Chapter 144
Wei Xiao glanced at Yun Jin, "It's not sincere."

Yun Jin clicked, took the remote control to switch channels, and watched other TVs.

While watching, Yunjin thought, if he watches a TV series in the future and sees that the critical moment is over, he should be able to know the next plot by using the [real coin game]
After all, this is not predicting the future, because domestic TV dramas are filmed first and then broadcast.

When Yun Jin was thinking about it wildly, Wei Xiao suddenly asked, "You really raise a green plant?"

Yun Jin nodded and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Wei Xiao pointed to the flowerpot on the table, Yunjin looked in the direction of her finger, two leaves in the flowerpot actually came out, and the little eggplant poked out its head from the soil, and looked at it with relish. television.

Wei Xiao looked at Yun Jin, as if waiting for an explanation.

Yun Jin picked up the watering can next to her, sprayed some water on the head of the raised eggplant, and said to Wei Xiao, "Look, it's really a green plant."

Before Weixiao could speak, Xiaoyouqi turned around, looked at Yunjin, raised both hands, touched the leaves on her head, and said angrily, "You watered too much. They're all going to be drowned."

Wei Xiao said coldly, "The green plants in your house have spoken."

Yun Jin nodded, "I've become a master."

Little Young Eggplant stuck out its tongue towards Yunjin, and burrowed back into the ground, leaving only two leaves.

The two were silent for a while, then Weixiao said, "With Weimiao's memories of the past ten years, I always thought that I knew you very well, but after living in your house, I discovered that you have many secrets."

"Every few days, there will be some strange things and strange people around you. At that time, I feel that you are very strange."

Before Yun Jin could answer, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and checked, it was Wei Miao's WeChat.

He called to have a look, and said wonderfully, "That's right! What my sister said is exactly what I wanted to say."

This little guy used to complain from the air, but now he goes directly across the screen and sends a barrage?
Yun Jin didn't reply to her WeChat, because she could hear what she said through her sister's ears.

"Actually, this is just your illusion. There are more and more awakened people, and there are more and more strange things. Even if you are not by my side, you will encounter many things."

Before Weixiao could reply, Weimiao's WeChat message came, "No."

Yun Jin muted her phone, and decided to ignore the audience. The barrage was the most deadly.

And Yunjin always feels that this kind of barrage is very joyful. If Weixiao is doing something, Weimiao will comment on the side with "the time is too short", "the frequency is too slow", "the sound is too loud", it is simply unbearable what.

That's right, Yunjin was talking about running on the treadmill at home.

Then, the two discussed about the Awakened for a long time, and before they knew it, it was 07:30 in the evening.

Yun Jin originally planned to chat with Wei Xiao about the topic of [the relationship between the social pyramid structure and the probability of encountering an awakened person], but the first news caught his attention.

"According to statistics, in the past six months, the number of awakened people has gradually increased. Originally, there was only one awakened person in 1 people, but now it has increased to one awakened person in every 5000 people."

"The country attaches great importance to this. Today, the country made an important announcement on this matter: Awakened people are also an indispensable part of society"

"The following is the content of the announcement:."

Yun Jin watched the news, and forgot what she was going to say just now, just because the news was too shocking.

Although Xiao Liu has always said that the country attaches great importance to the awakened, and has been holding meetings to study, but when this day comes, it still feels a little unreal.

Now that the tone has been set, and it has been announced publicly, it is estimated that if such a blockbuster is dropped, it will cause stormy waves.

Although Yunjin's voice sounded vague, it didn't mean he didn't understand the country's attitude:
1. The Awakened and Awakened Abilities are disclosed, so that ordinary people can face up to the strange things around them.

2. To appease the awakened, whether it is for social stability or for some specific things, at least the attitude is clearly to appease.

Yun Jin opened Weibo and found that in just a few minutes, this message had been swiped across the screen, and a bunch of people were discussing this topic.

Some people said: "I have a friend who has superpowers. I thought he was mentally ill, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Immediately afterwards, someone replied to him, "You are not bad. I thought he was sick. I have a friend who performed superpowers for me. I thought I was sick for a few weeks."

Some people discussed: "What is the country's policy? I have superpowers. Am I going to be a big star?"

Then a bunch of people liked, commented and hugged their thighs.

In fact, during the previous period, the topic of awakened people has been spreading silently, and more and more people know the existence of superpowers.

But because the number of awakened people is too small, and there are not many people who have seen it with their own eyes, most people have always held an attitude of "it may be true, but I don't know if it is true".

Topics are also discussed in private rather than on the surface.

Now that the official has given a conclusion, the topic has finally been detonated.

The top ten searches on Weibo, Baidu, and Tieba are all related to awakened people.

With the key word "Awakened", I posted a Weibo, and the number of views exceeded [-] in minutes.

Yun Jin sighed, indeed, the country is still powerful, and one sentence affects the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Turning off Weibo, putting down the phone, Yunjin looked at Weixiao, who was still watching the TV with a calm face, as if she didn't care at all.

Yun Jin couldn't help asking, "You don't seem to be interested at all?"

Wei Xiao glanced at Yunjin, "Why are you interested? If I can choose, I just want to be an ordinary person."

Yun Jin also felt that it made sense.

Wei Xiao watched the TV without moving his head and said, "By the way, when I went to grow vegetables today, Sister Tsing Yi asked me to ask you when you will fulfill your promise."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head, a rare curiosity about gossip appeared on her face, "What promise did you give her?"

Yun Jin said, "Feed her."

Tsing Yi is a painting spirit, inputting psychic energy into Hua is feeding her, what Yun Jin said is also true
(End of this chapter)

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