If you love, please love deeply

Chapter 19 Friends' Opinions

Chapter 19 Friends' Opinions

Ling Sihang took Si Yu to a restaurant and asked Si Yu to order whatever he wanted.Si Yu chose a very cheap dish, Ling Sihang was angry and funny, took the menu and ordered a few expensive dishes, and then complained to Si Yu in a low voice: "If you want to be frugal, you can't do this, you are Cut my face!"

"What!" Si Yu protested in a low voice with a blushing face, "I'm a newcomer, and I haven't created any value for the company yet. I feel uneasy after eating such an extravagant lunch!"

"Okay." Ling Sihang said half-jokingly and half-surrenderingly, "I'm really convinced. This meal is for me personally, not for the company's benefits. You can finish it well, okay? Don't cut me Save face, okay?"

"Of course I won't cut your face." Si Yu picked up his chopsticks and took a big mouthful of food, "But it's enough for you to invite me this time, don't invite me again next time, I really can't bear this, If you ask me to eat a few more meals, I will be ashamed to receive my salary."

"Okay, I'm completely convinced." Ling Sihang was completely helpless.Si Yu smiled at him and lowered his head to eat.She is also very frugal when eating vegetables, gnaws every bone, and does not pick and choose when picking vegetables.Ling Sihang secretly stared at Si Yu for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Haha, I understand now."

"Understand what?" Si Yu subconsciously put down his chopsticks.

"To be honest, I was very surprised when I first saw you." Ling Sihang smiled and stared at her, "I don't think you are the type that Lei Yao likes, but now I understand."

Si Yu understood that he meant that Lei Yao liked her good qualities, so she didn't care too much about it. What she cared about was which type Lei Yao liked?What does Lei Yao like?What kind of girlfriends did Lei Yao have before?

Si Yu almost blurted out these words, but he still forcibly held back.

Ling Sihang observed her words, seemed to know what she wanted to say, smiled and said: "You can ask whatever you want."

"I have nothing to ask." Si Yu quickly stuffed a mouthful of vegetables.

"You want to ask who Lei Yao's previous girlfriends were, right? It's okay, I can tell you secretly." Ling Sihang's face flashed a trace of embarrassment.

"No, I won't ask." Si Yu wanted to pretend to be relaxed, but his voice sank involuntarily, "The matter between him and them was before he married me, so I shouldn't be entangled in the past. "

"Oh." A smile flashed across Ling Sihang's eyes, and he seemed to approve of her, but he continued to say in a narrow tone, "But I think you really want to know!"

Si Yu smiled wryly, and stuffed a mouthful of food into his mouth: "I really want to know, but I know I shouldn't ask."

"Oh." Ling Sihang nodded slightly, his expression became a little strange, it seemed to be approval, pity, and righteous indignation.But this look disappeared quickly, and even Si Yu couldn't notice it.

After dinner, Ling Sihang drove Si Yu back to the company. When Si Yu got out of Ling Sihang's car, he suddenly found himself facing a group of strange eyes.Si Yu knew that he should pretend that he didn't know anything now, but he blushed involuntarily and lowered his head, as if there was something embarrassing about it.She just thought that the employees could not understand her because of her special treatment, but she didn't know that some people had already thought of other aspects.

It may be because Si Yu has gradually "started the way", and the work is going more and more smoothly.Ling Sihang often came to see her work progress, he was still the same, walking silently, but Si Yu had gradually gotten used to his sudden appearance, and was no longer surprised when he suddenly saw him.

Of course, no one can work non-stop.Si Yu also has moments of daze and rest, if Ling Sihang appears at this time, he will chat with her, ranging from international current affairs to gossip news.Si Yu gradually discovered that Ling Sihang was actually a very thoughtful person, and his words were very interesting.In addition, his attitude towards her was also very kind, and his affection for him increased day by day, and finally he felt like her friend for many years.Of course they are just friends, Si Yu's thoughts are always correct.

One day when Ling Sihang appeared, Si Yu happened to be resting. Si Yu thought that he was looking for her to chat again, so she couldn't help smiling.

"Quickly put away the blueprints and come out with me." Ling Sihang knew what she was thinking, and smiled to express his purpose.

"Huh?" Si Yu stood up in surprise, "You want to take me out for dinner again?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that he was wrong. It is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is not lunch time at all. He must have other things .

"Good idea!" Ling Sihang said with a smile, "I want to take you out to steal my teacher!"

"Stealing teacher?" Si Yu looked at his design subconsciously, suddenly feeling a little uneasy, "Do you want to use this design?"

"No." Ling Sihang smiled ghostly, "To be precise, I need you to play the oboe with me, anyway, you will understand when you get there."

Si Yu followed Ling Sihang suspiciously. He drove to an antique silver building, hid the car in a corner, and said to Si Yu in a low voice, "Did you see it? This is Gu Jiaxiang's shop."

