God Level Collection

Chapter 154 People who have been to the other world

Chapter 154 People who have been to the other world

With hope for the beautiful future of Miss Shuaishen, Yun Jin fell into a deep sleep.

Sleeping on the sofa was not very comfortable. When she woke up the next day, Yun Jin felt a little sore in her waist, as if she had been exercising vigorously all night.

He guessed it was because his back was hanging in the air.

After getting up, Yunjin looked at the two sisters through the perspective of the blood crow.

The two sisters hugged each other and slept soundly on the bed. The sun shone on them, reflecting the two identical faces, creating a magical beauty.

Perhaps because of their different personalities and starting their own lives, the two people who were originally identical have gradually become different.

Weixiao has short black hair and a stern face. If she is paired with a neck ring, she can be called Matilda in "The Killer Is Not So Cold".

But Wei Miao is obviously more sunny, her beautiful long brown hair is draped softly on her body, her long eyelashes, even when she is sleeping, she is smiling, as if no amount of pain can leave a mark on her body.

Yun Jin walked lightly, trying not to make a sound, he came to the kitchen, snapped his fingers, and called, "Old Huang."

Copper suddenly appeared in the kitchen. It had already put on the chef's uniform, and was holding a tablet computer in its hand, watching the video.

This tablet is something that Yunjin found out by digging through boxes and cabinets. It is an Android system, and it is a bit stuck, but it is not bad for watching videos.

So Kobo just hugged a tablet these days when he had nothing to do, stared at the grape-sized eyes, and slid his slender fingers awkwardly on it.

Seeing Yun Jin, Kobo put away the tablet, bent slightly, and said, "Yun, Doctor Yun."

Yun Jin made a "shh" gesture and asked in a low voice, "How is your learning how to cook these few days?"

Cooper nodded, "I, I am very confident now."

Yun Jin: .
Why does it feel a little panicked when it is confident.

Yun Jin dispelled his wild thoughts, took out the little paper man with "cooking" written on it from his pocket, and said, "This is a special ability that can improve your cooking level. You have a try."

Kobo Putao's big eyes looked at the little paper figurine curiously, and then nodded.

Yun Jin pasted the paper figurine on Kobo's big forehead, it was just right and didn't block his sight.

Copper stayed for a while, and then the brilliance in his eyes became more and more intense.

It said to Yunjin excitedly, "Yun! Doctor Yun! I know how to cook!"

Yunjin motioned for it to lower its voice, then waved it to let it do it.

Leaving the kitchen to Kobo, Yun Jin gleefully checked the news on her mobile phone, waiting for the food to come out of the oven.

The state has disclosed the existence of the Awakened, and the Ministry of Public Security has also issued a statement requiring the Awakened to take the initiative to file their information with the Public Security Bureau, and the registered Awakened can receive a certain amount of subsidies every month.

But maybe because the time is too short, the effect is not very obvious. Although many people brag about their superpowers on the Internet, the people who filed the record are far from imagining.

However, a country is a country. Before, we could get general statistical data, and now we can also find various awakened people. Therefore, the police in some areas have begun to come to the door, actively asking the awakened people to file.

And with the disclosure of the awakened ones, more and more news about the inner world began to appear.

Some people said on the Internet that they have been to the inner world, and the inner world and the real world are two sides of the same world, which is a very special existence.

The sky in the other world is gray, and the overall tone is bleak and decaying.

The buildings and some items in the real world will be mapped to the inner world, so there are cities like ghost towns in the inner world.

It is full of high-rise buildings, but there are no lights, no vehicles, no pedestrians.

And all kinds of strange creatures live in the inner world, they either live in these abandoned cities, or live in the outskirts and mountains.These creatures have all kinds of strange abilities.

The man said that after dinner, he got drunk, and when he came home late at night, he walked through a small alley and accidentally traveled to the other world.

And the other world also has that alley, and also has his home.He didn't notice anything unusual at first, but he just thought that there was a power outage at home, so he went back to bed and slept.

As a result, the next day, he saw with his own eyes a rabbit as tall and strong as a bear coming out of the opposite house, and he panicked.

Then he checked his home and found that his home had become extremely dilapidated. The floor and table were all covered with dust, and the walls had many water stains and cracks, which looked crumbling.

When he looked at his bed again, the white embroidered bed sheet had turned yellow and wrinkled, and the quilt was even more tattered.

Thinking that he slept in such a bed last night, he felt a little sick to his stomach.

Yun Jin curiously wanted to continue reading, but found that the following was gone.This person only writes so far.

I don't know how he finally returned to the real world.

Holding a grudge against an eunuch, Yun Jin wanted to see if there was any other information about the other world, and then Wei Miao came out.

Still wearing her sister's pajamas, she yawned and greeted Yun Jin, "Morning ~ Doctor Yun. The sun is good~"

Yun Jin smiled and nodded, "Yes. Did you sleep well?"

Wei Miao nodded, "That's good. It would be better if my sister didn't kick me all the time."

As she was talking, Wei Xiao walked out of the bedroom with a blank expression, "If you don't snore, I will definitely not kick you."

Wei Miao turned her head and said, "But I can't control my snoring. I didn't know I could snore either."

Yun Jin imagined Wei Miao swaying, mouth open, drooling glisteningly, and snoring cutely, which felt quite interesting.

But Weixiao obviously didn't think it was interesting, she said coldly, "Then kicking you is not under my control, it is voice-activated."

"You! Hmph!" Wei Miao folded her arms around her chest, pouted with an angry look on her face.

Wei Xiao glanced at her indifferently, passed her, and entered the toilet first.

"Hey! I got up first! Why did you jump in line!" Wei Miao hurriedly followed.

"I'm my sister, let me."

"Then I'll be your sister, let me go!"

The two sisters washed up in the toilet while arguing.

After they finished washing, Cooper also prepared breakfast.It doesn't know where it learned the bad habit, and it still uses the bowl on the plate to prevent the three of them from seeing what the dish is.

Then it changed into a small suit and a small bow tie, and stood in front of the table with a proud face, "Here, this is a big meal I carefully prepared for everyone. There are four dishes and one soup. Well cooked."

Before it finished speaking, Wei Xiao pointed to its forehead and asked, "What's on your head? A seal?"

(End of this chapter)

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