God Level Collection

Chapter 14 The Landlord

Chapter 14 The Landlord
After Zhou Yang left, Yun Jin's cell phone rang.

His mobile phone and card were newly replaced. He didn't have a note, and he didn't know who it was, so he just picked it up.

As soon as it was picked up, the receiver blew up, and an old man shouted loudly,
"Hello? Xiaoyun! I heard that you put a kicker on the lawn outside the clinic and it exploded a big hole?"

"Eh? Landlord?"

"Yes! It's me, your uncle!"

Yun Jin: .
"Let me tell you, the property management company has complained. They said they will lose money, so I will push it back for you. I said that putting a kick kick can blow up the lawn, which means that their lawn is not strong! But you should pay attention, Don't get caught again. I don't care if I get caught again!"

Yun Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, thank you sir."

The landlady spoke with the unique heartiness of the northerners, "Okay, I just want to tell you! You should be busy. Young people should stop playing around, make more money, and pick up girls."

After finishing speaking, the landlady hung up the phone.

This landlord is the landlord of Yunjin's house and clinic, and Yunjin jokingly calls him an old naughty boy.

Lao Naughty was over half a century old, and his wife disappeared long ago, and he didn't plan to look for it again, so he drove a luxury car all day long to pick up girls.

Although he is a little older, he is dressed more fashionable than Yunjin, with a big back and a radiant look, a bit like Zhang Shuangli.Now girls still eat this set, calling it an uncle's style.So they threw themselves into the arms of the old man in an endless stream.

Although Yunjin always suspects that these girls have impure motives, maybe they want to survive until the old man is buried and inherit his nine houses.For this reason, he also reminded the old man insincerely.

But the old man didn't care at all, instead he patted his chest and said, "My body is strong, old man, maybe I can send them away." Then he continued to hug left and right, so happy.

Yunjin doesn't have many friends, and the old urchin is one of them.That's why the old naughty boy will help him when something happens.If ordinary landlords encountered such a thing, they would have scolded their mothers long ago.

Yun Jin cleared the table, sorted out the cases, then locked the door and walked back, the property owner had already repaired the lawn there.

When she got home, Yun Jin heard a rapid meow, "Meow meow meow meow!"

"Xiaodai!" He hurriedly ran towards the direction of the voice.

Walking through the corridor and the living room, he saw Xiaodai yelling non-stop at the door of the bedroom, "Nurse is fierce, milk is fierce!"They're all blown up!
He looked up, and saw that Haitang was only wearing Wang Yuqing's top, her hands were tied behind her back, she got up from the bed at some point, and was standing on the ground with one foot, constantly threatening the little girl with the other. stay.

Yun Jin picked up Xiaodai and looked at Haitang, "What are you doing!"

Haitang was about to cry, "I really can't hold it anymore. I just want to go to the toilet, but it keeps guarding me and won't let me go. I don't dare to be rough on it, so I can't stand it like this. Almost peeing."

Yun Jin: .
"Xiao Dai, well done." Yun Jin scratched Xiao Miao's chin, and Xiao Dai immediately closed his eyes in Su Fu, rubbing his head back and forth.

"Inhumane." Haitang knocked Yunjin away, hopping on one foot and running towards the toilet.That speed is like pressing "Fast Forward", and "Deng Deng Deng" enters the toilet.

Yun Jin followed her to the door of the toilet, and waited for her with her back against the wall.This woman is too dangerous, he wants to control her at any time.

After a while, Haitang came out of the toilet with a face of relief. She glanced at Yunjin sideways and snorted coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"Let's take a walk." Yun Jin said something she couldn't believe, and then stretched out her hand to press her body, collecting all of her few psionic energy. Arrive at 2 o'clock.A little less, which is weird.

"You, you devil." Haitang said and fell into Yunjin's arms.Maybe because she was collected too much, she didn't faint this time, but was so sluggish that she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand.

Yun Jin put Xiaodai on the ground, wrapped her left hand around Haitang's waist, and wrapped her slender legs with her right hand, with a little effort, the princess picked her up.

He came to the bedroom with Haitang in his arms, threw her on the bed, and then sat on the edge of the bed. Haitang rolled her eyes, and then squinted at him.

Yun Jin smiled and asked tentatively, "Your left leg has recovered?"

"Nonsense. Is it strange to disarm my own awakening ability?" Haitang was full of rigidity.

"Then why are you still jumping on one foot?"

"Psychic power is not enough! Half of the solution!"

Yunjin laughed out loud, and Haitang stared with anger.

After laughing, Yunjin said to Haitang, "Why not, let's have a discussion. Information in exchange for freedom. You tell me the information you want to know, and I won't tie you up again. How about it?"

"I told you the information, and you let me go."

"It's impossible to let you go." Yun Jin rubbed his chin, "You know too many secrets about me, I can't trust you."

Haitang said, "Otherwise, you and I will return to the organization. We are all awakened, and we are all a family."

Yun Jin, "Give up on this idea."

"That's nothing to talk about." Haitang was very firm.

Yun Jin smiled faintly, did not continue the chat, but took out her mobile phone and searched for things.

The room fell into an eerie silence.

Turning sideways with great effort, Haitang looked at Yunjin's quiet profile, feeling a little nervous.

The man slid on the screen with his right hand, and was still playing with the lighter with his left hand. The phone screen shone on his face, um, it was a little green.

Haitang had forgotten how long she hadn't been so nervous, she swallowed, pretended to be calm, and shouted to Yunjin, "Hey! What are you looking for?"

Yun Jin glanced at her, with an extremely calm expression on her face, "I'm investigating how the destruction of corpses and traces is more concealed."

Haitang's hairs immediately stood on end, and her skin got goosebumps. She yelled, "Deal, deal, deal!"

Yun Jin smiled, and loaded the phone, "It's fine if I agree earlier."

It was only then that Haitang realized that she had been tricked by Yunjin. She looked at Yunjin bitterly, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't be complacent! The organization will definitely send experts to rescue me. When the time comes, your life will definitely be worse than death!"

Yun Jin's expression froze.I actually forgot about it.

If Haitang doesn't contact her for a long time, their organization will always send people to investigate the situation, and there will still be a lot of trouble at that time.

This is difficult.Yun Jin stroked his chin, pondered for a long time, then shifted his gaze to Haitang, and said, "In that case, let's burn you first."

"At least I can pull a padded back, right?"

 Thanks to the two book friends "Golden Dark Blade Knife" and "Hitomi Bai Ze" for their reward of 100 starting coins, thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!In addition, I waited for a whole day yesterday, and there was no site short, so the editor probably didn't arrange a recommendation. Hey, I'm going to run naked for another week.Thank you all book friends for your unwavering support. Even if the update is a little slower, I hope the quality can be guaranteed.Then save the manuscript for a while, modify it, and start preparing for the double update!

(End of this chapter)

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