God Level Collection

Chapter 126 Zhou Yang's Second Ability

Chapter 126 Zhou Yang's Second Ability
Kobo looked at Yunjin innocently, "Water, what is a water pipe?"

Yun Jin froze for a moment, then asked back, "You usually wash vegetables, where does the water for cooking come from?"

Kobo walked to the kitchen sink with his short legs, pointed to the faucet, and said, "From, it comes out of the faucet, it's like this in the video."

Yun Jin asked, "Where did the water in the faucet come from?"

This question was obviously difficult for Kobo, it scratched its big head, thinking hard.

After a while, it looked at Yunjin, its grape-sized eyes were full of confusion, "That's right, it just came out of the faucet."

After finishing speaking, it might be afraid that Yun Jin would not understand, so it stumbled and explained to Yun Jin, "When we were in the mountains, water would come out from the cracks in the rocks or from the mountains, which is normal. Doctor Yun."

Yun Jin: .
Why does he feel that he himself was educated by Cooper?
It seems that these creatures in the other world are still in the stage of primitive worship. They don't even know where water comes from or how fire is produced.

It is estimated that when Kobo cooks these days, he thinks that the knob of the gas stove is a fetish, and when he turns it, it will catch fire.

The refrigerator is a treasure chest, which automatically produces ingredients.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin no longer blames Kobo. He decides that when he doesn't use the computer, he will let Kobo watch more videos and learn common sense in life.

When the two were talking, Wei Xiao was awakened by Yun Jin's shout, so she came to the kitchen in her pajamas, and asked blankly, "What happened?"

Xiaodai followed behind her, walked into the kitchen with small steps, squatted on the ground, and looked up at several people curiously.

Before Yunjin could explain, Weixiao slowly raised his hand and pointed at the Liujin Beast in Yunjin's hand, "Rat?"

After finishing speaking, she added, "A mouse with silver light?"

"Meow?" Xiaodai obviously also became interested in Liujin Beast, it crawled to the bottom of Yunjin's feet, rubbed against Yunjin, trying to climb up.

Yun Jin grabbed it with her free hand, holding Liujin Beast in one hand and Xiao Dai in the other, explaining, "This is not a mouse, this is a strange beast from the other world: Liujin Beast."

In Yunjin's hand, Xiaodai meowed, looked at Liujin Beast curiously, and gently touched it with his paw.

The Liujin Beast shrank and hid immediately, and Xiaodai slapped it on the head, and the Liujin Beast didn't dare to move.

Xiao Dai stretched out his paw, and continued to touch the Liujin Beast curiously.

Yunjin always feels that it is considering which part is delicious.
Wei Xiao took Liujin Beast from Yunjin, and touched it curiously, "Is it a cold-blooded animal? It's very cold."

Yun Jin hugged Xiaodai into her arms, and thought for a while, "Maybe it's a metal creature?"

"Metal creature?" Wei Xiao poked the Liujin Beast, it was soft, like jelly, "It's not like metal."

"Liquid metal." Yunjin said as she walked towards the living room, "Anyway, the creatures in the other world are weird, and it is estimated that the entire scientific world will undergo major changes soon. After all, there are too many things that cannot be explained by science. "

Wei Xiao nodded.

Sitting on the sofa, Yun Jin asked Cooper to bring over his mobile phone, and while stroking Xiao Dai, he turned on the mobile phone.

He found out that he had received a text message this morning from the violent little lolita.

Little Lolita asked Yunjin in a text message when she planned to fulfill her promise and accompany her to the game hall.

Yun Jin pondered for a while, then remembered that when she borrowed the car, she promised to accompany her to the game hall.

After thinking about it, Yun Jin sent her a message: It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today.Are you free?
After sending the message, Yunjin scrolled through Moments boredly.

The first one belonged to Fatty Qian. He attached a photo of him and potato chips, and there were two marriage certificates next to it, and he wrote two words [Official Announcement].

Yun Jin was stunned, what is Fatty Qian doing?Married to potato chips?

Yun Jin commented: Changed wife?

Within two seconds, Fatty Qian replied: Don't talk to me.

Yun Jin: .
What the hell, is this being rejected?
Maybe young people don't understand the trend.
Just when Yun Jin was thinking about how to get back at Fatty Qian, the doorbell rang.

Yun Jin looked at his watch, it should be Zhou Yang who came to deliver the food.Since this honest man agreed to Yunjin, he has been delivering food on time every day.

Opening the door, there was indeed that honest man Zhou Yang outside. When he saw Yun Jin, he smiled innocently, "Doctor Yun, I'm here to deliver today's dishes to you."

Yun Jin said seriously, "Brother Zhou, there's really no need to give it away. We can't finish the food you gave us."

Zhou Yang would say the same thing every time, "It's okay, it's okay, you have to eat fresh food. If you can't finish eating, I can just take it home."

Of course, Yunjin didn't let him take it back every time, because Yunjin collected all the dishes he couldn't finish into cards.

Cards can be kept fresh, so Yunjin now has a stack of fresh vegetable cards.

Letting Zhou Yang in, Wei Xiao sensiblely went to pour a glass of water. Zhou Yang, who had met Wei Xiao several times, said politely, "It's okay, it's okay, don't bother."

Zhou Yang brought the dishes to Yunjin and brought them to the kitchen, and Yunjin followed, and while tidying up, he said, "Actually, you don't have to be so polite. I'm just helping you because I think you're nice."

Zhou Yang said, "Doctor Yun, I also deliver food to you every day because of your kindness."

Yun Jin smiled and said no more.Honest people are also stubborn.

In the past, Zhou Yang would leave after putting down the dishes and chatting for a while, but today it was a bit strange. He stood beside Yunjin for a while, wanting to leave, but just after taking two steps, he came back again.

I wanted to speak, but no sound came out.

Seeing his restless state, Yun Jin curiously put down the tomato in his hand and asked, "What's wrong? Do you have something on your mind?"

Zhou Yang looked at Weixiao who was sitting on the sofa, and found that she wasn't paying attention, so he whispered, "Doctor Yun, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Yun Jin washed her hands and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Yang said, "I seem to have awakened ability again."

"Awakening ability again?" Yun Jin was really surprised.

His first reaction was to not believe it, after all, he had never heard of someone being able to awaken again.

Then, he wondered if Zhou Yang had some mental or psychological problems recently.

After all, as he analyzed before.Because too many people have superpowers recently, more and more patients with hallucinations or schizophrenia think that they are not actually sick, but have superpowers.

Zhou Yang can't be like this, can he?

Just when Yun Jin was worried, Zhou Yang said, "It's true, Doctor Yun. If you don't believe me, I'll show you a show."

This is indeed the easiest to judge, Yun Jin wiped her hands and said, "Then you can perform it."

(End of this chapter)

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