If you love, please love deeply

Chapter 12 Secret Love and Threats

Chapter 12 Secret Love and Threats

Si Yu returned home full of doubts, unable to figure it out no matter what he thought, and finally couldn't help but secretly asked Luan Luan.After thinking about it for a long time, she gave her a more tenable answer analyzed by a legal professional: they didn't want to divorce, maybe because they were afraid of hurting Lei Yao's feelings or being laughed at, or maybe because of the inconvenience of property division.Self-made rich people like them are likely to have huge personal and joint properties combined.If the division is carried out through lawsuits, not only will there be difficulties in operation, but it will also seriously damage the vitality of affiliated companies.Litigation is time-consuming and labor-intensive, usually taking several months.If the husband and wife turn against each other during this period, many business transactions, such as certain guarantees and loans that require the signature of the husband and wife, cannot be handled, and the losses caused to the company may be immeasurable.Financial troubles may be the main reason that kills their idea of ​​divorce. The secondary reason may be that they are old and feel that it is meaningless to toss about it. It is more likely that because they have been together for so many years, they already have a relationship with each other and they don't want to divorce anymore. Separated.

Si Yu didn't understand Luanluan's words very well, but felt extremely heavy.She now realizes that perhaps she is really still a child, and a child should not meddle in the affairs of adults.Si Yu decided not to care about Li Buyan and Lei Shuo's affairs anymore, and she would cover her eyes even if something happened in the future. The most important thing now is to find out about Lei Yao's pre-marital life, but is it really necessary to find out?Is she being too sensitive and suspicious?

Si Yu doesn't plan to help "Lei Yao" keep his filial piety, because if she continues to keep her filial piety, she has the feeling that she will be kicked out at any time.She ran to the lingerie store and bought a set of sexy black underwear. It was really sexy, and many places were transparent.After buying this, Si Yu felt feverish on her face and under a lot of psychological pressure. In order to divert her attention, she went to a fashion store and bought a dress for Li Buyan. It was time to show her filial piety. I bought several valuable rings!
When Si Yu returned home with his clothes on, it was already dark.She closed the door of the room and was about to try on underwear, but unexpectedly found that her hairstyle seemed out of date, so she went out to get a haircut again.

After the haircut came back, Si Yu suddenly remembered that he hadn't given the gift to Li Buyan, so he quickly took a pocket and ran over.Li Buyan was sitting at the table dejectedly, and didn't greet her much.Si Yu knew that she had something on her mind, so she didn't say much.She returned to her room, took a deep breath, and was about to take out her underwear to unseal it when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Si Yu retracted his hand like a reflex, it's too bad, Lei Yao is back!
He greeted Si Yu routinely, and Si Yu responded with a smile, hiding his pocket under the quilt under the cover of his body.It's over, even the bag is afraid of letting him see it, how can I wear it for him to see later!
"Are you okay?" Lei Yao noticed something strange about her.

"It's okay, I..." Si Yu continued to laugh, blushing and wanted to say something, when suddenly there was another knock on the door.

Si Yu stood up straight instinctively, Li Buyan stood upright at the door with a serious face, did he come to thank her?Not like it!Could it be that he found out that she had dug out her notebook and came to question her?

Thinking of this, the hairs all over Si Yu's body stood on end, she didn't dare to look directly at Li Buyan's face, but couldn't help but peek at her.Too bad, Li Buyan's face was frosty, the more he looked at it, the more he looked like he wanted to question her!
"Mom, what's the matter?" Lei Yao felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, so he couldn't help standing up.

"Xiaoyao, go out for a while." Li Buyan's expression was tense like a stone sculpture, only the muscles around his mouth were moving.

Lei Yao went out suspiciously, Si Yu stared at his back, the moment he closed the door, she felt that she was thrown into danger, she swallowed heavily.

"Sit down!" Li Buyan stared at her and sighed softly.

Si Yu hurriedly sat on the bed, her upper body still stiff.

Li Buyan continued to stare at her, something seemed to be slowly melting in his gaze, he suddenly sighed, and took out a ball of fabric from his pocket: "Why did you give me this?"

"Eh?" Si Yu hurriedly looked at Li Buyan's hand and almost fainted. Isn't this the sexy underwear she chose?How could it be in Li Buyan's hands?Could it be that she took the wrong one by mistake just now?

"Did you find that our relationship is not very close?" Li Buyan's face was a little wine red, and at the same time, there was a kind of unspeakable shame, "That's why you gave me this?"

