Ultraman's Dark Bond

Chapter 5 Contact

Chapter 5 Contact
Suddenly, before Yunhui could say anything.The mysterious man was almost hit by a light bullet that suddenly appeared.

But his reaction was not slow at all. When the light bullet was close at hand, his eyes froze, and he formed a defensive mask through his thoughts to block it.

"Do you want to lay hands on innocent people?"

At some point, a man has come to their side. The man has short black hair and a thin but strong figure. The object that resembles a light stick in his hand is also flickering all the time. He stared at the black masked man and said.

"Oh? Our hero of justice won so quickly, much faster than I imagined, keep it up next time." His words were full of disdain.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"I think you know this question better than me. Then, Xinye, I hope that your performance can surprise me next time." Grinning with a toothy grin, a black mist rose into the air after saying the name of the able-bodied person , and disappeared in place with him.

Comes without a sound, disappears without a sound.This feeling gave Yun Hui beside him a mysterious coercion.

But he didn't take it into consideration, instead he closed his eyes and stroked his forehead with one hand, obviously having lingering fears about what happened just now.For the first time, he tasted the feeling of brushing shoulders with death. He never wanted to just die in this strange world, and he absolutely couldn't.

"Are you okay?" Xin Ye let go of his heavy heart after the man had completely disappeared, turned his eyes to the young man next to him, and comforted him.

After hearing his question, it seemed that the burden in my heart was reduced a lot.After Yun Hui restrained himself for a while, he tried his best to behave normally, stood up and said with a smile, "Hehe, I'm letting you see a joke."

".That's not the point, you'd better get out of here quickly." After saying something casually, Xin Ye turned her back and was about to leave.

Yun Hui is not an idiot either, he has a premonition that if he doesn't grasp this opportunity well, he will never get close to him again.Without Ultraman by his side, if he encounters a strange beast again, he will really die! ! !
"Wait, Altman, can I ask you some questions?"

Hearing the three conspicuous words of "Ultraman", Xin Ye couldn't help being stunned. After a stalemate for about three seconds, he said without looking back: "If it's about giants, then forget it."

"The thing in your hand is the so-called "Guardian of Evolution", and I know the name Nexus."

It's really a bit surprising, if it's just an ordinary passer-by, how would you know this.Although surprised, Xinye still didn't show any expression and said, "What do you want to say?"

"I already know your secret, but I can keep it for you, as a deal, you." At this moment.Yunhui felt exhausted.

Grass, I didn't think about what to say, so I said it.

Under Xin Ye's puzzled gaze, Yun Hui thought for a while and said, "Let's have a meal together, okay?"

The sun gradually set in the west, and as the sun set, it dyed the sky into dusk.

In a western-style luxury restaurant, most people use forks and fruit knives to insert the delicate meat and desserts on the table without losing their grace, chew slowly and taste the deliciousness.

And Yunhui is also a quality person, imitating their appearance and chewing slowly, in fact, he really wants to eat big mouthfuls.

And Xin Ye was sitting in another seat opposite his table, with his right hand resting on his cheek, without any appetite, and felt a little inexplicably funny for the young man in front of him.But I can't laugh.

Yunhui also didn't intend to just have a simple meal at the beginning, if he left after eating like this, it would be meaningless.

"Was that guy a big boss just now?" Yun Hui asked after putting down the "Liang Jie" plate in his hand, of course the voice was not very loud.

"What boss?"


"New night, my name. What about you?"

"Yunhui, hehe."

Not long after staying, the full customers in the restaurant had left, until only the two of them were left.

"That transformation device, can you lend me a look?" After confirming that there was no outsider, Yun Hui hesitated for a while, although he knew it would fail, he still couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" After thinking for a while, Xinye reached out and took out the evolutionary guardian in his pocket and handed it to the person in front of him, "If you are curious, just take a look."

It worked?The moment he took it, there was an inexplicable impulse to put on the standard posture of transformation and hold it up high, and then shouted Ultraman's name to experience the feeling of transformation, will it? It feels hot, but it is still cool, and it will never become light in the true sense.

Even though he thought so, he hadn't reached the point where he could really do that.

He carefully looked back and forth at the object in his hand. No matter the pattern or appearance, it was similar to a dagger that could be pulled out. Although this object looked and felt like a toy, it felt extremely heavy.

Seeing Yun Hui's embarrassing appearance that has never seen the world, Xinye smiled half-smile:
"It is said that Nexus also has a final form second only to Noah, but only the next competent person can evolve."

"What do you mean?"

He immediately showed a sharp look, "I think you should be a good candidate."

"???" Yunhui actually has a dream of becoming an Ultraman like many children. Although it is far away from reality, he still can't help thinking about it.But I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

This time should be very happy is.How to share an unknown premonition
(End of this chapter)

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