God Level Collection

Chapter 194 Teacher Yang Wakes Up

Chapter 194 Teacher Yang Wakes Up
Yun Jin looked at Wei Xiao, and wanted to persuade her, but after thinking about it, she didn't speak.

Because he felt that Weixiao was an everyday petty hypocrisy and petty temper.Looking at her state now, she is not depressed or depressed, she is completely normal, as if she is acting like a baby.

And after all, she is already a half-adult, and she should learn to think independently.

Sometimes, as an adult, it is better to let the children try it themselves if there is too much preaching, and the children may experience it more deeply.

After all, no matter how you look at it, she and Wei Miao are inseparable parts of each other.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin nodded, didn't say much, then sat on the sofa and waited for dinner.

After eating, Yun Jin realized that she had been idle for some inexplicable reason this day.

Attribute psionic energy is still almost successful in cultivation, so don't worry now.

There is only 100 points of ordinary psionic power left in his body, and there is no need to ripen Yi Rongguo.

Fatty Qian and Shen Mo were probably kissing me, so they couldn't go to him either.

The sloppy uncle is still applying to the higher authorities to handle the case himself, so it's not appropriate to find him now.

After much deliberation, I seem to have nothing to do.

Yun Jin flipped through the memo, and there are two important things to do in the near future, one is the summoning of the second kind of creature in the other world, and the other is to accompany Wang Yuqing to see the terracotta warriors.

But there are still a few days, so don't worry.

After being idle all of a sudden, Yunjin was not used to it, he clicked on the zombie wechat group chat boredly, intending to see if it would be useful to Haitang now.

Click [Camera], the picture shows Haitang's room.

Haitang's room seemed to be tidied up specially, the quilt was neatly folded, and the things were arranged neatly, but Haitang was not in the room.

This looks like going out of the way.

Yunjin waited for a few minutes, but Haitang didn't come back. He turned his camera to the corridor, but there was no one in the corridor.

Yun Jin turned off the camera boredly, then clicked on Ding Xiaohui's video, wanting to see what this girl was doing.

The screen flashed, and Ding Xiaohui's figure appeared in the screen.

Her background is a bunk bed, and there are two girls beside her, chatting about something.

It seemed that after she recovered from her injury, she returned to the school dormitory.

Ding Xiaohui sat on the bed with her back to her roommate, and then put her hands underneath, moving constantly.

Yun Jin zoomed out, only to see clearly that she was holding a hand coffee grinder in her arms and was grinding coffee.

Her roommate said, "Xiaohui, you have ground the coffee, can you give it to us?"

"Yes." Ding Xiaohui nodded and agreed.

Yun Jin feels that this girl is really a bit introverted.This kind of day can chat to death.

Another roommate asked while putting on makeup, "But why did you suddenly like hand-ground coffee?"

Ding Xiaohui said sullenly, "Grinding coffee can calm my mind."

The girl poked a cotton swab on her face, and looked back at her, "Aren't you quiet enough? Sometimes you just talk a few words a day."

The roommate who spoke first answered, "That's right, when I first met you, my first impression was that you were a tall and cold beauty. It was only later that I realized that you are a little silly girl. Haha."

After finishing speaking, she came to Ding Xiaohui's bed and hugged Ding Xiaohui, "You should smile more and play more, don't always be so quiet."

This girl is obviously more cheerful and lively.

With Ding Xiaohui's personality, meeting such a roommate is not bad.After all, if a person is too quiet, a friend is needed to adjust the atmosphere.

Yun Jin just praised this roommate here, but the roommate said, "Why don't I take you to the bar for a stroll at night, it's very interesting."

Ding Xiaohui paused with her hands, her face was a little flustered, "I, I won't go."

"Oh, it's okay. I just go to dance, drink and have a good time." The roommate was a bit carefree, she hugged Ding Xiaohui and said, "That's it, let's go out to play at night."

Another roommate also booed, "I'll go too, I'll go too."

"Okay, let's go together!"

Yun Jin adjusted her angle of view and looked at Ding Xiaohui. It was obvious that Ding Xiaohui was hesitant. Finally, she sighed and started to move her hands again.

It seemed that she had made a decision, but she didn't know what it was.

Yun Jin turned off the video, but didn't care too much.There are many types of bars, some are quiet and some are noisy.

Quiet Bar is actually similar to a coffee shop, where you can drink and chat.

If it is noisy, it may be a little messy, disco, dancing, drinking and everything.But Yunjin is a big city, and the management is relatively strict, so there won't be so many bad things shown on TV.

Yun Jin is not familiar with this, but Wang Ke is familiar with it. The first and only time Yun Jin went to the bar was Wang Ke took it with her, and there was a waiter standing beside her to make drinks.

The wine was quite delicious, it tasted like iced black tea, Yunjin didn't take it seriously, and after drinking three cups, she felt a little dizzy.

The next day, Wang Ke told Yunjin the truth, saying that the wine was XO mixed with iced black tea, of course it was all iced black tea flavor, but it was normal for Yunjin to be unable to withstand the high alcohol content.

Since then, Yunjin no longer drinks iced black tea.
Just as Yun Jin was thinking wildly, his phone rang.

Yun Jin took a look and saw that it was Police Officer Xiao Liu calling.

Yun Jin picked up the phone and joked, "Officer Xiao Liu called, do you have any instructions?"

Officer Xiao Liu was obviously in a bad mood, "Ms. Yang is awake, you'd better come and take a look."

Yun Jin's heart trembled, "Is she alright?"

Officer Xiao Liu said nothing for a while, "It's hard to say, you will know when you come."

Yun Jin hung up the phone, put on her coat, and rushed out of the room.

He took a taxi, came to the hospital, and went up to the fourth floor, where police officer Xiao Liu was already waiting.

Yun Jin asked, "Is Teacher Yang alright?"

Officer Xiao Liu's face was a little gloomy, "You can see for yourself, and I don't know if it's all right."

Yun Jin followed Officer Xiao Liu to the ward. Teacher Yang was sitting on the bed, covered with a quilt, staring blankly at the front.

Yun Jin called softly, "Teacher Yang?"

Teacher Yang turned her head and looked at Yunjin. There were some green patterns on the left side of her face, like leaves and weird totems.

"Doctor Yun, you are here."

Yun Jin glanced at Police Officer Liu, who signaled Yun Jin to talk first, then he left the room without explaining.

Yun Jin stepped forward and looked at Teacher Yang's profile, "Mr. Yang, are you okay?"

Teacher Yang smiled slightly, with a sense of ease, "It's okay. Everything is fine."

Yun Jin poured her a glass of water and asked, "Did you just wake up?"

Teacher Yang held the water, "Yes, I just woke up. I didn't expect that I would sleep for so long."

(End of this chapter)

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