If you love, please love deeply

Chapter 1 Magic Flash Marriage

Chapter 1 Magic Flash Marriage
"Oh, 56 degrees, what a beast..." Si Yu lazily opened a bottle of Red Star Erguotou, and subconsciously looked out the window.Although it was already dark, the streets were brightly lit.There are glamorous men and women hugging each other everywhere, like a school of colorful fish.They must be celebrating Valentine's Day. They must be sitting in a high-end restaurant, lighting candles, facing flowers, making out with goblets filled with red wine, and clinking glasses.Si Yu fantasized about that scene, then looked down at the Erguotou in his hand, and curled his lips self-deprecatingly.

They drank red wine together in pairs, but she wanted to hide here alone to drink Erguotou, and there was no food.Some people say that you will get drunk quickly if you only drink and don't eat food, but she wants to challenge it.

She took a sip from the mouth of the bottle, and was choked to tears.God, it's too spicy, and I'm dizzy.Didn't Luan Luan tell her that Erguotou is delicious?What is this smell?
No one would believe it, but this was Si Yu's first time drinking baijiu.It is the first time to drink baijiu to challenge this degree, without eating vegetables, it is almost ready to get drunk to death.That's right, she just wanted to get herself drunk, so that she wouldn't have any troubles, and she even wanted to get drunk because she didn't even know what to do tomorrow morning.

Some people say that life is a coffee table full of "cups", but this year her coffee table seems to have too many cups.She has turned 27, is still not married, and doesn't even have a boyfriend.She used to have a very good job, which can be used as a comfort - after all, it is not easy to find a good job now, and many college students stay at home.Her once good job should make up for other shortcomings - but unfortunately she doesn't even have this job now, unemployed because of her own fault.At the beginning of the year, I saw that another company had better conditions. I went for an interview without telling the boss, but I was found out, and I was fired later, and the other company did not enter.At the beginning, she didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that gold can shine wherever it goes, there is no place to stay here, but a place to stay.However, after several months of searching, she suddenly found that she was going to be unemployed for a long time, and she fell into an abyss of distress and fear.

Si Yu took another sip of wine, feeling that it was flowing to the bottom of his abdomen like burning coals.Maybe she should think about work more now. After all, how can she fall in love without food, but because today is Valentine's Day, she thinks more about her emotional shortcomings.To be honest, when she was a child, she never thought that she would not be able to marry when she grew up, and she still doesn't believe it now. She is not the kind of poor family in appearance. She has a slender figure, an intellectual temperament, and a pretty face.As for why she couldn't get married, it was because she never had the idea of ​​marrying, and she grew up before she knew it.Mom and Dad are already in a hurry, urging her to find a boyfriend every day, but finding a boyfriend is not about buying food. Even if you find someone who is a good match, you have to have feelings for each other. How can you find it right away?She escaped to live alone to escape the endless nagging of her parents, but now it seems that she has to go back to listen to nonsense again, because the living expenses are running out.

Si Yu was already a little drunk, and speaking of it, although she was annoyed by her parents nagging, she didn't really hate them, because she knew they had no choice but to do so.Because the uncles and aunts around her have long regarded her as a public nuisance, and even the media label girls in her situation as "leftover women".

Si Yu took another sip of his wine, and couldn't help but swear in his heart.Isn't she only 27 years old?It's not 30 years old anymore, and even if she is 30 years old, she doesn't feel anything.I really don't understand what's wrong with this society, it actually regards 25 years old as the warning line for a girl to marry, she is born in the [-]s...

Si Yu sneered while drinking, thinking about it carefully, the post-25s generation is really interesting.Back then, when the literary teenagers born in the 80s scrambled to shout out to the society, the mainstream social class, or the elders, simply regarded them as monsters and ghosts, threatening and exclaiming at the same time, as if they would turn the sky upside down when they grow up. up.And when they grow up, they realize that they are actually very honest and conservative, and they allow the society to set the age of 28 as the warning line for their marriage.In the 30s of the twentieth century, people called girls over 38 years old and unmarried as older young women. It stands to reason that [-] years later, this threshold should be raised to [-] years old. Unexpectedly, there is no progress but a regress. Hell.

Suddenly, she felt nauseated, and before she knew it, her stomach was already filled with wine, and her eyes began to blur.She rubbed her eyes, and suddenly fell down on the bed involuntarily, and the wine bottle in her hand also fell over.She didn't help, but lay flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling, her vision getting blurred.

