God Level Collection

Chapter 107 Do You Know Fishing?

Chapter 107 Do You Know Fishing?

Seeing Yunjin drinking water, Weixiao trotted over and handed the chocolate to Yunjin, "Here."

Yun Jin took it and continued to pretend to be weak, "Thank you, thank you"

Then he peeled off the package, took a bite, and said, "Very sweet."

Wei Xiao looked at him with concern, "Is it better?"

Yun Jin smiled, "It's much better."

He took the chocolate and water and sat on the sofa, then finished eating slowly, and said to Weixiao, "It's so much more comfortable. I felt depressed just now! Thank you."

Wei Xiao picked up the computer and nodded invisibly, "It's okay." But Yun Jin could see that the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, obviously it felt good to be needed.

The reason why Yunjin has to pretend is to make Weixiao feel satisfied.

If it was someone else, Yun Jin wouldn't care so much about her feelings, but Wei Xiao is different. From the recent actions, it can be seen that her psychology is too fragile.

People's psychology changes very quickly. Wei Xiao worked so hard to buy chocolates. If Yun Jin shows that she has recovered and all her efforts are useless, she will feel a strong sense of frustration.

This frustration comes from trying hard but not being recognized.That's why Yun Jin pretended that she was cured by Wei Xiao, which was a white lie.

But there is a price to be paid for being a good person, Yunjin's mouth is sweet and spicy now, he quickly drank a few more sips of water to dilute the taste in his mouth.

Or to say that Kobo is better than Blood Crow, because he is wise and knows how to take the initiative to work. When Yunjin and Weixiao were chatting, it would run around on those short legs. , Clean up the bedroom that was messed up by Yunjin.

After a while, it was finished, and then ran to the kitchen to start choosing dishes and preparing to cook.

In fact, Yun Jin was also very curious about what it had learned and what it was going to do this day, but out of trust in Cooper, he still didn't bother it, instead drinking water and playing with his phone.

Of course Wei Xiao was sitting next to him, typing on the computer.

Yun Jin played with her mobile phone for a while, then suddenly raised her head and asked, "By the way, what did you ask me for?"

Wei Xiao raised his head in confusion, looked at Yun Jin, looked at it for three or four seconds, and then uttered two words, "Forgot."

Yun Jin: .
"It's okay, normal people are like this." Yun Jin comforted her.

But Weixiao didn't seem to need his comfort at all, he just gave a faint "hmm" and continued to type with his head down.

Yun Jin felt that Wei Xiao was just a girl with no three eyes, she was expressionless, spoke little, and couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Wei Xiao typed for a while, then stopped, stared at the screen expressionlessly, meditating for more than ten minutes, and then pressed [Backspace] to delete part of the previous typing.

Then, she continued to look at the computer for a while, then pressed backspace, and deleted some more.

Well, I guess I deleted everything I typed just now.

After deleting, she just looked at the computer like this, neither typing nor moving.Like a wooden man.

Yun Jin asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Writing." Weixiao replied concisely.

"Then why did you stop?"

"No inspiration."

"Um." Yun Jin said, "Get up and walk if you don't feel inspired, relax, and don't stare at the computer screen all the time."

Wei Xiao looked at Yun Jin and asked, "Do you know how to fish?"

Yun Jin, "I know."

"Writing is like fishing. Although you may not catch a fish by sitting there for a day, you will never catch a fish if you don't sit there."

Yun Jin: .
People really don't know how to answer this.

Fortunately, Yun Jin's cell phone rang at this time, he picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Police Officer Huang.

It said that the photos and clues of the second crime had been sent over, and after a day's preliminary investigation, several suspicious persons were screened out, and they were also sent to Yunjin's mailbox.

Yun Jin didn't bother to go back to her room, so she opened her mailbox on her mobile phone and checked the information.

The second incident happened on Yunxiao Road, and the incident was even more tragic, with four dead and three injured, because the road on both sides of Yunxiao Road is lined with pine trees.

When the case happened, several pedestrians were walking there normally, but a pine tree seemed to go crazy and fired all the pine needles from its body.

Those pedestrians didn't even have time to dodge, they were hit straight.

The pine needles are so powerful that they can easily penetrate the human body.Several pedestrians instantly turned into cacti, and four pedestrians died on the spot.

Some of the three injured were far away, and some of them were blocked by friends, otherwise they probably would not have been spared.

And the few suspicious people given by the police were investigated according to the ideas given by Yun Jin.

Looking at the information, it is estimated that they are screened based on information, rather than in person for interrogation or questioning.

It should be the first batch of suspicious people found through the police station's files.

The profiles of several suspicious persons were unemployed, thin, and had been punished by public security or criminally detained.Of course, the problem is not big, just petty theft and the like.

The worst one is robbery.

Yun Jin looked at these materials one by one, trying to find someone who was more suspicious, but one of the materials aroused his interest.

It's not that this person is very suspicious, but that this person came out of Mr. Yang's orphanage. The reason why he was among the first to be screened out by the police was because he was detained for five days for soliciting and left a security punishment file.

It's interesting that an orphan was born, and then he was detained for five days for soliciting prostitution, and he was screened out for this matter.

Yun Jin looked at his photo, he was a little thin and looked a little cold.

Yun Jin continued to scroll down, and there were two people who caught his attention. One was a man with a scar on his face. Although he was thin, he looked ferocious. He was the one who left a criminal record for robbery.

Such people tend to go to extremes.

The other is a thin, slightly scary man, stooped, skinny, and looking severely malnourished, who picks up trash in the neighborhood for a living, leaving files due to theft.

Yun Jin noticed him because he looked more like the suspect seen in the video.

Yun Jin put away the suspicious person's information.Most of the people screened in this first batch are of little value, because many murderers in serial cases are ordinary people.

It is easy for ordinary people to commit serial crimes, because there is almost no information about him in the police files, so it is difficult to investigate.

Yun Jin opened the Gaode map, checked the distance between the two crime locations, and then carefully studied the latest information.

Then he did the psychological profiling again:

The murderer has no anti-reconnaissance ability, because he is lazy and does not hide his actions and thoughts.

There is no car, and the residence is in the intersection area within a radius of one kilometer of the two crime locations, which is suspected to be closer to the first case.

There is a high probability that the murderer is taking psychotropic drugs. You can investigate the psychiatric department of a nearby secondary hospital or above.

 Thanks to "Naiitang" for the reward of 2000 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  Thanks to "Yudi", "The Emperor of the White Phoenix", "Stupid Mouth", "EDonkey Cares Seven", "Water Mirror Flower Moon 1" for the reward of 100 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  I wish the six bosses a fortune~
(End of this chapter)

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