Chapter 25

"What's wrong?" Lei Yao saw her nervous face, and seemed to be trying to hide something.

"There's something I want to show you." Si Yu took out the notebook, handed it to Lei Yao, and then quietly stepped aside, quietly watching what happened.

Suspiciously, Lei Yao opened the notebook and immediately recognized his mother's handwriting.

"What the hell is this?" Lei Yao flipped through the notebook quickly, and at the end he suddenly roared, "What the hell is this?"

The notebook is full of nasty words that make him dumbfounded.He feels the same as Si Yu, that is, these love words can never be written to her husband, and his mother has someone outside!
Si Yu was terrified by Lei Yao's roar. She thought he was closer to his mother and would sympathize with and understand her, but she was also furious.

It turns out that all sons attach great importance to their mother's integrity.In their view, mother's cheating is not only betraying her father, but also betraying them.

"How could she treat me like this?" Lei Yao took the notebook and was about to go out angrily.Si Yu quickly grabbed him, he looked like a pressure cooker before it exploded: "What are you doing?"

"Of course I asked my mother to tell me clearly! Is this still reasonable? How could she treat me like this? Then what happened to her to my father? "

"Don't be so impulsive. You can't argue with her now. She may have broken up with that man and is planning to return to her family. It's not clear what's going on now. If you rush to argue with her, things will get out of hand! "

The veins on Lei Yao's head twitched suddenly and stopped.Si Yu looked at him cautiously, not even daring to breathe.

Lei Yao sighed a long time, and sat down: "Then let's have a long-term plan!" Suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his eyes suddenly turned to Si Yu: "Why do you have this notebook?"

"Ah!" He must have guessed something, Si Yu quickly explained: "Didn't Mom like to go to that park, and I also like to go. I accidentally saw Mom burying something under a maple tree that day, and I was curious , I went to see it after Mom left, and I dug up this thing.”

Lei Yao looked at her suspiciously, his eyes gradually turned gentle, dubious.Si Yu didn't dare to look at him, feeling that his eyes were like X-rays, and shivered involuntarily.

Fortunately, Lei Yao didn't continue to stare at her, but supported his cheek with the back of his hand, lost in thought.Si Yu silently poured him a cup of tea, and sat facing him.

"Go to sleep!" Lei Yao finally spoke after a long time, his voice was extremely dull.

"What about you?" Si Yu asked cautiously.

Lei Yao shook his head, did not speak, Si Yu did not dare to disobey him, went back to bed and lay down, and fell asleep unconsciously.When she woke up the next day, it was high in the sun, she got up quickly, and the first thing she did was to go to see Lei Yao.

Lei Yao is no longer there, the quilt on his bed has not been unfolded, and the pillow has not been shifted, but there are many wrinkles, which makes people's heart wrinkle along with it.Si Yu wandered around Lei Yao's area in a daze, and suddenly found a few pieces of torn paper in the wastebasket.

These papers were torn to shreds, but Si Yu still put them back together, Si Yu felt extremely bored when putting them together.Sure enough, it was Lei Yao's handwriting, with several people's names and years written messily on it.Si Yu frowned and thought for a while, Lei Yao must be looking for "suspects", these years are probably the years when they met Li Buyan.Perhaps he wanted to compare these years with the dates recorded in Li Buyan's diary or love story, and find out who "seduced" Li Buyan.

seduce.Si Yu smiled bewilderedly, feeling that he could understand Lei Yao's thoughts more and more.

Si Yu entered the names and years of these people into the mobile phone, threw the shredded paper back into the trash can, and then stared at the mobile phone in a daze.She was a little disappointed, she thought that Lei Yao would invite her to act together, but yesterday he said "we" to make a long-term plan, but he still acted alone.Although this seems understandable, my mother did something ugly, and I was really embarrassed to let others get involved in it.But Si Yu felt a little uncomfortable, she was his wife.Of course, this "wife" may have been mixed with water.

Si Yu subconsciously searched for their names with a search engine, and felt that Li Buyan was an entrepreneur, and she probably knew not ordinary people.

Sure enough, they are not ordinary people. One of them is a university professor, one is a pianist, one is a star entrepreneur, and the other is a newspaper editor.After seeing this, Si Yu suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of inferiority complex, it really is that people are divided into groups!

After knowing their identities, Si Yu looked for their photos.After screening, she felt that the pianist named Wu Ziyu was the most similar.Because he is handsome and worthy of Li Buyan's love words.Although the others looked refined, their looks were mediocre, which didn't match those love words.

Thinking of those love words, Si Yu thought of the notebook, stood up and looked around, but found that it was no longer there, Lei Yao must have taken it away.Although this is reasonable, Si Yu just feels uncomfortable.She tried her best to forget this unhappiness, searched for other information about Wu Ziyu, and finally found a suspicious photo on Wu Ziyu's blog.

It was a group photo of Wu Ziyu and his friends, with a huge cake and densely packed candles in the background.This is supposed to be a photo of him at a birthday party, but below the lens, there is a hand.This hand holds a plate with a piece of cake in it, and on the wrist is a gorgeous platinum Cartier cheetah bracelet.

It seems that the owner of this hand was planning to serve a cake to Wu Ziyu. Wu Ziyu was taking a group photo with his friend and accidentally included this hand.

The owner of this hand would serve cakes to Wu Ziyu, which proved that she and him should have a very close relationship. If it was a boy or a girl, it would be fine, but it must be unusual for middle-aged people to have this kind of behavior.And the bracelet on this hand, isn't it Li Buyan's?

