then I don’t want anything from Guan Yu anymore, because he hates me even more.”

"Until now, I don't know what the reason is? If it wasn't because I had the same face as Guan Yu, I would suspect that I picked it up." Guan Ai turned around and looked at Jiang Xiachu with Feeling helpless like never before, Jiang Xiachu choked up: "Xiachu, isn't there a reason for everything? But why can't there be any reason?"

Her biological father loathed her so much, for 23 years, there was no reason, at least Guan Ai was sentenced without knowing anything.

Jiang Xiachu stretched out her hand, and her cool fingertips touched Guan Ai's long eyelashes covered in mist, a tear fell on her hand, it was hot.Covering Guan Ai's hopeless eyes and letting the scorching liquid flow back, Guan Ai heard Jiang Xiachu's voice for the first time, the cold temperature faded, soft, like the voice of his mother when he was a child: "That reason locked you 23 Years, it's time to throw it away, Guan Ai, it's better to be abandoned than to be abandoned."

Can you throw it away?It's locked at 23, so what if it's unbreakable, after all, blood is thicker than water, so what if you don't give up, the little hope before has long since disappeared in the long lonely years.

The continuous warmth on the fingertips seeped into Jiang Xiachu's fingertips, and Guan Ai's long eyelashes trembled.Let's go, 23's grievances are overwhelming.

I don't know how long it took, the lights were still flashing, and the music didn't stop. The warmth in Jiang Xiachu's hands was dried, and then her long eyelashes trembled. The black jade is clear and translucent.

Guan Ai will eventually be abandoned.She will try.

Guan Ai smiled at Jiang Xiachu, there was still some traces of far-fetchedness in his heartlessness: "Today is a special day, the old man celebrated my birthday for the first time in 23 years, and thanks to Guan Yu's blessing, this A big day should be celebrated." Guan Ai raised the half-drunk glass of orange juice on the counter, "Cheers."

Jiang Xiachu gave up her life to accompany the gentleman, but just as the wine glass was brought to her lips, Guan Ai tilted her head and asked, "What is this?" She was slurred and her eyes were hazy.

Jiang Xiachu replied in a daze: "Orange juice." Seeing that Guan Ai's eyes became more and more loose and blurred, Jiang Xiachu suddenly realized, "I added a little Absenthe."

Guan Ai suddenly smirked, grinning, with deep dimples and slurred speech: "I forgot to tell you, I'll pour it in a glass."

As soon as the words were finished, Guan Ai fell down on the counter, silent, breathing heavily.

Jiang Xiachu frowned, and pushed Guan Ai: "Guan Ai." She didn't respond at all, she was very disappointed, "I haven't had a cup yet." No wonder she tried her best to teach Absenthe with orange juice.

Jiang Xiachu discovered another extreme line of theirs, she would drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, but Guan Ai would pour it down after a cup, no, she would pour down half a cup.

Three years without incident is indeed a miracle.It's just that Jiang Xiachu frowned at the moment, trouble!

Jiang Xiachu was stunned for ten seconds, his brows became tighter and tighter, he walked over, leaned over, raised a certain drunken hand, put it on his shoulder, and just about to straighten up, a strange touch on his shoulder Jiang Xiachu was startled suddenly.

"Do you need help?" It was a man's voice, very mellow, with a ruffian accent.

A mixed smell of alcohol and smoke was very pungent. Jiang Xiachu turned his head slightly, and glanced coldly at the hands on his shoulders: "Go away." His voice was a few degrees lower than the man's, but it was as cold as ice.

The man withdrew his hand awkwardly, the light refracted several times, the man's eyes were yellowish, his cheekbones were high, and his short yellow hair caught the eye.His slow voice: "You seem to be in trouble."

"It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Xiachu didn't like the smell of the stranger, and retreated without a trace.

"This kind of place is not suitable for rejecting people thousands of miles away."

"Go away." Jiang Xiachu repeated coldly, his eyes covered with frost for a long time.

The man's interest did not decrease but increased, and his slanted eyes slightly provoked excitement: "A cat with claws will make people want to conquer. Isn't this kind of place just for fun, and the most important thing here is chaste women."

Everyone wants to pick roses with thorns. To conquer and be conquered is not dominated by desire, but by ability. There are always some people like this who flock to them and ruin their way of life. Obviously men don't care.

conquer?Jiang Xiachu thought it was ridiculous, but suddenly a pair of cold eyes flashed in his mind, and the name Zuocheng appeared without warning.This is the difference?That man's conquest is always means, not words.She sneered coldly: "I'm not interested, for the last time, go away."

The man's yellow eyes seemed to focus on a fleeting spark, and after disappearing without a trace, he seemed discouraged and teased: "It's so shameless, well, let's have a drink, just as a consolation for my failure to strike up a conversation."

Jiang Xiachu was coldly on guard, but the man with yellow hair brought a glass of wine and approached her: "You can drink very well, don't you mind having another glass?"

Very drinkable...Jiang Xiachu frowned. It seems that this man has been staring at him for a long time, but she is not a lamb.

Jiang Xiachu stretched out her hand, and the half-brightness and half-darkness of the light enveloped her side face, covering her face layer by layer.

With his hand hanging in the air, the wine glass swayed slightly, because of a sudden strange voice: "How many times have you used this method?"

It's a nice voice, clear but crisp.Jiang Xiachu looked sideways, the woman standing far away in the dark is very beautiful, the white skirt is fluttering, the light is not stained, she has a pair of beautiful single eyes, with curved arcs, bright eyes and white teeth like ancient women, it is really beautiful.The woman walked slowly, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Damn, what are you talking about?" The yellow-haired man suddenly swears, with a guilty bluff.

The woman smiled lightly, Qingling's eyes were calm: "What's in it?" She squinted at the wine glass, but smiled probingly, "Hallucinogens or LSD?"

"You, who are you? There's no business for you here." Stretching out his fingers and sternly speaking, the man looked like he was trying to cover up, his tongue was knotted, his face was red and his ears were red, and his guilt was undoubtedly exposed.

Jiang Xiachu turned sideways to the woman. Her black hair was scattered and she smelled very good.The voice seemed to carry a magical power, neither light nor heavy: "This is not an idle matter, it is a criminal."

Jiang Xiachu felt familiar to someone who was clearly a stranger, not because of his demeanor or tone of voice, what was wrong with him, who was he like?That suffocating feeling...

(End of this chapter)

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