God Level Collection

Chapter 10 You Devil

Chapter 10 You Devil

Yun Jin nodded and closed the door.

No matter what kind of wrong thing Wang Yuqing was thinking, he had no energy left.

He tried his best to tie Haitang up, then fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.His psychic energy was completely exhausted, and he really had no strength at all.

When Yunjin woke up, it was already the afternoon of the second day.

He turned his head and looked to his side, Haitang had already woken up, she was tied up on the bed by Wuhuada, staring at him.

Seeing Yun Jin looking over, she snorted coldly, "Heh~ man."

She was wearing Wang Yuqing's coat, and it was difficult to hide the leaking spring. After saying this, the temperature of the whole room seemed to rise a lot.

Yun Jin smiled, and tied her up a little tighter.

Yun Jin got up to wash up, made some instant noodles, poured cat food for Xiao Dai, and checked her condition.

After a night's rest, the spiritual energy in his body was filled again.Perhaps because of the extreme battle yesterday, the psionic energy in his body can support him to gather seventy times.

And when he checked the injuries on his body, he found that they were almost healed. Part of this was due to spiritual power, and part of it was due to the outstanding physique of the awakened person.

I have to say, it's no wonder that Haitang and the others think they are new humans, superior people, and the awakened ones are really much better than ordinary humans.

Now that she has enough psychic power, Yunjin also decides to temporarily solve her "future problems".According to the extent of her recovery, Haitang will recover completely in a day or two. By that time, the sheets will not be able to bind her.

So collecting her psionic energy, slowing down her recovery speed, and then obtaining her awakening ability is the safest way.

Thinking of this, he went to the toilet to get a towel and covered Haitang's eyes.

It has to be said that Haitang is a real man, even at this time, she didn't panic at all, "Heh~ finally can't help but want to attack me?"

"Heh~ You deserve it too?" Yun Jin imitated her tone and said sarcastically, "I don't even look at how dirty you are now, how can I be interested in you?"

After finishing speaking, Yun Jin gently placed her hands on Haitang's body, feeling Haitang's strength.

Close to a hundred psychic powers, much stronger than himself.

Yun Jin closed her eyes, imagining in her mind that she wanted to obtain ten shares of her psychic power, and said silently, "Collect!"

A second later, a cold card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

[Spiritual power: 10 points]

Note: The mysterious power hidden in the human body, the source of all magical abilities.

Yun Jin sensed her body, and roughly consumed five shares of spiritual energy.That is to say, if you consume 1 point of spiritual energy, you can collect 2 points of spiritual energy.

He did some calculations, and he was fully capable of "squeezing" Haitang dry!
So he imagined extracting all of Haitang's psionic energy, and then silently said "gathering".

Immediately, Yunjin's psychic energy was consumed rapidly, at 10 o'clock, 20 o'clock, 30 o'clock, until 45 o'clock, a cold card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

The intensely consumed spirit made Yunjin feel extremely tired again, but he didn't care.Because the card in front of him is precious enough!
[Spiritual power: 90 points]

Note: The mysterious power hidden in the human body, the source of all magical abilities.

Psychic energy itself is the energy of the human body. Haitang, whose whole body energy has been harvested, couldn't even open her eyes. She only had time to say, "You devil. What have you done to me?" and fell into a deep sleep go.

Yun Jin roughly checked her body, and sure enough, the recovery power of the awakened person is terrible, and in just one night, half of her serious injuries have recovered.

Yun Jin played with the lighter, thinking: It seems that she needs to collect her psionic energy every day, one is to reserve more psionic energy, and the other is to make it easier for her to control.

Yunjin suddenly felt that Haitang looked like an animal: a cow.

I was forced to milk myself every day.
After solving Haitang, Yunjin at least resolved the short-term crisis. He decided to go home today to take a look, and move back if it is convenient, and then interrogate Haitang.Find out about her organization, and all things psionic.

Although Haitang's organization is a bit of a secondary school, it seems that the research on psychic power and awakening ability is very in-depth, and I believe it can be used as a lot of reference for myself.

Thinking of this, Yunjin changed into the only set of clothes she had left that was not so dirty, and went downstairs.

"Deposit, deposit, deposit." The innkeeper is definitely behind the scenes. Yun Jin just went downstairs when he heard him muttering non-stop.

Yun Jin felt more and more interesting about this boss, he walked over with a smile and asked, "Boss, what's your last name?"

The fat boss didn't look up, but stretched out his greasy right hand, rubbing his thumb and index finger together.

Yun Jin asked with a question mark on his face, "There is still the surname 'Zuo' in China?"

The fat boss looked constipated, "This action is counting money! Counting money! My surname is Qian!"

Yun Jin laughed, "This surname really suits you."

Fatty Qian patted his belly full of fat triumphantly, "That's not true."

Halfway through touching, he stopped, and stared at Yunjin with big soybean eyes, "Don't get too close, deposit, deposit."

Yun Jin hurriedly pretended not to hear it, and walked out quickly, Fatty Qian's muttering voice followed, "Deposit, deposit, deposit."

This fat man is also a wonderful person.

When she got home, there was no trace of anyone else coming to the house. Yun Jin cleaned the house, changed into clean clothes, and then pulled out a large suitcase from under the bed.

He planned to pack Haitang into a suitcase and transport it back to his home.

"Why do I feel like a pervert?" Yun Jin played with a lighter, doubting her position to a certain extent.

"Why don't you hold her. Anyway, she fell asleep too." Thinking, Yun Jin kicked the suitcase back under the bed.

"It would be great if the harvesting technique could directly collect people." Yun Jin was frightened by her own thoughts!

He fought a cold war.

If you really turn people and life into cards, isn't this ability too great?
He didn't know what adjectives he should use to describe his thoughts. He went to the toilet to wash his face, calmed himself down, and temporarily put the idea aside.

He turned on the computer and logged on to QQ. He remembered that the day before yesterday he had asked a patient for consultation. The patient left a message on [Hello Doctor] saying that he had hallucinations.

He left his QQ, but disappeared for a whole day, not knowing if the patient was in a hurry.

As soon as QQ went online, there was a series of "ding ding ding", more than a dozen beeps.

"Looks like I'm in a hurry." Yun Jin clicked on the flashing icon: an application to add friends, and twelve messages from strangers, all of which were from the same QQ account.

"Hello, Doctor."

"Are you there? Doctor."

"Doctor, are you there?"

"Doctor, should I just start talking?"


"Doctor, I have hallucinations. From the past few days, there will always be a time bomb in front of my eyes. He has been counting down."

"I don't know if it's a hallucination, or what? But I'm afraid every day that he will explode."

 The qq group has been established, and book friends who want to talk about books can join the group.Group number: 664616129.

  In addition, begging for recommendation tickets, book reviews, complaints and ratings~.Thank you all.Don't let me stand alone, it's too hard.


(End of this chapter)

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