"Uh..." Si Yu wanted to explain a few words, but his throat was hard, and he couldn't say anything. He said that he took the wrong one by mistake?It sounds like a lie.My God, how could there be such a "disastrous" thing?What has become of her now?A [-]-year-old daughter-in-law who wants to meddle in the sexual affairs of her in-laws?
"I don't want to blame you." Li Buyan's face became more and more red, even the inside of his wrinkles were red, "I know you also mean well, but you are still young and don't understand our... Some problems are not so easy to solve.”

Si Yu felt that she was about to suffocate, she wanted to yell out but couldn't, she just wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip in.

"Okay, I'll return them to you." Li Buyan stuffed the underwear into Si Yu's hands with a wry smile, "I accept your kindness, but don't do similar things in the future, okay? "

Si Yu nodded her head like a chick pecking at rice. As soon as Li Buyan went out, she collapsed on the bed, grabbed the quilt and covered her head, wishing to smother herself to death, she was ashamed to see anyone!

Fortunately, Li Buyan didn't tell this matter and turned it into a little secret between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.Lei Yao didn't pay much attention to this matter, and he didn't question her afterwards.Afterwards, Si Yu questioned the servant, only to find out that after she left, the nanny Qing He came in to clean up.Probably because she changed the position of her pockets unintentionally, Si Yu wanted to call Qing He to beat her up, but the matter had come to an end, she could only be annoying, so she had to give up.

Because of two big oolongs in a row, Si Yu was exhausted and frustrated, and temporarily lost the energy to continue investigating Lei Yao's love history.In order to refresh her mind, she went shopping, but she did not expect to encounter a heavy rain not long after she went out.It was really frustrating, the sun was shining just now, but suddenly there was a torrential rain, as if it was specially crowding her. The most tragic thing was that when the raindrops fell, she was in the gazebo in the park, and she had no choice but to take a taxi. Who has ever seen a taxi Into the park?

Si Yu stood in a daze in the gazebo, the rain was getting heavier and heavier.Si Yu was completely desperate, took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Chen Ma and the others to pick her up, when suddenly she saw a person walking over with an umbrella in the distance.

Just as Si Yu looked over there, that person had already cried out in surprise.

"Oh, Si Yu, why is it you?"

"Hey, isn't this Li Chun?"

"What a coincidence that you are sheltering from the rain here!" Li Chun ran in three steps at a time.

"Why do you come to the park on a rainy day?" Si Yu wanted to laugh when she saw him, not because he was so funny, but because he was her best buddy, and she felt good when she saw him.

"I'm here to take a picture of the rain scene!" Li Chun pointed to the camera on his chest, and smiled wryly, "My stinky wife has had another convulsion recently, and she signed up for an online photography contest, and she can't handle the camera well. , so kick this mess to me. I don't think it's interesting to take pictures of ordinary scenery, so I came to take pictures of rain scenes. What are you doing here? Also to watch rain scenes?"

"What, I got caught while walking in the park." Si Yu pouted, looked at the camera on his chest, and couldn't help laughing again, "By the way, you are really considerate, your wife is so happy !” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly felt an unspeakable loneliness, and his expression froze.

"What kindness is that? I was forced by her lust..." Li Chun loudly denied, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Si Yu's lonely expression, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Although the time was short, his expression was extremely astonished, like being struck by a thunderbolt Same, quickly turned his head back, pretending not to see Si Yu's expression.Fortunately, when Si Yu was lonely, his eyes were empty, and he didn't see his expression.

Si Yu sighed softly, taking back his lonely mood, only to realize that the atmosphere had become weird, and suddenly said awkwardly, "Why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"

"It's okay." Li Chun smiled obscurely, glanced at Si Yu, and asked cautiously, "Are you lonely?"

"Huh?" Si Yu was startled, lowered her head subconsciously, and said in a forceful tone, "What is loneliness? I'm just unemployed and have nothing to do."

"Then Lei Yao didn't accompany you?" Li Chun's eyes gradually focused.

"What is he doing with me?" Si Yu originally wanted to just pretend nothing happened, and she also thought she should pretend nothing happened, but there was still a strange voice in her throat, "He has a job!"

"Oh." Li Chun smiled vaguely, and subconsciously squeezed his fist, "But he is not an ordinary office worker, since he married such a beautiful wife, he should spend time with her!"

"What?" Si Yu looked at him with a playful smile, she thought he was joking, "How can I be so good?" Suddenly seeing his serious expression, she was stunned.

"If I were him," Li Chun stared into her eyes and said word by word, "I would always be by your side and never leave for a moment." At the end of the speech, there seemed to be fire in his eyes.

