Monster Catching Daddy

Chapter 423 The Art of Binding

Chapter 423 The Art of Binding (Second More)
He didn't expect to put himself in a dilemma.

Just with the mentality of giving it a try, I don’t want to accidentally insert willows and willows into shades, it seems that the amplification effect of "Nine Nether Into the Battle" has been perfectly integrated into the tuning king!
It's still a super boost of 50.00% of his self-singing version!

"Third sister, do you think I can release this thing? Will it make a big mess?"

Shen Chong swallowed his saliva and asked.

Third Sister Hu pondered for a long time, "Actually, I don't know much about the Song of the Nine Serenities Entering the Battle. After all, it was created by a very strong man in ancient times. With my state, I really can't guess it, let alone understand this situation. I don't know how to use the software. What will be the consequences after going out, otherwise you will test it more?"

Shen Chong nodded helplessly. Since even the third sister, the ultimate figure in the music industry, was helpless, it would be useless to ask others.

After a little trouble, he took out the mentality of a scientist and decided not to think about it.

Whether it is a donkey or a horse, you will know when you go out for a walk. Instead of groundless inferences, it is better to put them into practice.

Closed test first, then internal test, then delete files for public test, and finally don't delete files for public test, wouldn't it be over?
Once there is any sign of a problem, cut it off in time.

Now he still has time to roll back the version, and he will not release the ultimate version 3. X version that incorporates the song of Jiuyou into the battle.

But since the third sister is so picky that people say it sounds better, it naturally shows that the song of entering the battle has indeed significantly enhanced the effect of sound modification.

He can't lose on June [-], and he can't afford to lose.

The Goddess and Goddess version had to explode, he was really reluctant to give up this effect.

This is the reason why it is easy to get and difficult to lose.

Then... test it!

The next day, he got up early to send Xinxin to the kindergarten, and then immediately transferred to the company.

Shen Chong discovered a problem. Since taking over Xinxin, his originally chaotic life suddenly became on the right track and turned into a nine-to-five job.

Sending Xinxin to school in the morning, busy with work during the day, or being lazy, picking her up in the afternoon, putting her back to sleep at night and going back to work for a while.

This kind of life was so regular and peaceful that he almost forgot that he was a psyker.

this kind of day...

Actually pretty good?

According to the rumors of killing monsters, Shen Chong is a man of steel, with a strong sense of justice, and a super enthusiastic person. He is a natural fighter, but it is a pity that his spiritual talent limits his achievements.

But no one knows, in fact, he is an otaku living deep in his heart. The reason why he works so hard is that the ultimate goal he pursues is actually stability.

"Hello, Mr. Shen."


"Good morning, Mr. Shen."

"Hello everyone!"

When Shen Chong arrived at the company, the employees greeted him as usual.

But Shen Chong keenly felt that something was wrong, just like Fat Girl said, there was a strange atmosphere in the company.

Dull, depressed, forced to smile, this is Shen Chong's feeling.

"Fat girl, something is wrong. Yesterday's advertisement was so effective, why do I feel that everyone's mood is still not high?"

Shen Chong walked into the general manager's office and asked puzzledly.

Fang Shiyue raised her head and rubbed her dark circles, "Look for yourself. These four companies are too ruthless!"

Shen Chong looked down and understood.

Overnight, all the positive publicity released by Stone Hammer Technology was completely taken down, and replaced by negative news released by the four companies.

"These people are crazy! How much does it cost?"

Shen Chong's teeth ached.

Fang Shiyue continued rubbing her temples, "God knows, they are going to die with us. Not only that, but you know, all the channels we used to make temporary contacts in the middle of the night were intercepted halfway! None of them came to fruition! Damn it The ghost! Don't let me find out! I really want to hit someone! I also practiced boxing!"

Shen Chong was shocked, "When did you practice boxing?"

Fang Shiyue realized that she had slipped her tongue, and quickly covered her mouth, "No, it's actually self-defense for women."

Shen Chong was silent.

"What do you mean? You don't think it's necessary to practice self-defense with my body, do you? It's tough!"


"What do you know, there are people who like me these days, you know! Our butt is big and tight! Do you understand!"

"Take it."

The two were joking, when the fat girl suddenly fell on her back.

Shen Chong quickly supported him, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I didn't sleep well last night, I was a little dizzy."

"I'm afraid you didn't sleep! You stayed in the office all night?"

" let's not talk about this, it's just right for you to come today, and we have to hold a mobilization meeting..."

Shen Chong pushed her back on the chair, "You are so virtuous and mobilized! If you don't mobilize today, go directly to the internal test!"

The fat girl was in a hurry, "No, the ghost has not been caught yet, so if we just test it, what if it leaks out?"

Shen Chong lowered his voice and smiled darkly, "That's right, I just want him to leak it."

Fang Shiyue was taken aback for a moment, "What do you mean?"

Shen Chong put his mouth close to her ear, blah blah blah...

After listening, Fang Shiyue's eyes brightened, "Are you still ready? Tell me earlier!"

"How is it? Great."

"Put me up quickly, I'll call all the high-level executives over, and start the internal beta immediately!"

Shen Chong grinned grimly, "Dream, you must have stayed up all night last night, just lie down here and rest."

"I do not!"

Five minutes later, Shen Chong put down the boss chair behind Fang Shiyue, tied her into a big rice dumpling, and walked away.

"Come back! Come back to me!"

"Dream! Go to sleep!"

