God Level Collection

Chapter 110 How to Use Painting

Chapter 110 How to Use Painting
The first thing that can be determined is that there must be something wrong with this painting.After all, even the harvesting technique has failed, so it's no problem.

Secondly, Yunjin didn’t know it before, but now that Yunjin has a sunny doll, he knows that besides people, objects can have special abilities, so does this painting have the same special abilities as the sunny doll?
And the reason why I can't use it is because I don't use the right method.

With a preliminary idea, Yunjin can verify it. He took out the last game coin and asked, "My idea is correct."

After a while, a note with [True] appeared slowly.

it is as expected!Yunjin feels that she has found the [lock] to open the painting, and the next step is to find the key.

As for why this question is asked, it is because if this painting is different from the sunny doll, there is no way to use it, and trying to use it is a waste of time and energy.

Yunjin put down the sunny doll, picked up the strange painting, and began to study it.

He tried to put the painting upright, upside down, obliquely, or even upside down, but there was no change in the painting.
"It seems to be used differently from Sunshine Doll."

Yun Jin then planned to try the most famous [Blood Recognition] first.

Holding his left hand with his right hand, he silently said "collection".

A 10cc blood card appeared in his hand.

Yun Jin put the card into the cup, unzipped the card, and there was a little blood at the bottom of the cup.

He dipped his finger on the painting, but the painting was still unmoved and dirty.

Yun Jin quickly wiped the blood with a tissue, but there was still a little blood on it.

It seems that the recognition of the Lord by dripping blood is not enough.

Is it fingerprint recognition?
Yun Jin put all ten fingers on the painting, but there was still no response.

Then Yunjin tried dozens of methods, but the painting seemed to be dead, not moving at all.

Yun Jin sighed, there is a lock, but there are too many keys, and there are thousands of ways to use it, how do you guess?
Maybe the condition of using this painting is to eat a plate of watermelon fried rice in front of the painting!

Yunjin felt that she was very much like classmate Li back then, guarding Baoshan empty-handed, but didn't know the conditions of use.

He suppressed his irritability and looked at the time, it was already 11 o'clock.

He put the painting aside first, planning to finish today's game first.

With one more game currency, one more question can be asked, which may solve the current predicament.

Click on the game box, today's game is Contra, childhood memories, but the game needs one life to pass the first level.

At 11:[-], the difficulty level was already very low. Yun Jin successfully cleared the game and got a game coin.

Yunjin took out the game coin without hesitation, intending to ask the last question about the painting, "I can meet the usage conditions of this painting now."

This greatly narrows the scope of use, and it also prevents Yunjin from doing useless work.

After a while, a note with [True] appeared.

Yun Jin froze for a moment, then reasoned quickly.

Now at 11 o'clock, it can still be completed, indicating that the use conditions are at least not limited to daytime, and there is a high probability that there is no fixed time limit.

It is more likely to use:

1. Relating to night.

2. It is related to Yunjin itself.

3. It is related to the painting itself.

Yunjin has tried a lot for the conditions of use of the painting itself.

Yunjin intends to try mainly from 1 and 2.

Yunjin opened the window, unfolded the painting, and pointed it at the moon. He guessed that the moonlight might be effective.

But still no response.

Yun Jin's head turned sharply, always feeling as if the clue was right in front of him, he looked at the painting, then at himself, suddenly a flash of inspiration, could it be related to psychic power?
Yunjin tried to feel the painting like feeling people, and this painting can really feel a small space.

Is it necessary to input psionic energy into it?

Yun Jin tried to inject the psionic energy into it, and accepted it a little at first, but the psionic energy dissipated soon.

"Psychic power?" Yunjin felt that the answer was right in front of her eyes.

He opened the drawer and took out the fire-attribute psionic energy from the collection card book.Could it be because the quality of psionic energy is not enough!

Yun Jin whispered "Solution".

Immediately, a bit of hot and active spiritual energy appeared in Yunjin's body, and Yunjin picked up the painting again, inputting this attribute of spiritual energy into it.

This time the painting was accepted, and the attribute spiritual power did not dissipate, but became more active.

The key to the scroll has been found!

Yunjin took out the lighter without hesitation, and started the journey of "self-torture".

With his eyes closed, he wrapped his hand with psionic energy, reached into the lighter, and extracted the trace of flame.

After a while, another bit of attribute psionic energy was born, and Yunjin was input into the painting again, and the two flame psionic energy fused together, occupying a corner.

Feeling the space, Yunjin seemed to need about 20 points of spiritual power, but fortunately, she could input it a little bit. If she got 20 points of spiritual power all at once, Yun Jin was really afraid that she would not be able to control it.

Soon, under the non-stop ignition, Yunjin input another 8 points of flame power.

But then a problem arose, and the painting didn't accept the input of flame power again.

And the attribute spiritual energy is the same as before, no matter whether it is collected or input into the painting, it will be permanently lost. That is to say, within a short period of time, Yunjin will lose 10 points of spiritual energy.

Feeling that there was still half of the space left, Yunjin put down the lighter, and collected the extra bit of fire-attribute spiritual energy in her body.

There is still 10 points of psionic energy left, Yun Jin guessed that this probably means using another attribute of psionic energy.

But the flame is easy to find, how to get electricity?Put your finger directly into the socket?
That's courting death.
Yun Jin wondered what was safe and low power, and then he took out a Nanfu battery, intending to absorb the power.

But after absorbing it for 10 minutes, there was nothing.

Yun Jin stroked her chin and thought about it, could it be an electric spark visible to the naked eye?Is it only lightning or high voltage electricity?

Just touch that and you'll be familiar with it immediately, it's impossible to absorb it.

But 【Real Coin Game】is impossible to deceive people, if he can complete it now, he will definitely be able to complete it.

Yun Jin was looking at the room while thinking, suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and found a way.

He opened the drawer, found an ordinary lighter that was not used before, took out the [piezoelectric material block] inside, and pressed it, "stab", a small electric spark appeared.

Yun Jin closed her eyes, took the finger that kept electrifying her, and used psychic energy to absorb the electric energy in it bit by bit, it really worked!
It's a bit slow, but at least it works!

It took more than 5 minutes for Yunjin to transform into an electrical attribute spiritual energy.He entered it into the painting, and the painting accepted it this time.

Knowing that her thinking was correct, Yunjin didn't sleep tonight, and spent another 40 minutes to create 9 electric attribute psionics, completely filling the painting.

When the last electric psychic energy entered the painting, the painting suddenly burst into light, and the scene on it seemed to come alive.

(End of this chapter)

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