God Level Collection

Chapter 102 Information on Attribute Psionic Energy

Chapter 102 Information on Attribute Psionic Energy
And in the past few nights, she didn't go to the toilet again.Looks like it's getting better.

Hearing what Teacher Yang said, Yun Jin was relieved a lot, and then he told Teacher Yang about the situation, and after two days he would go to see Xiao Douhua and clear up her psychological problems.

After hanging up the phone, Yunjin was going to feed Xiao Dai the cat food, but found that Kobo had already fed it.

Xiao Dai had already had enough food and drink, and was lying on the balcony basking in the sun.

Yunjin was really worried that it would grow fat because it was so lazy, but it was still two catties after weighing it.

The little guy's weight has not changed, which is too strange.

And I don't know if Xiaodai has grown up a bit recently, or because there are outsiders in the family, he is not too tired of people, a little arrogantly broke away from Yunjin's embrace, and wandered back to the balcony to bask in the sun.

Yun Jin made two bowls of instant noodles for him and Wei Xiao, then turned on the computer, and found some cooking videos for Cooper to let him learn.

Yun Jin felt that according to Kobo's learning ability, he and Wei Xiao would be able to have a hot meal in less than two days!

While waiting for instant noodles, Yunjin took out the information that Haitang gave him more than a month ago, and prepared to study it.

That document recorded the attribute changes of psionic energy.

If spiritual energy has been cultivated to a certain level, if you want to go further, or become more powerful, you must incorporate attribute changes.

Transform basic psionics into psionics with attributes.

The basic condition to achieve attribute changes is 600 points of total psionic energy.

Yunjin hadn't reached it before, so this information was put on hold.Now that his psychic energy has successfully broken through 600, of course he has to take it out again and study it.

The attribute change of psionic energy refers to adding attributes to psionic energy, which can increase the power of psionic energy.There are two attributes researched by that organization: electricity and fire.

The combination of these two is the safest and most convenient.

And other attributes, such as water, earth and metal, should be able to fuse normally, but the experiment has not been successful.

The organization suspects that this is because [Electricity] and [Fire] belong to energy in some way, while [Water], [Soil] and [Metal] belong to matter, so there is no way to fuse them temporarily.

After reading this part of the basic information, the instant noodles are ready, and Yunjin greets Weixiao to eat.

Weixiao silently picked up the fork and ate the instant noodles.

After eating for a while, Weixiao stopped what he was doing and asked, "When you don't use your laptop, can you lend it to me?"

Yun Jin ate the noodles, "It's ok. Wait until I bring it to the living room, you can use it if you want."

"Thank you." Wei Xiao nodded silently and continued eating noodles.

After eating, she put the paper bowl on the table, then picked up the phone, pressed a few times, and Yunjin's phone rang.

Yunjin took a sip of the noodle soup, it was still sour and spicy, so refreshing!Then he picked up his phone and it was a WeChat message.

He clicked on WeChat and found that it was from Weixiao. When he clicked in, there was no text, only a transfer message: [Transfer to you ¥50.00].

Yun Jin was surprised, turned her head to look at Wei Xiao, "Where did you get the money?"

Wei Xiao said, "I used my mobile phone to write a few manuscripts in the past few days, and submitted them to magazines, newspapers and WeChat public accounts. One was successful. I paid 100 yuan for the manuscript. I will keep 50, and the remaining 50 will be given to you. "

"The mobile phone is 1230 yuan, and there is 1180 yuan left. I will make money and pay you back as soon as possible. I hope you don't worry." After Wei Xiao finished speaking, he lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Also, thank you."

These few days, Wei Xiao held a mobile phone every day, Yun Jin always thought she was playing, and was worried that she would hurt her eyes, but she didn't expect that she was writing on the mobile phone.

All of a sudden, Yunjin didn't know how to describe her feelings. There were sadness, surprise, distress, all kinds of inexplicable feelings anyway.

Yun Jin opened her mouth, wanting to say something to Wei Xiao, but she couldn't speak out because of the many words that were stuck in her mouth.

He took a sip of water to make himself feel better, and the thousand words finally turned into a smile.

He smiled at Wei Xiao and nodded, "I'm not in a hurry. I believe you can."

Weixiao's eyes fluctuated, and then he gave Yunjin a smile.

Yunjin adjusted his mood and continued to eat noodles. While eating, he asked Weixiao, "By the way, does your sister know that you are writing an article?"

Wei Xiao nodded, "She felt that I was looking for something, but I think what I did was very meaningful. I have nothing, how can I live if I don't work hard."

"And I am very happy now, at least I have a mobile phone of my own, and I have 50 yuan."

Yun Jindao smiled, "You did the right thing. Come on."

Wei Xiao nodded, picked up the phone and continued writing the manuscript.

After eating the instant noodles, Yun Jin went to the bedroom to take out the laptop, cut some personal data into the mobile hard drive, and then gave the computer to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao said softly, "Thank you."

Yun Jin waved her hand, but said nothing.

He took the materials, moved a soft chair to the balcony, and hugged Xiaodai in his arms. Under the sun, Xiaodai was no longer arrogant.

It hammered Yunjin's pants with its paws, made a comfortable position, then lay down and continued to sleep.

Yunjin stroked its soft fur while looking at the information.

The idea proposed by that organization for attribute fusion is to use psionic energy to fuse [Electricity] and [Fire] little by little.

Then use the attribute ability to stimulate the body in turn to further strengthen the body.

After the body adapts to the attribute psionic energy, it will in turn control the attribute psionic energy.

In the end, it took a lot of time to turn all the psionic energy into attribute psionic energy little by little.

As for why more than 600 points of psionic power are needed, it is because attribute psionic power is extremely dangerous. In the early stage, 1 point of attribute psionic power needs at least 100 points of normal psionic power to suppress.

And when the body is stimulated in the middle stage, a lot of psionic energy is also needed to heal and protect the body.

So in fact, you can try it with 100 points of psionic power, but it is very dangerous if you have less than 600 points.

After reading Yunjin, I feel... so troublesome.

Whenever he was in trouble, he thought of salted fish.

After all, this is not as simple and rude as collecting the awakening ability.

And the most important thing is that apart from discovering that attribute psionic energy is particularly effective in improving physical fitness, and is more powerful than ordinary psionic energy, no other uses have been found in the organization.

Not attractive enough!

Even after the organization converted all subsequent psionic powers into attribute psionic powers, they didn't figure out how to operate it, and it always felt like a half-finished product.

Yun Jin pondered, how about trying to transform a little bit of attribute spiritual power?Let's see what kind of psychic power it is.

After all, the organization doesn't know the purpose, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know, he can collect it.

Thinking of this, Yunjin decided to start with the simplest attribute around her: 【Fire】.

Yun Jin took out a lighter from her pocket, intending to try it according to the records in the file.

 Thanks to "andyh" for the reward of 2000 starting coins!Congratulations on becoming the rudder owner of this book!Thank you beauty!Beautiful atmosphere!Make a fortune! 6666
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(End of this chapter)

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