"Gu Jiaxiang?" Si Yu had never heard of this name, and seeing Ling Sihang's awe-inspiring expression when he mentioned his name, he couldn't help being even more surprised. How could someone whom Ling Sihang valued so much not be famous?
Ling Sihang saw her doubts, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "It's not surprising that you haven't heard of his name, because his brand is not for the public, and he doesn't like hype. "Speaking, he turned his face to Yinlou, with a mixed expression of fascination, admiration and jealousy on his face, "This is exactly what makes him so powerful. His family has always followed the traditional way of doing business, never doing any publicity activities, and the expansion of influence has spread all over the world. Word of mouth from consumers. His jewelry is all handcrafted, there is no identical style, and the workmanship is also very fine. He is very popular in the upper class. He is one of the few designers that I can admire. Once I run out of inspiration, I will come here to find inspiration. Haha, but it would be embarrassing if people find out that I came here to steal a teacher. It will always make people feel weird when a big man comes in and stares at the counter, so I need you and me Sing a double reed, don't you mind?"

Si Yu nodded quickly, and turned his gaze to Yinlou, both surprised and questioned.Is it really that powerful?Moreover, Ling Sihang's design is in a modern and avant-garde style. His design should be in a traditional style. Is it useful to see these things?

Si Yu asked Ling Sihang this question tactfully, Ling Sihang smiled unfathomably, and said in a reproachful tone: "You, that's why you are not mature enough. You must know that good designs lead to the same goal by different routes. It’s not about plagiarism, it’s just about taking its artistic conception, and its form has nothing to do with me.”

Si Yu nodded his head half-understood, and became more curious. What kind of design is it, and the artistic conception can reach this level?Can it be "same goal" with good design all over the world?
Si Yu followed Ling Sihang into the silver building, and as soon as he entered the door, he smelled a simple scent of sandalwood, and he was stunned for a moment.The counters in the silver building are also old-fashioned, rounded by the years, exuding a gentle brilliance.There are rows of jewelry inside, which looks really unique.

Si Yu has not yet reached the realm of "distinguishing good from bad at a glance", so at first glance, he only thinks that these jewelry are exquisite in style and not too eye-catching, but when he calms down and looks carefully, he becomes more and more surprised.The styles of these jewelry are not surprising at first glance, but after careful inspection, one finds that the structure and lines are all perfect to the extreme, with continuous artistic conception and boundless aura. Although it is only a small jewelry, it seems to have its own universe, just like a "One flower, one world, one drop, one ocean".Especially for an emerald ring, the outlines of flowers, plants and mountain rocks are simply outlined with platinum on the ring setting, just like the freehand brushwork in landscape paintings. The pattern is more three-dimensional, and a green emerald is embedded in the middle.This emerald has definitely been carefully selected and carefully considered. The green is so deep that it feels like a lake.Si Yu stared blankly at the ring, his mind was slowly melting, and he actually saw the landscape of West Lake.

Ling Sihang was also looking at this ring, and accidentally saw Si Yu looking at it too, smiled inexplicably, and said to the salesperson: "Give us this ring and show us!"

The waiter took out the ring and handed it to Ling Sihang, who then reached out to Si Yu.

"What are you doing?" Si Yu was at a loss.

"Take out your hand!" Ling Sihang said with a smile.

Si Yu was taken aback. To be honest, she felt that it was a bit inappropriate to just pass her hand into his hand like this, but she thought that she was playing an oboe with him now, so she still passed her hand out.

"That's right." Ling Sihang held her hand with a smile, and put the ring on her finger.This ring was tight, and it was a little tight on Si Yu's middle finger, so Ling Sihang changed the ring to her ring finger, and said while wearing it: "The ring should also fit well with the hand. It's okay to tighten the skin. nice."

Although it was clear that they were acting, Si Yu still felt embarrassed and embarrassed.Not only because he squeezed her hand unceremoniously, but also because the ring finger has a special meaning.She is not good at putting on a poker face, and this embarrassment and embarrassment are quickly revealed.

"It's so beautiful!" Ling Sihang waved her hand like a flag towards the salesperson, and praised, "It's so beautiful, it's like it was specially made for her, isn't it?"

The ring fits very well on Si Yu's hand, the white and tender skin and the emerald green emerald complement each other, and the slender fingers with the lines of the ring setting are even more delicate.

The salesperson quickly agreed, and Si Yu was even more embarrassed to hear Ling Sihang compliment her so much.The salesperson looked at Si Yu, she had been suspicious for a long time, and finally couldn't help it, and asked them tentatively, "Excuse me, are you a husband and wife?"

Si Yu was startled, and just about to say no with a smirk, but Ling Sihang preempted him: "Yes, we are husband and wife, we have just been married for three months."

What?Si Yu's jaw almost flew out, and for a moment he just wanted to run away from the door.God, what is he doing?This play can't go on!
The salesperson looked at them dubiously, Si Yu's face suddenly became hot, and he lowered his head.Ling Sihang, however, remained calm. He took another quick look at the jewelry on the counter, and then bought the ring. He probably wanted to take it back and study it slowly!
"I heard that the packaging box for your rings is also very special. It is inlaid with ebony, inlaid or shells. Can you give us one?"

"Yes!" The salesperson replied with a smile, his eyes were shining with relief and pride, Ling Sihang knew so clearly, he must have come here because of the reputation.

