God Level Collection

Chapter 123 Liquid metallization

Chapter 123 Liquid metallization
Arriving at the old place, Yunjin got off the car and looked around, but Haitang hadn't come yet.

He looked at the dilapidated alleys around him, and suddenly remembered that Fatty Qian said that the old city would be demolished.

It is estimated that soon, the alleys here will disappear one by one, and then there will be tall buildings standing here again.

Regardless of people or cities, changes are taking place, new things replace old things, and the cycle repeats itself.

There are more and more awakened people, and more and more people know of the existence of super powers, but the lives of ordinary people seem to be undisturbed.

Perhaps this is because the awakened ones appeared little by little, and the changes happened little by little, so that the situation has not escaped the control of the country.

However, Yunjin always has a premonition that this is the calm before the storm. The world is undergoing great changes, but it is under the dark tide.

Maybe when everything comes to the surface, everyone will suddenly understand that the world has already changed and a new order has been established.

Boil frogs in warm water, the changes are always inadvertent.

Just when Yunjin's thoughts were flying, a familiar voice sounded behind Yunjin, "You came very early."

Yunjin turned around, and behind her was the charmingly smiling Haitang. She was wearing a black leather jacket, wrapping her proud body. Her whole body was full of wildness and tension, and she had the unique sexiness of a mature woman.

Yun Jin looked at the time, it was only 9:40, he smiled, "You came early too. What about the second awakening ability?"

Haitang raised her right hand in front of her eyes, only then did Yunjin realize that she was holding a wooden cage in her hand.There is a small silver animal in the cage, "here."

Yun Jin froze for a moment, "What is this?"

Haitang poked the little beast, and the silver on the little beast's body immediately flowed like mercury, and then it turned into a ball of silvery white liquid, scurrying around in the cage.

This cage also seemed weird, obviously there were many gaps, but the ball of liquid couldn't get out, it rushed left and right, and finally shrank into a corner, and turned back into a small animal again.

Haitang explained, "This is called the Flowing Gold Beast. It is a rare beast in the other world. It has a special ability. Its body can be transformed into silver liquid metal, and it can be shaped freely."

Another Alien Beast from the Other World
What in the world is it?
Yun Jin didn't ask directly, but asked first, "Can this kind of ability be put on people?"

Haitang shrugged, "It should be possible. Because I heard that someone's awakening ability is copying, and I have copied its ability."

Although others have tried it, Yunjin always had a weird feeling about transplanting the ability of a strange beast into a human body, "Are you sure you don't think about it anymore?"

Haitang shook her head, "This is the most suitable ability for me. It can cooperate with my anesthesia. It can kill me with one blow. It can also escape, change shape, and I don't even need to carry a weapon."

Yun Jin asked silently, "Then have you ever thought that you might not be able to pass the security check?"

"Everyone else is ringing somewhere, but your whole body is a big piece of metal."

Haitang explained with a smile, "This ability is not about turning people into metal, but that people can turn themselves into liquid metal, and they are still ordinary people when they don't use the awakening ability!"

Yun Jin expressed that it was barely acceptable.

But he couldn't help but wondered, if at a certain moment, Haitang became high, excited, and suddenly turned into liquid metal, would it be...
My goodness. So exciting.

Yun Jin expelled these strange thoughts from his mind, and then asked the question he wanted to ask the most, "What is the other world?"

Haitang found two wooden boards, wiped them, handed one to Yun Jin, sat down on the other, and said, "The inner world is actually a very wonderful world."

"It seems to be between nothingness and reality, but it interacts with the real world, and there are many strange beasts living in it."

Yun Jin asked, "Then how to go to the other world?"

"[Gate], you can reach the inner world through the [Gate]. The position of the door is fixed or random, so this is why someone suddenly disappeared out of thin air."

Yun Jin nodded clearly, he wanted to ask more, but Haitang didn't want to say any more.

Seeing that he couldn't get more information from Haitang, Yunjin decided to collect Haitang's abilities first, and then ask her again while she was happy.

Yun Jin mentioned the wooden cage and asked, "Wouldn't it run away if you opened the cage?"

Haitang said, "It's not me."

Saying that, Haitang opened the cage, and the Flowing Gold Beast turned into a streak of silver-white metal and fled out of the cage.

However, Haitang's hands were concentrated with spiritual energy, and she grabbed the Liujin Beast suddenly. The movement changed from quiet to fast, and the movement came first.

As soon as it reached Haitang's hands, the silver-white liquid remained motionless for a moment, spread out in Haitang's hands, obviously anesthetized by her.

Yunjin took the ball of liquid, different from what she imagined, although Liujin Beast has no form now, it feels cool, soft and very comfortable to the touch.

Like jelly.

Yun Jin didn't know how much psychic energy was needed to collect this, so he took out a stack of psychic cards from his pocket and prepared, then imagined the special ability of Liujin Beast in his mind, and said "collect" silently.

Immediately, a storm of psychic energy erupted violently, and Yun Jin only felt a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and his psychic energy was rapidly consumed, 20 points, 40 points, 60 points.
After consuming 300 points of spiritual energy, a golden card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

Yun Jin glanced at the card and found that this ability was quite interesting, then he handed the card to Haitang.

After receiving the second awakening ability, Haitang obviously became more emotional. She carefully studied the instructions on the card, memorized the conditions and methods of use, and then said to Yunjin, "Come on, give me the ability."

But Yun Jin waved his hand and said, "Give me a rest, I just finished collecting abilities."

Haitang smiled, "That's right. You just used up so much energy."

Yun Jin actually found an excuse and took the opportunity to ask some questions.

He looked at Haitang, "By the way, you keep mentioning your organization, what kind of organization are you?"

Haitang glanced at Yunjin warily, and asked back, "Are you planning to join our organization?"

Yun Jin shook her head, "I'm just curious, if it's inconvenient for you, you don't have to tell me."

Haitang hesitated for a while, playing with the cards with her hands, and after a while, she said, "Actually, I don't know what our organization belongs to."

"The more I got in touch with, the more mysterious our organization became. Except for the previous intensive training, we were all led by the captain."

"Your captain?" Yun Jin guided the topic, "I heard you mention it several times, what kind of person is he?"

 Thanks to "丿琼羽丨" for the reward of 600 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  Thanks to "Mu Daguanren" "0o Yuebanpu Qingya o0" for the reward of 100 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  I wish the three bosses a fortune~
(End of this chapter)

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