exclusive marriage

Chapter 90 I'm already that man's wife

Chapter 90 I'm already that man's wife (3)
The photo on the tombstone was already yellowed and worn out, and the original appearance could not be discerned, but the young man could be vaguely seen smiling slightly, and his eyes met hers.

She sat on the stone slab, icy cold, stretched out her hand, and brushed the photo on the tombstone, the wind lifted her hair, and saw her eyes were quiet, with faint ripples: "Remember, you said, you are always reluctant to blame me , no matter how ridiculous I am. If this is still true, Qiancheng, please don’t forgive me this time.”

When she was a child, her modesty always pampered her, pampering her to be so ignorant and self-willed, so innocent.

Now, it is unforgivable, only after knowing it.

She should cry or laugh, she didn't know what to do, the tentacles were the coldness of the tombstone, she leaned over, leaning her face against the stone tablet, and said in a quiet voice, "It's that person who made you lie in this cold place, you must hate it so much He must really hate me now." She smiled absurdly, "I am already that man's wife, Qiancheng, let's forget about the promise we made when we were 16." A drop of tears, sliding down the tombstone, Past that person's name.

Ji Qiancheng, the deceased boy, the person she couldn't let go but had to let go.

In those years, at that time, Ji Qian was sixteen, and she was about the same size.They sat on the roof, looked up, looked at the stars, looked at the moon, chatted and made promises.

At that time, she was too young, at a willful age, and she acted coquettishly to him: "Qiancheng, will you always be nice to me alone?" Her blinking eyes were as bright as stars.

"Yes." The young man took her hand and replied.

She refused to give up, and her bright eyes haunted him: "Would it be okay to marry another woman as a wife?" The dimples on her lips are always deep when she pouts seriously.Even at an age that doesn't understand marriage and love, when talking about this, he still looks angry.

"Yes." The boy answered as usual.

"I don't believe it." Kicking her legs, the young girl lowered her head and sulked.

"Then I'll marry you." After a moment of silence, the words came, although the voice of the 16-year-old was still immature, the tone was firm.

The girl immediately raised her head, even her eyes were smiling, she nodded immediately and said, "Okay."

At that time, they were really only 16 years old, they didn't understand love, and they made a promise of marriage privately.

Seven years in a hurry, Tong Yan Wuji from back then is completely beyond recognition.

The wind blew past, dissipating the long memories in her mind, she stood up, the moisture in the corners of her eyes had dried up, her astringent eyes, looked at the tombstone: "I'm sorry, Qiancheng." Bending deeply, she closed the dry Eyes, head lowered, voice soft, "Also, don't forgive me."

She got up, took off the necklace around her neck, and hung it on the corner of the tombstone. She never looked at it again, as if she didn't want to miss it, she turned around and left.

The man walked away, and on the corner of the tombstone, the lonely ring glowed coldly.

That was the promise she made, the ring he gave her.

She never left her body, and now, she discarded it because she couldn't afford it.

When it was dark, a drop of rain fell on the stele, like Liren's tears.

It was already dusk, the sky was getting dark quickly, and it would be completely dark in a while.

Ye Zaixi had been waiting at the foot of the mountain. When she saw her coming down, she just glanced at her and said nothing.

She sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, turned her head away, her face was flushed by the wind, and she said, "Go back."

"Where are you going?" He looked at her profile, which was a little darker than the setting sun.

She can always make herself so decadent that he can't help but soften his heart.

With a tired look on her face, she pondered for a moment, then closed her eyes, and replied, "After the rain."

Ye Zaixi paused holding the car key, and replied in a strange way: "If you don't want to go back, you can go anywhere. I'll take you there." The stiff lines on his lips were self-deprecating, burning A little different emotion spread out in the middle of his eyes.

Some people say that reason is controlled by the brain, while emotions are determined by the heart.

At this time, his brain was short-circuited and his heart was clamoring, so reason overcame emotions.Resentment overcomes resentment.

However, when all this happened, he didn't know what happened at all, and he was only belatedly annoyed.Then he turned his eyes and forgot the reason for his annoyance, looked at her, and waited carefully for her answer.

She looked at the mountain in the distance with her eyes, and the lines of her side face were cold, she said: "It's time to go back, there are some people, some things, some debts, and there is no escape."

Ye Zaixi suddenly smiled wryly.

It turned out that it was just his own momentary confusion. It's time to wake up.

The corners of his lips sneered, and he turned his head suddenly. It was that evildoer who was so enchanting even when he was angry. His resentment was awkward and arrogant. Master: "You woman's head is convulsed, and you thought I would take you to elope. Most of the city, just go for a ride in the wilderness. I'm even more convulsed, I put down tens of millions of movies and don't make movies, and come to accompany you to convulse."

Very self-aware!He really did a lot of convulsive things today.

This is him, yelling, half-truth, reason over emotion, fortunately, he hasn't forgotten.

With drooping eyelashes, Jiang Xiachu looked obedient.

When Renshan was bullied, Ye Zaixi turned on her face, and the more she said, the more she got angry: "I said that you woman is wrong, what is wrong with learning, like others are sentimental, compassionate, and you still have to choose This bird doesn't lay eggs—”

"I have no one to turn to, except you."

Jiang Xiachu took over Ye Zaixi's head and face, and said this sentence, and said it in a flat voice, without sentimentality, nor compassion, just a combination of a few words.

Unfortunately, a sentence composed of a few plain words made Ye Zaixi stop all the harsh and scolding words that came to his lips.

After Jiang Xiachu finished speaking, she turned her face away and didn't speak. Ye Zaixi was stunned for a while, then closed her mouth in embarrassment: "Forget it, I won't scold you anymore. Anyway, my face is injured, so I can't be on camera."

This guy, it turns out that he is soft and not hard, what an arrogant man, if he says 'suspected to show weakness', he will be defeated.

Reflected on the car window was a calm and silent face, with a smile that was not a smile.

When we got back after the rain, the lanterns had already started to come on, and it was raining lightly.

As soon as the car was parked, Ye Zaixi began to murmur non-stop: "It's so late, why is it raining?" With resentment on his face, Young Master Ye has a very bad temper.

Jiang Xiachu didn't say anything, looked out the window a few times, frowned suddenly, pushed open the door and went down.

"I should just take you back." Ye Zaixi turned her head and asked, seeing that the person had already got out of the car, her handsome face instantly collapsed, "Why did you go out like this, didn't you see it raining?"

The other party turned a deaf ear, walked to the middle, and looked straight ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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