God Level Collection

Chapter 182 Guessing about dreams

Chapter 182 Guessing about dreams
something is wrong with him
In order to verify her thoughts, Yun Jin clicked on Ding Xiaohui's camera.

Ding Xiaohui is doing stretching exercises in her room.

Her whole body was flat on the ground, and her beautiful body leaned forward, like an elegant swan.

Yun Jin stared at her movements for a long time, smiled, and turned off the video.

Then he opened the drawer and took out the zippo lighter and cigarettes that he hadn't used for a long time.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he opened the lighter cover with a "click", and rubbed the flint.

One stroke, two strokes, only Mars.

Yun Jin seemed to be addicted, and kept rubbing against each other. After a while, a ball of flame actually burst out.

Yun Jin lighted it up, took a sip intoxicated, and felt that cigarettes are really a devil, and they are used to smoking, so I really miss it if I don’t smoke it.

No wonder it is so difficult to quit smoking, it is not because of addiction.

Yun Jin quietly finished smoking a cigarette, and then flicked the cigarette end onto the bed.

When it landed on the bed, the cigarette butt flickered twice and went out, but it also burned a small hole in the bed sheet.

Yunjin left the room and went downstairs. The new community, Yunjin, is fairly familiar. Although it is not as good as the Poly Cullinan where he lived before, the greenery is not bad.

Some residents are walking their dogs and chatting in the community, looking very normal.

Yun Jin wandered around the community, found no valuable information, and returned home.

Yun Jin knocked on the door of the second bedroom, Wei Xiao opened the door, then looked at him with a cold face, "What's the matter?"

Yun Jin stretched out her hand to pinch Wei Xiao's face, and said with a smile, "It's actually quite soft, and it's still warm."

"Crazy!" Wei Xiao slapped Yunjin's mischievous hand, "Peng!" and closed the door, shutting Yunjin out.

Yun Jin didn't care, he returned to his room, the top was still spinning on the table, like a perpetual motion machine, Yun Jin took it down and put it in his hand.

Immediately, the whole dream began to spin like a vortex, and then wrapped Yunjin in it.

Yun Jin's eyes darkened and she lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he was lying on the table, and Kobo was standing aside, watching him intently.

Seeing Yun Jin wake up, Kobo said happily, "Doctor Yun, are you awake?"

Yun Jin nodded, then spread his left hand, and an iron spinning top lay quietly in his hand.

Yun Jin touched herself lightly, then thought about the information related to Mengwang and the dream labyrinth, and silently said "collection."

Nothing happened, and nothing really seemed wrong.

Yun Jin opened the drawer on the table, just like in the dream, a pack of cigarettes and a zippo lighter lay quietly in the drawer.

Yun Jin took out the lighter, opened the lid with a "click", and then rubbed the flint, but only sparks splashed, but there was no flame.

Yes. Exactly.Recently, in order to avoid smoking, Yun Jin took out the kerosene from the lighter and threw it away.

So his lighter in the real world can't be fired at all.

But he can use his lighter to light a fire in his dream, which is obviously different from reality.

The reason why Yun Jin knew that the lighter could be ignited was because of the abnormality he noticed when he tested the awakening ability.

[Ominous Red-Eyed Crow] There is nothing abnormal in the dream, but [Zombie's WeChat group chat] is completely wrong.

Maybe because the dream labyrinth has no way to obtain information from the outside world, so the [camera] is all scene transformations that Yunjin has experienced.

For example, Haitang takes off her clothes, for example, Ding Xiaohui stretches her body.

Therefore, Yunjin roughly deduced the concept of dream maze reconstruction scene: use the user's subconscious to reconstruct the dream.

In other words, everything in that world is actually related to the user's thoughts.

To put it bluntly, it is idealism.Only what Yunjin can see and touch can exist, so before Yunjin opens the drawer, the inside is actually empty.

It is Yun Jin who remembers that there is a lighter, and there is a lighter in the dream.

Knowing the principle of the dream maze, Yunjin knew what to do.As a psychiatrist, it is very easy for him to give psychological hints to himself.

That's why he rubbed the flint and steel, and kept giving himself psychological hints: the lighter can make fire.
So, his lighter can really fire.

Of course, it is relatively simple to imply that a lighter can fire, but Yun Jin will definitely not be able to imply that he can fly or that he is invincible.
This goes against common sense and his inner subconscious.

However, the information that Yun Jin passed through the dream labyrinth also caused great fear to the builders of Monternet.

This person has Monternet as a terminal, and after using it for so long, he must be very familiar with psychological hints, dream recasting, etc.

Maybe I can really do what I just thought.

Moreover, Yunjin also thought of a terrible thing.

The scene in the dream is so realistic, and it is completely cast according to the subconscious mind of the user. Once it is pulled into the dream, it is impossible to notice it at all.
Yunjin decided that she would carry cigarettes and lighters with her from now on. She doesn't smoke, but it can be used as a test method.

Yun Jin was playing with the lighter, thinking, in fact, he himself was relatively safe, but the registered users of Monternet were indeed very dangerous.

If Monternet pulls all registered users into the dream together, and reorganizes into a new world.
After thinking about it, Yun Jin felt a little shuddering.

He put down the lighter in his hand and called the sloppy uncle.

The phone was connected, and the sloppy uncle's hoarse voice came from the receiver, "Doctor Yun?"

Yun Jin said, "Yes, it's me, Mr. Hu. What have you been up to lately?"

The sloppy uncle said concisely, "Investigate the case of the orphanage."

Yun Jin asked, "Any clues?"

The sloppy uncle thought for a while, and instead of saying it directly, he asked, "Doctor Yun is very interested in this case?"

Yun Jin replied without hesitation, "Yes! If it is convenient, I would like to participate in this case."

The sloppy uncle pondered for a long time, then said, "I'll give you an answer in a while."

Yun Jin knew that the process of such a major case was a bit cumbersome, so she didn't rush, but talked about today's topic, "Do you know anything about Monternet?"

When this topic was mentioned, the sloppy uncle became more interested, "Does Doctor Yun know anything about Monternet?"

Yun Jin roughly talked about his research on Monternet to Uncle Sloppy, and then focused on the seriousness of his conjecture.

The sound of a pen rubbing against paper came from the sloppy uncle, probably recording Yunjin's discovery.

After recording, the sloppy uncle asked, "Can you do a criminal profile of the builder of Monternet?"

Yun Jin shook her head, "How is it possible. This information is too little."

(End of this chapter)

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