If you love, please love deeply

Chapter 30 Breaking the Cocoon

Chapter 30 Breaking the Cocoon
Si Yu quietly watched him run wildly, and did not stop him, but just found a clean stone and sat on it to watch.She had a bit of sadness, pity, and even a bit of surprise.This was the first time that Lei Yao had no pretense in front of her. When she looked at the real him, her heart gradually calmed down, becoming more and more calm.

Lei Yao finally couldn't run anymore, stopped not far from Si Yu, knelt on the ground and panted desperately, suddenly said in a low voice, "You have been guarding by my side, afraid that I will commit suicide?"

Si Yu smiled bewilderedly, and shook his head lightly.

Lei Yao watched her, his sweat-soaked lips squirmed slightly.When Si Yu arrived at his door yesterday, he found out.At first he found it very annoying and suspected that she would disturb him, but he didn't expect that she would keep guarding him quietly all the time.

He stared at Si Yu quietly, seeing her face bathed in the sun, and suddenly felt something different.He rarely stared at her so seriously, even if he gazed occasionally, it was with ulterior motives.Looking at her now without distracting thoughts, it feels very peaceful, like a sponge dipped in warm water, gently wiping his heart.

They looked at each other and suddenly had a chemical reaction.

"Let's go." He sighed softly, turned around and walked towards the gate of the sports field, but walked very slowly.When they walked to the door, they suddenly found that Lei Yao's car was gone, and Si Yu's bicycle was locked by a small tree beside him.

Si Yu burst into laughter, Lei Yao rubbed his hair in embarrassment, and suddenly laughed: "I'm too careless, if I put the car in this kind of place, of course it will be stolen, I'm so stupid..."

His smile seemed to open the floodgates of his heart.Although it's not enough to "let out all the depression", but his face is obviously much better.

Si Yu glanced at him with relief, walked over and pushed the bicycle over: "I'll take you with me!"

"Oh, good..." Lei Yao smiled awkwardly.

Lei Yao sat on the back seat and did not hug Si Yu's waist.He doesn't look fat, but is very strong.The heavy back seat made Si Yu feel strangely at ease, and he pedaled harder.However, even so, the car was still riding very slowly and wobbly.

Lei Yao sighed and told her to stop and change to him.He rode much faster than her, and the bike was very stable.Si Yu felt relieved, and wanted to hug his waist, but his heart suddenly became confused, and he felt an inexplicable pain, so he had to put his hand down.

Their luck was very bad today, it started to rain just halfway through the ride.This is the outskirts of the city, and there is no way to go to the village or back to the shop, so they had to take shelter under a big tree.After the air was washed by the rain, the temperature dropped sharply. Lei Yao was wearing a vest and shorts, and soon shrank his shoulders from the cold.

Seeing him like this, Si Yu laughed again: "Young Master Lei would be so embarrassed!"

Lei Yao curled his lips and ignored her.He looked embarrassed and slightly short-tempered, looking like a child in trouble.Si Yu looked at him with a smile, and suddenly took off his coat to cover him.

Lei Yao was stunned, and hurriedly tore off his coat and put it on Si Yu: "Don't cut me down, I'm a man, how can I let a woman suffer from the cold?" After speaking, he turned his face away, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised.Seeing him like this, Si Yu smiled again.

The two of them dragged their feet back home, bathed and changed their clothes.Si Yu collapsed after taking a shower. Her illness hadn't fully healed yet, and it's no wonder she didn't fall ill after tossing around like this.Lei Shuo hurriedly called the doctor to come to see her.The doctor put water on her, and she opened her eyes in a daze, only to find that Lei Yao was sitting in front of her sullenly.

"You are really cunning," he sighed softly, and put Si Yu's hands outside into the quilt, "you actually divert my attention by being sick, you know I won't ignore it, Right?"

Si Yu was amused, but his smile was a bit bleak.

"As long as I take care of you distractedly, I won't be immersed in memories anymore, you think so? You really have a way!" Lei Yao took out a few green leaves from his arms and put them on Si Yu's head , "Don't move, it's radish leaves. I read the folk remedies from the book, saying that putting radish leaves on the head of a fever patient can reduce the fever. I found it from my mother's vegetable garden." Turning his face to one side, he complained like a child: "My mother's vegetable garden is really bad, the soil is too loose, let alone the rain, I almost fell into it!"

Si Yu was amused again, but the smile was even more sad.Lei Yao still looked elsewhere, was silent for a moment, said "take good care of your illness" and left.After that, he came to see her every now and then, and although he didn't express anything, Si Yu could clearly feel his concern.

Si Yu soon recovered, but Lei Yao's "illness" was not cured.He still didn't say a word, except for going to work, he was in a daze.Si Yu didn't say anything about this, but just stayed with him without saying a word, like a cat loyally accompanying its owner with autism.

That day Lei Yao was playing Go with himself in the gazebo in the garden, Si Yu sat quietly on the side, looking at the chess board with a calm expression.She knows that when playing chess, people don't like to be disturbed or given on-the-spot guidance, so she tried her best to suppress her expression.However, she couldn't control her own speculation, so when Lei Yao made a move, she couldn't help thinking about his next move, and her eyes always subconsciously landed on the place she guessed.

"Haha." Lei Yao smiled vaguely, and beckoned her to sit down, "Play chess with me, but don't open another chess game, and continue with this endgame, to see if you can beat me." He said this When the eyes are shining, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Si Yu readily agreed and sat in front of him.After that, the two of them didn't say a word, except for playing chess, they didn't even move. It seemed that the fight was tense, but the atmosphere was quite peaceful.After a while, Lei Yao suddenly curled his lips: "You don't need to let me anymore, don't think you are doing it secretly, I won't be able to see it."