The packing box was placed in the cabinet at the end of the counter. Ling Sihang and other salespersons walked away and whispered to Si Yu, "This packing box is also a work of art. You'll know when she brings it. It's really very artistic!"

Si Yu is not in the mood to care about the packing box at all: "What did you do just now? How can you say we are husband and wife?"

She thought that Ling Sihang would definitely apologize shamelessly, but she didn't expect that Ling Sihang would not take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Didn't I tell you that we were acting in 'Shuanghuang'? I must say that we are husband and wife. Does my sister buy a ring? Have you ever seen a father buy a ring for his daughter? Haha, even if there is such a situation, we can’t pretend, because we don’t look like father and daughter.”

The salesperson came back with the jewelry box, Ling Sihang immediately shut up and took the box with a smile.It is indeed a work of art. The simple and simple carvings, shells and copper flowers are ingeniously combined together, which is really ingenious.However, Si Yu was not in the mood to look at it at all, and just squinted at Ling Sihang angrily.What he said just now seemed reasonable, but it was more like sophistry.Although she knew he shouldn't mean anything else, and that artists tend to be careless, she still felt that his jokes went too far.

Ling Sihang led Si Yu out of the silver building, and Si Yu subconsciously sat in the back seat.Ling Sihang was slightly taken aback, without saying anything, sat in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Here." Si Yu put the ring into the box and handed it to him.

Ling Sihang glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, but didn't pick it up: "Just take it, it's my wedding gift for you."

"Huh?" Si Yu was taken aback, the hand holding the box froze in mid-air.To be honest, she didn't want to accept this ring. Although she knew that he would have no intentions of her, she just instinctively didn't want to accept it.But Ling Sihang said that the ring was not for herself, but for their husband and wife.It seemed inappropriate for her to turn down the gift by herself.

Ling Sihang pushed the ring back while she was in a daze, and said in a begging tone: "Please, Lei Yao was already angry with me when I didn't make it to your wedding last time. If I don't give you a wedding gift again, I will be in front of him Feeling ashamed."

It's clever to link this gift with Lei Yao and his friendship subtly.If Si Yu refuses to accept this gift, it seems that he is deliberately destroying the friendship between him and Lei Yao.Si Yu had nothing to say, so he had no choice but to accept it.

After returning home, Si Yu showed the ring to Lei Yao, but Lei Yao didn't say anything after seeing it.Si Yu put the ring together with the box in the drawer, and then sent a text message to Ling Sihang, saying that Lei Yao had seen the ring and was very satisfied, and thanked him.Her behavior was completely subconscious, but she unconsciously revealed her intention to avoid suspicion.If he had given the ring as a single courteous gesture to her, he had lost his purpose.If he still wants to court her in the future, she will report to her husband.

Ling Sihang is a smart person, of course he can understand the meaning.He laughed and sighed while reading the text message, and then he began to think, his expression became more and more obscure and dignified, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Afterwards, Si Yu had a relationship with Ling Sihang. She didn't feel that Ling Sihang had any plans for her, but instinctively felt that she should have a relationship with him.Although this may cause Ling Sihang's misunderstanding or even contempt, she still feels that some distance is better.The festival of fame in marriage is very important and can be easily destroyed. Even if they are frank and frank, it is not good if there are some unintentional and specious actions that are seen by some interested people and spread rumors. .

Ling Sihang seemed to understand Si Yu's meaning, of course, he might have misunderstood her, and kept a certain distance from her.I rarely come to chat with her, and I have to pass on many words to her.Si Yu is at ease with this, no matter what, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

However, because of this, Si Yu had more chances to get in touch with other employees.She naturally treated them with a normal attitude. She never regarded herself as a "noble person", but she was surprised to find that their attitude towards her suddenly was not normal. It seemed that they were all hiding or suppressing certain emotions.Si Yu was very nervous about this, and first wondered if they had misunderstood the relationship between her and Ling Sihang.At the beginning, Si Yu was very panicked, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this should not be the case.Because she and Ling Sihang didn't have much time to appear in front of other employees together, and nothing inappropriate did fall into their eyes, so they shouldn't suspect anything because of this.Is it because of the special treatment she gets?But this problem has always existed, and their strange emotions have always existed. They have no reason to suddenly feel strongly about this matter. What happened?
Si Yu originally wanted to deal with this situation in a non-surrogate way, hoping to "defeat the blame", but unexpectedly it turned out to be "the strange will make the strange".The strangest thing was Sun Ling, the ace designer of the company. At that time, Si Yu had been immersed in the design, and when he raised his eyes inadvertently, he found that she was standing at the door staring at her.Si Yu wanted to say hello to her, but found that she was hiding half of her body behind the door, and her expression was complicated and secretive.Seeing her like this, Si Yu became nervous and embarrassed, and simply continued to work, pretending not to see her.Sun Ling stared at her for a while and then left, not knowing what to do.After she walked away, Si Yu let out a long sigh, both angry and funny, full of doubts in his heart.What are you doing?It's like a suspense movie, no, it's a horror movie!

(End of this chapter)

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