Shen Chong closed the door of the general manager's office with his backhand, and the assistant to the general manager heard Fang Shiyue's scream inside, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "President Shen?"

Shen Chong waved his hand, "It's okay, Boss Fang is tired, don't bother her, let her have a good rest."

The sound insulation effect of the office door is very good. After Shen Chong closed the door, Fang Shiyue was trapped in the silent office all by herself.

She tried to raise her hand to grab the mobile phone on the table, but failed, Shen Chong's technique of tying rice dumplings with one hand was invincible.

Fang Shiyue was a little moved by her stomach growling, but she was mostly speechless.

I haven't had breakfast yet!
Are you trying to starve me to death here!
I'm so hungry, who will help me?

The empty stomach further aggravated her exhaustion. Now that she couldn't move, she fell asleep quickly.

Shen Chong came out, stood in the office hall, and clapped his hands, "The leaders of all departments will go to the meeting room immediately, and the internal test will start in the morning, and all employees will participate!"

There was an uproar in the office.

The leaders of several departments in the small conference room had just arrived, and Zhao Ya, the manager of the technical department, said bluntly, "Mr. Shen, I suggest not to let all the employees participate, and let our technical department test it internally. There are ghosts in the company, and there will definitely be outsiders." vent!"

As expected of Zhao Ya, this kind of words come out of my mouth, and I don't think so.

Several other managers showed displeasure.

What do you mean?
Everyone in your department can be trusted, but the employees in our department have ghosts?

But it is very helpless that the fact that there is an inner ghost is already a well-recognized secret.

At this time, no one really dared to stand up to speak for their subordinates, and dared not refute Zhao Ya's proposal. They could only be resentful, but there was nothing they could do.

Shen Chong coughed lightly, "Manager Zhao, don't be impatient, I have my own considerations."

Zhao Ya still wanted to insist, but Shen Chong waved his hand firmly, "Manager Zhao, don't mention what you said just now. Our marketing strategy is exposed. It may not necessarily be the inner ghost, but it may also be the channel relationship of the other party in the media industry." The Internet is too open, and the contractors we contacted took the initiative to expose and charged high prices from them.”

He was just talking nonsense with his eyes open, but in theory it didn't seem to be a big problem.

"The people in our company basically followed me to conquer the world in the early days, and they took this country with great difficulty. They are all veterans. I am willing to trust everyone."

He continued to bullshit.

There is nothing wrong with the reasoning, but he, an old minister from his humble beginnings to his rise, actually took a total of only a few months.

The cohesion of employees basically comes from salaries that are higher than the industry standard, and from the generous bonuses that are paid out from time to time. How can there be so much sense of honor to share weal and woe.

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Zhao Ya couldn't speak again.

If she had encountered such a situation in which the helmsman committed suicide in other companies before, she couldn't stand it anymore, and she would definitely drop the pick on the spot.

But Shen Chong was different, he was a superpower in the industry who really impressed her technically, so she decided to wait and see what happened.

Following Shen Chong's order, except for the full-time customer service personnel who are really busy and have almost no chance of getting the company's strategic information, everyone's computers are installed with Shen's Tuning King 3.0 Goddess Edition and 3.1 Goddess Version. Version.

But it's not the ultimate version with blessings of Jiuyou's Enthusiasm, and it doesn't even have a singing guide, it's the first version he produced!
Shen Chong walked up and down the aisle of the office hall with a smile, and greeted loudly, "Everyone, don't be shy, just choose your favorite song and sing it bravely! Sing as much as you want, and sing loudly! Compare the effects before and after the tuning by yourself, and then gather all the files to me. I have hired Ma Xiaoling, a well-known domestic musician, to assist. I will send everyone's files to Teacher Ma later. She has a professional team writing music reviews and summarizing! Each person has at least five songs!"

"Mr. Shen, what should I do if I'm tone-deaf?"

Shen Chong smiled even more happily, "It's better if you have tone deafness! The contrast is even stronger! Don't you feel shameless without looking at me? What shame do you need?"

For a moment, ghosts and wolves were howling in the office of Stone Hammer Technology, making the scalps of the contacts of the four major companies squatting outside and not allowed to enter go numb.

Shen Chong groaned with a smile on his face, and at the same time quietly stuffed two balls of soundproof cotton in his ears.

Ma De, in the future, when recruiting candidates, singing skills must be included in the assessment criteria.

A group of demons dancing wildly, really scary!
You were all wolves in your previous life, right?
He didn't observe the micro-expressions on everyone's faces, it wasn't necessary.

Since the inner ghost can hide so deeply, his acting skills must pass the test.

But he was in no hurry at all, and he would catch it soon.

Yes, his idea was as simple as that.

Fake the test first to catch people out!
In the clients he distributed, each file package contained a backdoor hidden in his unique code.

As long as anyone makes a copy, or sends it out, he can get a reminder here!
As for the receiving party over there, a signal will be sent out the moment the file is received, even if the network is disconnected.

No matter how many times the transfer is made or where it is transferred to, he can follow the clues to catch the receiving unit.

Not only do I want to catch the insider, but I also want to let the four major companies leave their feet.

This is the evidence!
Not only do I want to deal with the insiders, but I also want to in turn sue the four major companies suspected of commercial espionage and stealing confidential property rights!
Didn't you sue me for copyright infringement?
In turn, I will send you to court together, and we will sue each other!

(End of this chapter)

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