Although he looked very unhappy, there was not much unpleasantness in his tone.

Si Yu was indeed letting him in quietly, and tried his best not to let him win.She smiled mischievously at him: "I won't let you. If I try my best, I'm afraid you won't be my opponent!"

"Impossible." Lei Yao smiled contemptuously, "You should try it!"

Si Yu didn't think he was disobedient, and began to do everything he could.The situation on the chessboard changed dramatically, and within a short while, Lei Yao was completely defeated.Unwilling to admit defeat, Lei Yao played several more rounds with Si Yu, but in the end they were all killed.

Although he is competitive, he is also quite gracious, and wiped the sweat off his forehead with a smile: "Sure enough, I really underestimated you." When he said this, his expression suddenly became a little bewildered, and it was the first time he really recognized Si Yu In the past, she always regarded her as a useless silly woman, even if she saw the advantages, she didn't take it to heart.This is the first time he admits that Si Yu is better than him.

Si Yu didn't know what he was thinking, and looked at him with a smile.Unexpectedly, his expression became more and more bewildered, and he couldn't help becoming bewildered along with him.

She didn't know that just now Lei Yao brought his anger and thinking about the situation into the chess game.He thought he was the one who was right and would win, but unexpectedly he was defeated repeatedly, and was defeated by Si Yu again, which had a sense of fate.After losing, he felt lost, but his heart suddenly became clear.

"I don't really understand." He suddenly murmured, "I don't know why Lan Ling left me. She is excellent, but I am better than her. I have always been good to her, but she said I didn't Give her space, control her too strictly, but I'm also doing it for her own good. I really don't understand why she left me."

Feelings are something that sometimes the authorities are obsessed with bystanders.Some outsiders understand the truth immediately, but the authorities just don't understand it.

Si Yu listened quietly to his description of the situation with Lan Ling, his face gradually darkened, but his expression was extremely calm.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Lei Yao suddenly let out a long sigh of relief, and his face brightened, "Maybe this is the emotional thing, I don't understand it, and I don't need to understand it. Her and I are over. gone."

Si Yu's face brightened again, and he smiled with relief.

That night, Lei Yao went back to the wedding room and asked Mrs. Amei to remove the screen and restore the sofa bed to its original shape.Si Yu was very surprised when he came back, and was at a loss for a moment.

"Are you surprised?" Lei Yao walked over with a smile. He had just experienced "psychological suffering", and he seemed quite distracted.However, Si Yu stepped aside before he could speak, and said in a low voice but firmly: "I'm sorry, I don't want to be a substitute."

Lei Yao's face froze, he forced a smile, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.He glanced at Si Yu with complicated eyes, lowered his head and walked away silently.

Si Yu hoped that he would leave, but was a little surprised to see him actually leave.She glanced at his back, feeling lost in her heart, really confused for a while, but finally calmed down and relieved, with a sad but firm smile on her lips.She has watched Lei Yao slowly get out of the predicament these days, and she is also quietly breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.She is almost out of her cocoon, and will soon be able to spread her wings and fly.

After that, Lei Yao didn't approach her again for several days.Si Yu can basically take it easy, but at some unexpected moments, she will be a little flustered.That night was like this, she subconsciously walked to the room where Lei Yao was, wanting to see what he was doing, but unexpectedly heard him yelling: "You have no right to say that about me!"

Si Yu was taken aback, subconsciously hid in a corner, and suddenly found a group of people hiding at the door.Lei Yao was yelling at someone, and that person was Lei Shuo.

"What do you mean I don't have the right to talk about you? I'm your father!" Lei Shuo was very angry after being contradicted, and also yelled at Lei Yao, but his voice was no match for him, and it sounded like he was justified.

"So what if you are my father? Elders must respect themselves to be respected by others. You are old and disrespectful. Why should I respect you?" Seeing Lei Shuo revealing his father's identity, Lei Yao got even more angry.

"Where am I being disrespectful?" Lei Shuo's lips trembled with anger, "You said it!"

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid? Do you really want me to count out the things you did one by one?" Lei Yao said with a sneer, and suddenly saw Li Buyan looking at them nervously and worriedly, his heart suddenly With a "click", he cut off the conversation resentfully.

No matter how stupid Lei Shuo was before, he has reconciled with Li Buyan now.It would be meaningless for him to talk about the past with him, and it might affect their husband and wife relationship.So for the sake of his mother, he couldn't go on talking.

It stands to reason that Lei Shuo should avoid such topics, but unexpectedly, he seemed to have suffered a great deal of injustice, and became even more angry: "What did I do? What do you think I did? Ah! I understand! He turned pale with anger, and pointed at him, "Is this the reason for you to mess around? Do you think I am disrespectful, so you can do anything wrong?!"

Lei Shuo criticized Lei Yao for this before, but Lei Yao did not show weakness, but now he is silent because he saw Si Yu standing aside.

Lei Shuo didn't notice his slight change at all, and continued pointing at Lei Yao and scolding him, he was going crazy: "Look at you, don't you feel that you have done something wrong at all? The big things in life can be used as a joke Is it? And you are still joking about other girls' life events! You are a man and you are not afraid, but she is a girl!"

Hearing this, Si Yu suddenly realized that the reason why Lei Shuo was furious must be because he knew about the fake marriage between Lei Yao and her.Although Si Yu was relieved about this matter, she was still a little embarrassed and flustered when she was brought to the stage and told.She hurriedly looked at the onlookers, only to find that they were bewildered.

Don't they know yet?It must be that Lei Shuo didn't say this clearly.Lei Shuo still took the overall situation into consideration, so there is still room for redemption.big picture?room?What is she still hoping for?
Thinking of this, Si Yu felt confused, and his mind also became confused.

(End of this chapter)

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