Although reluctant, she still has to think about how to live in the future, and her living expenses are almost exhausted.It seems that she has to go back to her parents for a while, first scolded by them for losing her job, then nagged by them for not marrying the eldest, and then forced by them to go on a blind date...God, she really doesn't want to go on a blind date , but now it seems that it is impossible not to go.There is always no man she can love by her side. It seems that if she stays in her own world and waits, she may really be lonely for the rest of her life.Maybe the blind date is not as scary as she thinks, she may not meet any scary man, and she may not meet the parents who are forced to marry quickly because they think it is okay, she regards the blind date as a way to meet men. up.Well, now she can accept the blind date, the next step is to determine the strategic plan, at least determine what kind of man she should find...

I don't know if it's because of the inability to drink, but Si Yu felt her heart was burning and her pupils began to dilate. Although she knew that she had to be more realistic, she still hoped to find someone like Lei Yao.

Her eyes were already blurred like a cloud of mist, and her heart became even hotter. It was probably impossible for her to marry Lei Yao.No, saying "probably" means "impossible", there is no suspense at all!Even though she knew it was impossible, she still wanted to...

Si Yu turned over sullenly, using his weight to suppress his heartbeat.Lei Yao was her classmate in the same department when she was in University A, and she was the top school girl in the university.It is said that his degree of classics can be said to be unprecedented in the history of University A, and it may also be unprecedented.Generally, four conditions must be met to become a school girl: handsome, tall, rich in family, and talented.Lei Yao not only meets these four conditions, but also reaches the extreme.In terms of appearance, he has a perfect face; in terms of figure, he is 1.8 meters tall, absolutely well-proportioned, without a trace of fat, and can definitely be used in body beauty advertisements; A modern entrepreneur, after so many years of accumulation, his net worth is definitely hundreds of millions; in terms of talent, it is said that his grades are number one every year, and he has many talents, which are almost perfect to a certain level.

Since he is so perfect, there will naturally be countless fans. I heard that his female fans did all kinds of superb things to chase him. Si Yu always listened to it and never took it seriously. Thoughts, she just didn't want to make a fool of herself.

However, even though she knew that she was far behind, she still had fantasies in her heart, all kinds of fantasies like comics.Fantasies are fantasies after all. When she saw him, she was still sober and restrained. She never acted aggressively. When she graduated from college, she urged herself to forget him.

But she couldn't forget at all, and the memory was even more profound.When she was half drunk and half awake, she suddenly discovered that she hadn't been in love for so many years, not only because of her limited contacts, but also because she always subconsciously compared the men around her with Lei Yao.Because it was a subconscious activity, she didn't notice it herself, and now she suddenly realized it, and felt an instant collapse.This is simply another situation where he is not to marry. God, she has no chance to fall in love with him, but she has subconsciously insisted on him... Is there anyone more stupid than her in this world?
Si Yu smiled wryly, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes.Forget it, forget it.Tomorrow she will completely forget about him and find a man who matches her.She clenched her fist subconsciously, and suddenly felt something hard on her left ring finger.It was her new glazed ring, bought from a small stall, and it was just casually worn on her ring finger at the time. Now that she thought about it, it might be a message from her heart, or maybe she wanted to get married.Starting tomorrow, she will be trying to find a wedding ring to replace it, and I hope she can find it as soon as possible, preferably before the age of 30.

Three months later, Si Yu was sitting in the well-decorated bridal lounge, looking at the ring on her hand and giggling.She was wearing a top-notch wedding dress studded with diamonds, and she was wearing an eight-carat diamond wedding ring.According to Western-style wedding practices, the bride's wedding ring should be kept by the best man before the bride and groom exchange rings, but Si Yu asked for the wedding ring first, and put it on his finger for fun.There is no way, partly because it is a symbol of her happiness in life, and partly because she has never seen a real diamond bigger than a mung bean in her life.Is her idea a little too vain?However, there is no woman in this world who does not eat fireworks in the world. It is reasonable to be a little crazy when seeing such a big diamond.