Si Yu was startled, subconsciously took two steps back, and suddenly felt cold.what!She retreated into the rain!She blankly brushed the raindrops off her body, then suddenly turned and ran out of the park.right!Time to run!If you don't run away, something will happen to you!

"Oh! What are you doing?" Li Chun chased him out, "You will get wet!"

Si Yu ignored him, gritted his teeth and ran, but accidentally tripped over a protruding tree root, held on to the trunk and nearly fell down.In the blink of an eye, Li Chun had already caught up, grabbed Si Yu's arm, pulled her over forcefully, and hugged her involuntarily.

Si Yu could feel his violent heartbeat. At this moment, her heart also beat violently. After that, she felt an unspeakable rejection, and she pushed him away and ran away.She rushed out of the park as if fleeing for her life, squeezed into a bus, and waited for the bus to drive a long way before she dared to look behind.

The park was so far away that it looked like a mirage in the heavy rain.Si Yu let out a heavy breath, and stroked his wet hair, only to realize that his heart was still beating like a drum.She is so stupid, it turns out that Li Chun not only regards her as a buddy, but has been secretly in love with her.

Si Yu returned home with a blank expression, took a shower, changed clothes, dried her hair, and sat by the window in a daze.It is still raining non-stop, before it was a point, now it is a line.Si Yu lowered his eyes lightly and sighed heavily.It was only now that she knew that Li Chun's intentions made her feel a little guilty, but she didn't mean to share his feelings at all. She had already given all her feelings to Lei Yao, and she was already married to him.

marry?Si Yu subconsciously looked at the empty wedding room, and suddenly felt an unspeakable sadness, is this what marriage is like?

The phone rang suddenly, Si Yu thought it was Li Chun calling to explain to her, hesitated to answer it, but picked up the phone involuntarily.

Huh?This is not Li Chun's number.

Si Yu quickly connected the phone, and a woman's deep voice came from inside: "I have already found out about you, and you have a tryst with another man not long after you got married, can you not satisfy you by yourself?"

The scene of her being hugged by Li Chun suddenly appeared in Si Yu's mind, and she almost dropped her phone.Oh my god, could it be that this woman saw it?How can she see it?Are you following her?

"Who are you?" Si Yu subconsciously clenched the phone tightly and asked in a low voice.

The woman didn't answer, and then hung up.Si Yu held the phone blankly, feeling a coolness slowly overflowing from the bottom of her heart to all parts of her body, and then found herself sweating profusely.This woman should be jealous of her marrying Lei Yao, she is a woman who has emotional entanglements with Lei Yao.Could it be that the note was also sent by her?Si Yu thought of the note that almost ruined her wedding, panicked and added a bit of resentment, this stinky woman, I married Lei Yao openly, why do you do these things to me?Since Lei Yao didn't choose you, you should obediently admit defeat.

Thinking of this, Si Yu's body trembled, and then he showed an angry wry smile, did he count himself as a winner?Nope.Lei Yao has never been with her...huh?Does that have anything to do with this woman?What was Lei Yao's premarital life like?

A surge of courage suddenly surged in Si Yu's heart, and he made up his mind that if this woman calls again, she must persuade her to meet with him and have a good talk!

Si Yu let out a long breath, stroked his hair vigorously, and suddenly remembered that he should dress up to welcome Lei Yao.Lei Yao? !Si Yu stopped all his movements as if struck by lightning, would that woman call Lei Yao directly?
Thinking of this, Si Yu is almost on the verge of losing his footing. If Lei Yao is credulous, wouldn't she become a shameless wife in his eyes who is going to cheat soon after marriage?
Si Yu immediately fell into a huge panic. Even though nothing happened for the next few days, she still didn't dare to relax at all, and finally received another call from this woman one afternoon.

"How are you doing? Having a perfect husband and a..."

Si Yu didn't wait for the woman to finish speaking, and said like a cannonball: "I already guessed who you are! I know you hate me! But this can't solve the problem! Let's meet somewhere, shall we? Let's have a good talk and see how to solve this matter?"

The woman seemed to be taken aback, and after a while she sneered and said, "Okay, let's come out and meet. How about the Shuiyuan Cafe on Yudong Road?"

"Okay, wait a minute! I'll write it down!" Because the place name Siyu the woman mentioned was very unfamiliar, she immediately found a pen and paper to write down the address, and subconsciously read out aloud while writing, "Okay, I made a note! I'll go right away!"

"That's good! See you in half an hour!" The woman sneered and hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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