God Level Collection

Chapter 187 The Girl Who Grinds Coffee

Chapter 187 The Girl Who Grinds Coffee (Please subscribe!)
The girl tilted her head to look at Yun Jin, "Doctor Yun, do you know me?"

Yun Jin smiled and turned her head sharply, "I seem to have seen you near Binjiang University Town."

"Oh~ that's it." The girl smiled reservedly.

Yun Jin signaled the girl to sit on the sofa, then took out her own list, and started to ask, "Normal patients will leave some information about themselves on the [Nihao Doctor] website, but you don't seem to have left, so I need to ask from the beginning. one time."

The girl explained, "I just wanted to consult casually, so I didn't leave any information."

Yun Jin nodded, expressing her understanding.

Then he asked, "Name."

"Ding Xiaohui."




"19 is old."

Yun Jin nodded, wrote down the basic information, then raised her head, Ding Xiaohui was looking at herself with inexplicable eyes.

Yun Jin smiled, "Do you not quite understand why I asked about gender?"

Ding Xiaohui nodded cautiously, "It's a little bit. After all, it should be obvious at a glance."

Yun Jin guided her, "Are you sure some people can tell at a glance?"

Ding Xiaohui thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "Understood."

Yun Jin said, "Doctors still need to be rigorous. For the same disease, the symptoms of men and women may be completely different. We can't tell the gender by what we see."

He paused, and added, "So regular hospitals will use medical insurance cards or ID cards."

Ding Xiaohui nodded clearly, looking at Yunjin with a lot of trust in her eyes.

Yun Jin lowered her head and wrote the medical records, but in her heart she felt that this city is really small, and she met a patient who turned out to be her "WeChat friend".

Yes, that's right, this girl is the girl Yun Jin occasionally watches "live" on Zombie WeChat.

Yun Jin remembered that she did go home occasionally, the house was pink and tender, full of all kinds of dolls, big and small, and there were claw machines to catch them.

And this girl is indeed a bit withdrawn, except that she was walking with two boys when she was attacked, she was all by herself.

And she seems to be an art student, Yunjin has seen her doing stretching exercises or dancing several times.

While recalling her own memories, Yun Jin did a routine checkup on the girl. After the whole set up, there were no major problems, except for a little depression.

Yun Jin looked at the report and asked the girl, "Your condition is not bad, and the possibility of Diogenes syndrome has been ruled out. But you are in a bad mood? Did you encounter anything recently?"

Yunjin actually knew all about it, but he couldn't tell, he could only ask.
The girl nodded, "I have a classmate who died in front of me a few days ago."

Speaking of this, Ding Xiaohui was a little depressed, "I can't accept it."

Yun Jin clapped her hands and interrupted her thoughts, "I understand how you feel. But don't think about it now. When you need it, I will let you recall and talk about it, but now you have to learn to restrain yourself."

Ding Xiaohui is obviously a person who is easily influenced by others. She raised her head obediently and looked at Yunjin, "Doctor, do I have any other problems besides this?"

Yun Jin shook her head, "It's not that you don't have any other problems except this, it's basically all right."

"You're just a little down, and everything takes time to fade."

After finishing speaking, Yun Jin got up, took out a small hand coffee grinder from the cabinet next to her, and then took out the coffee beans she bought, packed them, and handed them to Ding Xiaohui.

Ding Xiaohui took it in a daze, and looked at Yunjin.

Yun Jin made a grinding gesture with her hand and said, "Grind the coffee."

"Oh." Ding Xiaohui was obviously in a daze, maybe she wasn't used to Yunjin's unconventional way of playing cards.

She clamped the coffee maker between her legs, then took the handle with her hand and started turning it.

With the grinding circles, the slight vibration of the coffee beans being crushed was transmitted to the body through her hands, and there was a very comfortable feeling, which relieved her depressed mood a bit.

Yun Jin didn't explain her behavior, but chatted, "Do you usually have any hobbies?"

Ding Xiaohui raised her head and replied while grinding her coffee, "Reading, dancing, listening to music."

"Classical music?" Yunjin asked.

Ding Xiaohui nodded, "Yes."

She is indeed a literary girl, and she does things quietly by herself.Her Wu Yunjin seems to be a more classical solo dance.

Yun Jin asked, "Are you a single parent?"

"No, my parents are fine."

"Sorry." Yun Jin apologized.

Ding Xiaohui lowered her head and continued grinding.As the coffee beans become thinner, the vibration transmitted becomes lighter and lighter.

From the rough vibration just now, it became smoother and smoother now. This changing feeling actually gave her a kind of power to gradually feel at ease.

Seeing her grinding for a long time, Yun Jin waved to her and asked her to pass the coffee machine to him.

Yun Jin looked at it, and found that this girl grinds it very finely, no need to boil it, it can be brewed directly.

Then Yunjin brewed a cup of coffee and handed it to Ding Xiaohui, "The ideal time to grind coffee is before cooking. Because ground coffee is easy to oxidize and lose its aroma."

"Oh." Ding Xiaohui agreed, and took the coffee. The cup was double-layered and insulated, so it was not hot when held in her hand.

Just as she was about to take a sip, Yun Jin stretched out her hand to signal, "Don't drink coffee directly. Most of the aroma of coffee is volatile and can be felt by smell, only a small part is water-soluble and can only be felt by taste. So smell Coffee is more pleasurable than drinking coffee."

Ding Xiaohui nodded like a marionette, then closed her eyes and gently smelled the coffee.

The fragrance of coffee entered her body along her nostrils, making her extra comfortable.

After smelling it for a while, Ding Xiaohui opened her eyes secretly, taking advantage of Yunjin's inattention, secretly took a sip of coffee, and almost threw the cup out, "It's so bitter!"

This sentence should be the loudest sentence since Ding Xiaohui entered the room.

Yun Jin couldn't help but smiled, "Of course it's bitter, there's no sugar or milk added."

Ding Xiaohui asked, "Then why not add it?"

Yun Jin spread her hands, "My coffee is just for you to smell, not for you to drink."

Yun Jin tapped on the table with a pen, motioning Ding Xiaohui to look at the logo on the desk, "This is a counseling room, not a coffee shop."

Ding Xiaohui shrank her body and smiled a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry doctor, I forgot."

After finishing speaking, she added, "But you seem to have a magical power here that makes people settle down. Can I come here often in the future?"

Yun Jin smiled and said, "Of course. Psychological counselors don't just solve psychological problems for people. It's also our job to adjust mood and solve confusion."

 This Saturday, I had something to go out to do, so I wanted to post it regularly last night, but I finished writing it at 11:[-], and accidentally posted it out
  If you don't update two chapters today, the full attendance of 600 yuan will be gone.
  No way, I wrote until 12:[-] in the evening, and then got up early this morning to continue writing.Finally finished writing!
  Thank you for your support all the time, it is considered an accidental update, I wish you all a happy day!
  I'm out on errands
(End of this chapter)

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