Monster Catching Daddy

Chapter 483 Strange Map of Fairy Mountain

Chapter 483 Map of Hundred Monsters in the Immortal Mountain (Second Change)

"Shen...Mr. Shen...Yes...Isn't it..."

The greasy aunt swallowed her saliva and said so.

Shen Chong didn't bother to talk to her any more, and snatched back the score sheet, "Get lost."

She still wants to say something.

Shen Chong pointed to the distance, and said again: "Get lost."

The aunt hurriedly took her son and left in a desperate manner.

Shen Chong curled his lips and cursed, "Brain..."

He didn't finish swearing, and when he looked down and saw Xinxin looking up at him, he immediately changed his words, "You need to exercise your brain more to become smarter, cough cough."

He wanted to scold this woman for being stupid, but considering that Xinxin was by her side, he took it back abruptly.

After the score sheets were handed in one after another, the middle-aged woman lost her enthusiasm for being active and shrank behind the crowd in silence.

She was wronged and even more afraid.

She regrets it.

One has to make mistakes in one's life, and sometimes the price of making mistakes is not serious, but sometimes, as Shen Chong said, she offended people she couldn't afford to offend.

Someone next to her came over to comfort her, "Sister, I'm really not talking about you. I think Mr. Shen is very self-cultivated. It's a bit wrong for you to keep teasing her. But it's nothing serious, he probably won't care too much about it."

Greasy aunt nodded, "I hope so. Forget it, my son's Great Wall map is not bad, and he has a good chance of winning the championship."

"Wow! The picture of the Great Wall was drawn by your child? It's amazing!"

Another characteristic of enthusiastic people is that they have a loud voice, and they yell directly when they hear the words.

This is unbelievable, and the others moved over enthusiastically, congratulating or jealous.

The middle-aged woman was not in a good mood at first, and she was reluctantly polite with everyone, but she gradually became relieved later on.

Shen Chong was very angry, this woman was so insidious, she kept her secrets and didn't speak out.

Damn, I knew that both myself and Xinxin should get low marks.

"Father, don't be afraid, I can draw much better than that brother."

Xinxin was really too clever, even guessed Shen Chong's small thoughts, and turned to comfort him.

Shen Chong coughed lightly.

He really wanted to learn how he used to call 666 to Xinxin, but he recalled the Great Wall map again, it was amazing, at least he couldn't compare it to himself.

Lost today.

He decided to take it easy and not give Xinxin any more blood, lest she be too sad after losing.

"Xinxin, self-confidence is a good thing, but we have to correctly understand the gap, right? Even if we lose, it doesn't mean that you will not be as good as Xinxin in the future. You are only six years old, and many of them are twice your age!"

Xinxin pouted, her lips curled up as if she could hang an oil bottle, "Dad, you don't believe me."

The corners of Shen Chong's mouth twitched, "No, nothing!"

"You have, Dad, you think Xinxin can't win."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Shen Chong resolutely shut up, he can't be provoked, he can't be offended if he says too much.

Another hour passed, and the serial number of the painting on stage came to 63.

I saw the tall supervisor and another supervisor carefully moving a large watercolor painting 1.2 meters long and 0.8 meters high from the front of the jury to the edge of the stage.

At this time, the frame turned its back to the crowd, but when the two supervisors turned the frame around to face the crowd, exclamations came and went.

"I go!"

"Oh my God!"

"This... was this drawn by a child in three hours?"


"Here's the print!"

"Don't make trouble, it was drawn stroke by stroke, the smell of the paint has not dissipated, it was just painted."

"This is too scary!"

"But this is the truth!"

In this large-scale watercolor painting that appeared in front of everyone, towering mountains, sky full of white clouds, and meandering river constitute the most intuitive layout in a broad sense, giving people a sense of majesty.

The emerald green forests dotted with dots of emerald green stars on the mountains add countless vitality to it.

The snow-capped mountain tops are covered with coniferous forests on the mountainside, and then transition to broad-leaved forests all the way down.

Winding down again, it turned into a prairie again.

It is obviously just a painting, but it seems that from winter to summer, it depicts the alternation of seasons due to the change of height difference, and draws a glimpse of thousands of miles of mountains and mountains.

This is like a fairyland on earth, which makes people intoxicated!

It was powerful enough from a distance, but when the people in the front row got closer and took a closer look, they couldn't control their yelling even more.

It shows that this painting can not only be seen from a distance, but also mysterious when viewed up close.

"What's the name of this painting?"

Someone asked the tall game supervisor.

The supervisor thought for a while, "When I collected the painting, I asked the artist, and she said it was called the Picture of Hundred Monsters in the Immortal Mountain."

"Good name!"

"Look at these creatures standing on the ground, those swimming in the water, and the creatures and spirits flying in the sky. Every detail is so well drawn, even the expressions are different."

"Well, each of them is very similar to the fairies and ghosts in fairy tales. Is this one-legged Kui Niu? The painting is really good, with only a few strokes, the charm is all there."

"One, two, three, four, five, six... 99, one hundred! Haha, really one hundred!"

"Of course, otherwise, why is it called the Hundred Monsters Picture?"

"The total time for painting is only three hours. Who can paint so fast and so well? Impossible! Even a master has to paint for a few days, right?"

The tall supervisor looked far away in Shen Chong's direction and calmly drifted away, and explained to the crowded crowd below: "In fact, what everyone sees are appearances, you should carefully observe the lines in the painting. The direction of the lines of the mountains, the direction of the river, even the direction of the clouds in the sky, and the strange eyes... Do you find that when you are looking at this painting, your eyes will involuntarily move to a certain point in the middle?"

He bent down slightly, stretched out his finger and pointed at the lower right corner of the painting, "That's right, it's here, the perfect golden section point! This is the focus effect, a very high-level technique. Look at the composition of the whole painting again, see The charm of the mountains, the agility of the river, the elegance of the clouds, the devotion of the pilgrims... This is an incredible master-level fantasy painting! These are the original words of Teacher Hou Qiuhua!"

The crowd was in an uproar again. After the explanation given by the tall supervisor, their aesthetics were abruptly elevated a lot in a short period of time, and they really saw the deeper meaning hidden under the appearance.

Shen Chong, who was behind the crowd, also became interested. Just now, he was amazed by just a glimpse. He really wanted the people in front to get out of here, so he quickly took a closer look.

Shen Chong muttered to himself, "Whose baby is so powerful, it's really enviable."

uh, wait...

He suddenly realized that these are all No.60 three pieces, and Xinxin's has not been released yet, she never said it herself.

Could it be that……

Would not it be……

The corners of the mouth are raised slightly, and the smile gradually blooms, as expected of my baby!
Brother Shen was thinking this way, Xin Xin who was holding Feng Chuuxue's palm by his side suddenly poked his thigh, and said loudly: "Dad, look, I told you that I can draw better than that big brother, Xin Xin did it Yo."

Shen Chong opened his mouth first, feeling both natural and incredible.

He understands Xinxin's level, it's really good, but it's really not that high.

But this is the fact, better than all eloquence, and does not accept refutation.

It can only be explained that Xinxin performed exceptionally today.

Following Xin Xin's cry, many people in front turned their heads abruptly, staring at her with wide-eyed eyes.

There was another thump in Brother Shen's heart.

not good!

Baby, aren't you hurting yourself!

Even if you drew it, how can you tell it!

This group of pink eye patients can send our father and daughter to the west!
(End of this chapter)

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