God Level Collection

Chapter 159 The Secret Hidden in the Orphanage

Chapter 159 The Secret Hidden in the Orphanage (Please Subscribe!)
Along the way, Haitang's expression was serious, appearing to be preoccupied.

After a while, she came to the door of her room and glanced at the crack of the door.

Yun Jin keenly noticed that there was a black hair on it, which was probably made by Haitang.

She opened the door as if nothing had happened, walked in, and then closed the door behind her back.

It was not until she was in her own room that Haitang breathed a sigh of relief.She took out her mobile phone from her pants pocket, opened the cabinet, threw it in, and locked it.

Judging by her appearance, she was probably carrying a mobile phone and was just called away by the captain.So it was a little scary along the way.

Yunjin asked Kobo to wash himself a plate of fruit, and observed Haitang while eating.

As a result, after watching for half an hour, there is nothing of value
Yun Jin turned off her video, and clicked on the [Camera] sold by vivo.I plan to see if there is any further connection between this sales and MLM in the past few days.

As a result, when the video came out, Yunjin was stunned. The salesman was wearing a black hood, and was being held in the car by the MLM staff who had talked with him last time.

Yunjin adjusted her angle of view and looked at the two people. It didn't look like they were kidnapped, because apart from wearing a black hood to block their view, their hands and feet were not tied.

And the MLM person was still chatting with him.

"After you arrive at the place, you can't leave casually. But our boss will not treat you badly. You just need to work hard. If you want money, you have money, and if you want women, you have women. You must know that in our industry, women are very open."

The salesman smiled, "Don't worry, my ability is relatively weak, but I can definitely help you."

Yun Jin froze for a moment, didn't he collect his abilities?Why is he still capable?
Yun Jin pondered for a long time: This person doesn't think that his ability is only temporarily disabled, does he?After all, Yunjin's attack was too fast that day, and he didn't have time to react.

Yun Jin thought about it seriously, if she fainted suddenly, and then woke up with no ability, she would probably suspect that something is wrong with her body.

While listening to the two talking, Yunjin adjusted her angle of view, walked through the car, and observed the surrounding environment.

The vehicle has been driving, and there are trees and pedestrians on both sides of the road, but it is impossible to see where it is.

Yun Jin silently looked at both sides of the road, looking for landmarks, trying to figure out the route of the vehicle.

At first, he didn't have any idea. After all, the roads are all about the same length, and the trees are no different.

But the more they walked, the more they became familiar. Yun Jin looked at both sides of the road, frowning and thinking, this seems to be the way to the orphanage.

Yun Jin shook her head, feeling that she was thinking too much. After all, the orphanage is in the suburbs, and it is normal for the MLM base to be located in the suburbs. It may just be a side trip.

As a result, the car continued to drive forward, and finally turned around the orphanage and stopped at the back door of an orphanage.

After the car stopped, the MLM person got out of the car first, and he knocked on the door three times and four times.The door was opened, and a bald head poked out his head to look around, called "Second Brother", and opened the door.

The MLM person asked the driver to walk in with vivo sales, and then he chatted with the bald head, "That bitch didn't come, did she?"

The bald head shook his head, "No. She probably knew we were doing some illegal activities, so she never came to watch behind her, and only took money."

The pyramid salesman bared his teeth and smiled, "That's right. She only cares about taking money to support her orphans, and she doesn't care what we do. Just pay the money on time."

"However, the environment here is really unique. Even if the police were spot-checking nearby, they probably wouldn't have thought that we would run pyramid schemes in the orphanage."

"Waiting to leave, while she is not paying attention, get two children to come over to play. The women in our organization are already tired of playing. I think there are a few girls in her yard who are not bad."

The bald head chuckled, "That old woman is also good, I like the one that still has the charm."

The pyramid salesman patted his bald head, "You just stay here."

Yun Jin frowned and listened to the conversation between the two, her heart was full of anger, these two beasts!

Before collecting the awakening ability for Xiaodouhua, he felt that the orphanage was very large and there were many rooms. At that time, Teacher Yang's expression was a bit unnatural.

Yun Jin didn't care about it at the time, after all, everyone has secrets, but he didn't expect that Teacher Yang, who seemed to be honest and responsible on the surface, would actually be doing this kind of thing behind his back.

Entering the classroom, the room was full of people, men and women, each of them was reciting something with their heads down, and a group of people gathered around a tall man asking for advice on how to make a lot of money.

The hood sold by vivo had already been taken off when he entered the yard. The MLM person led him to the tall man and said in a low voice, "Brother, this is the talent I told you about."

The tall man was wearing a close-fitting Armani suit and a Rolex Green Water Ghost. He looked like a successful person. He took a few glances at the sales of vivo, and then nodded.

The vivo salesman immediately flattered and expressed his loyalty, "Brother, I have a very smooth tongue, and I can definitely be our lecturer."

Too lazy to watch a few people discussing how to harm others, Yunjin quit the camera, then clicked [Locate] in the chat box of vivo sales, and after a while, an address was sent over.

Yun Jin took a look and found that it was indeed an orphanage.

Yun Jin picked up her cell phone and found Officer Xiao Liu's number.

He was about to call Police Officer Xiao Liu, but hesitated again.
Those people are not good at first glance. From a few words of dialogue, it can be seen that they must have done some illegal and criminal activities.

So what is Mr. Yang who rented a place for those people to do illegal things?
Yun Jin didn't believe that she didn't know anything.

After all, there are so many people eating, drinking, and walking around, wouldn't Teacher Yang know?She is not a fool.

According to the MLM person, Mr. Yang rented out the idle room of the orphanage in order to subsidize the orphanage.

Judging from several contacts with Teacher Yang, the situation in the orphanage has not been very good. She will keep the chocolates that Yunjin gave her and give them to the children.

So Yun Jin also believed in this reason.

But although Mr. Yang's original intention is good, he shouldn't rent the house to others to commit crimes!

What's more, the orphans are pitiful, but the ordinary people who are deeply trapped in the pyramid scheme are also pitiful.The happiness of orphans cannot be based on the blood and tears of others.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin pressed the dial button.

"Beep, beep, beep"

After a while, Officer Xiao Liu answered the phone.

As soon as Yun Jin shared the details with Police Officer Liu, Officer Xiao Liu immediately said that he would report it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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