Si Yu turned the ring to the sun, stared at it left and right, and suddenly remembered the state of mind when she was drunk on Valentine's Day.At that time, her heart was extremely dark. If she told her current situation to herself at that time, she might kill her, and she would not believe it.Yes, at that time I was frustrated in both love and work, and because of the darkness of reality, I didn’t dare to have any illusions about the future, and I was even conservative about whether I could find a man with better conditions in the future.How could she have expected that three months later, she would marry Lei Yao, the Prince Charming in her heart?
Si Yu clenched her fists, feeling the hardness of the platinum ring setting.Well, everything is real, it shouldn't be a dream, Si Yu still can't believe that her experience is real, even in broad daylight, she subconsciously bites her own finger.Because her situation was so good that not only she, but even her sisters felt that they were dreaming when they heard the news of her marriage.After many verifications, it was indeed true, they were all amazed, and after amazed, their eyes turned green: How did she get Lei Yao?What does Lei Yao like about her?
Yes, what does Lei Yao like about her?She also wanted to ask herself.As for how she hooked up with Lei Yao, it sounds more like a fairy tale.That day she just went to a familiar park to relax, and was surprised to meet Lei Yao there. Lei Yao also had a little impression of her, so he came to catch up with her, and learned from the cracks in her words that she was not married yet, and that she was not even in love. None talked about.Out of courtesy, he exchanged cell phone numbers with her, and was called away by a call.Si Yu thought that this was the only reunion between her and Lei Yao in this life, so she went home listlessly, and bought another bottle of Erguotou because of her depression, and came here to drink away her worries.Unexpectedly, a day later, Lei Yao took the initiative to call her to find her, and then asked her out to play, several times in a row.Si Yu didn't dare to imagine that Lei Yao was in love with her, and he didn't know what he was going to do when he was terrified.Every time she went out to play, she was nervous like a robot, until Lei Yao proposed to her, she suddenly realized it.

It stands to reason that being proposed by someone who has been looking up to her should make a girl so happy that she fainted, but because Si Yu never thought that she was worthy of Lei Yao, she was frightened when she saw Lei Yao propose to her, and then said stupidly He is not worthy of him at all, how could he have such an idea.No way, I was scared and confused and told the whole truth.After hearing this, Lei Yao smiled happily. He said that he knew she was a simple girl when he heard this, and then he took her hand and told her solemnly that he was actually a very traditional person, and he hoped to find her A good girl who is kind, simple, and virtuous in housekeeping.He said he had a good impression of her when he was in college.For some girls, going to college is the beginning of enchantment and openness, but she has been wearing plain clothes, with simple and fresh hairstyles, quietly staying in the corner reading a book, and there are boys who strike up a conversation with her will blush.A few years later, she is still the same, wearing simple and decent clothes, with a simple and fresh hairstyle, and she will not show greedy eyes when she sees luxury goods, even when he is about to buy a gift for her, she insists on not wanting it.And she hasn't been in a relationship yet, which is enough to prove that she is a pure girl who is cautious about her feelings. These advantages of hers are rare among modern girls. A girl like her is the best candidate for a wife, so he ready to marry her as his wife.

Hearing these words, Si Yu's first reaction was to rush to the temples of Confucius and Mencius to burn ten bundles of incense: Thank them for their traditional virtues!She was able to capture a super wealthy son-in-law by relying on these virtues, which is inseparable from their supernatural powers... Oh, this seems to be a bit far... However, Si Yu secretly smiled bitterly in his heart.In fact, although she is a virtuous and pure girl, she is indeed, but what Lei Yao sees is not all true.When she has a job, she also likes to wear extravagant clothes and have a ostentatious hairstyle, but after losing her job, she is not in the mood to take care of it and has no money to make her ostentatious, so she dresses so plainly.As for not showing greedy eyes when seeing luxury goods, it is because she knows that she can't afford them at all. Yao was just saying polite words, if she accepted the present she would definitely be looked down upon by him.Even if Lei Yao really wanted to give it to herself, she didn't have the money to buy it back... I didn't expect Lei Yao to choose her as his wife based on her "specious" virtues, it was such a beautiful misunderstanding.

Thinking of this, Si Yu couldn't help snickering complacently. She snickered for a while before realizing that this would definitely make the bridesmaid Zhang Meimei despise her, so she quickly stopped her smile and raised her head.

Huh?Is Zhang Meimei not here?Did he go out to get some air or...Si Yu suddenly smiled wryly, was he scared away by her?The way Si Yu smirked at the ring just now was a bit silly, more like hysterically showing off happiness.Zhang Meimei is the same age as her, and she is in the same situation as she was three months ago. It must be somewhat uncomfortable to see her like this now.Oops, she accidentally offended her good friend, how can she make up for her mistake?

Zhang Meimei came back, her face was really not good-looking.

"Oh, Meimei..." Si Yu hurriedly greeted her with a smile.

Zhang Meimei seemed to turn her eyes away unintentionally, instead of looking at her, she handed a folded note to her and said, "This is a woman who asked me to give it to you. She said she is yours." My friend, I want to give you a surprise."

surprise?Si Yu was full of doubts, but for some reason she was still a little uneasy.She quickly took the note, opened it quickly, and was stunned after looking at it.

It read: "Your husband intends to kill you shortly after marriage."

(End of this chapter)

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