Although Si Yu had already determined that this person was Li Buyan, he still called Lei Yao to confirm.This kind of thing can't be careless, Lei Yao zoomed in on the photo and examined it carefully, and confirmed that this hand belonged to his mother, but he couldn't confirm that this man was Li Buyan's lover.

"Could it be him?" Lei Yao said anxiously, "I don't think he is much better than those men, I know my mother, she always picks the best."

"But he is the most handsome." Si Yu said with a wry smile.

"Handsome?" Lei Yao still hesitated, "I didn't think so, besides, my mother doesn't just care about appearance..."

"Trust me." Although Si Yu said it cautiously, he was firm, "When there is no big difference in other conditions, women always tend to choose the handsome one."

"Ah?" Lei Yao stared at that person for a while, then smiled wryly.Si Yu knew why he was smiling wryly, Wu Ziyu looked far worse than Lei's father and son.How could his mother condescend to fall in love with this "ugly ghost"?
"What should we do next?" Si Yu looked at Wu Ziyu's photo, uneasy and at a loss.

"Of course it's to investigate the extent of their relationship." Lei Yao tried his best to appear calm, but his tone was still aggrieved, "Of course, we must know his interests and all the tokens and letters. Destroy it, and ask him to promise that no matter what happens in the future, he will never harass my mother again, and it is best not to meet her again, so as to prevent future troubles!"

Si Yu listened quietly, she really wondered if he wanted to beat Wu Ziyu in private.

Lei Yao frowned and thought about it, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "Forget it, stop haggling like this, go directly to that man! Just say that we already know about their relationship, and ask him directly!" He straightened his coat and was ready to go.

Seeing that he wanted to act alone again, Si Yu's heart sank.

Lei Yao glanced back inadvertently, and suddenly saw Si Yu puffing his mouth: "Okay, you come along, I believe you have never done similar things, don't talk nonsense!"

Si Yu was naturally willing to follow Lei Yao's footsteps and ran downstairs briskly, feeling extremely happy and proud, did this count as touching his heart?
Wu Ziyu is an old widower with a seventeen or eighteen-year-old daughter. After hearing the news, Si Yu sighed, "That's how it is".It was the first time for his daughter to see Lei Yao, but when facing Lei Yao, she had a happy expression on her face. Lei Yao just politely smiled back at her, and her eyes lit up with excitement.A sly smirk flashed in Lei Yao's eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.Si Yu seemed to see another Lei Yao at this moment, he was full of viciousness but full of charm, very impressive, very different from his usual appearance.Si Yu's heart suddenly sank, what is the relationship between this Lei Yao and the "usual" Lei Yao? Do "they" coexist with each other, or is one a mask for the other?
Lei Yao revealed his identity to Wu Ziyu, Wu Ziyu was slightly surprised, but not panicked at all, as if he didn't know anything.When Lei Yao said that he wanted to "talk in the room" with him, Wu Ziyu still looked confused.Lei Yao was surprised, did he make a mistake?Or is he too good at pretending?

Lei Yao and Wu Ziyu went into the study for a "secret chat", while Si Yu chatted with his daughter outside.When she heard that Si Yu was Lei Yao's wife, she was first horrified and jealous, then resentful and contemptuous.Si Yu couldn't help being shocked and angry, she and Lei Yao are already a legal couple, does she still want to get involved?
After a while, Lei Yao came out with an obscure expression on his face.Si Yu quickly followed Lei Yao out.

"How's the situation?" Si Yu kept Lei Yao's admonition not to let her talk nonsense, and dared not ask him until he was in the car.

"I don't know!" Lei Yao curled his lips, "I don't know if this guy is too good at pretending or something, he seems to know nothing, seeing him like this, I don't dare to test him too boldly."

Si Yu bit her lip and said nothing.She knew Lei Yao didn't say a word, even Wu Ziyu might be innocent.He didn't say it because he cared about her face.She was a little embarrassed and uneasy about this, so she wanted to change the subject and talked about Wu Ziyu's daughter.

"Oh, this girl really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth." Lei Yao sneered at Wu Ziyu's daughter.Si Yu became happy and smiled unconsciously.Only now did she realize that she actually cared about this matter.

"Now there is such an idiot woman who has no moral values ​​and doesn't know what she is. She thinks she is something!" Si Yu smiled and nodded secretly, hearing Lei Yao say that was more satisfying than scolding herself.

"However." Lei Yao suddenly changed the subject, "Wu Ziyu is also abominable. He pretended to be innocent after bullying my mother. Even if he never bullied my mother, he must have coveted her. I might as well just get his daughter Shake it off and see how he feels!"

"Eh?!" Si Yu never expected him to say such a thing, and almost gasped in shock.

"Haha." Lei Yao knew that Si Yu must be terrified, he laughed, "Of course it's a joke, if it's true, how dare I say it in front of my wife? Besides, doing such a thing would also insult my identity."

"Ha." Si Yu smiled awkwardly, blushing.

Lei Yao and Si Yu returned home and began to study the list of suspects that Lei Yao had concluded. It seemed that Wu Ziyu was the most suspected.

"I'll continue to investigate!" Lei Yao said hesitantly, "I may have to run around in the future, you should stay at home and don't let this matter out, you know?"

Si Yu nodded with a smile, and suddenly caught a glimpse of fear in Lei Yao's eyes.Was Lei Yao afraid that she would act recklessly by herself, causing unnecessary trouble, or accidentally revealing the matter?
Lei Yao picked up the list and looked at it carefully. Just as he was about to stand up, the door was suddenly knocked open.

Lei Yao and Si Yu turned their heads, both stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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