God Level Collection

Chapter 203 The organization is broken...

Chapter 203 The organization is broken.
She thought about it seriously for a while, and was a little bit reluctant, "It should be possible. I can speed up the growth of fish and shrimp."

Yun Jin nodded and said, "Then you make your nest here, and I'll buy fish fry and shrimp fry for you."

After speaking, Yun Jin returned to the real world.

He ran to the flower, bird and fish market and bought a bag of fish fry and a bag of shrimp fry, almost a few hundred. Yunjin felt that it should be enough, so he ran home with it.

Fortunately, there is such a market near his home, otherwise the things he bought would not be enough for the taxi fare.

Back in the world in the painting, the golden crab girl has already dug a small lake beside the lake, and then started to divert water. Sure enough, doing this kind of thing with ten legs is fast.

Seeing Yunjin came back, the Golden Crab Girl said to Yunjin, "You don't have anything in this lake, what do fish and shrimp eat?"

Yun Jin didn't know anything about farming these things, he was a little taken aback, "Don't fish and shrimp eat sand?"

The golden crab girl looked at Yunjin with her empty eyes, "But...you don't even have sand in this lake."

Yun Jin: .
The golden crab girl said, "Or you can let me go back to the inner world first."

Yunjin's first reaction was that the cash cow was about to run away.

Fortunately, the golden crab girl said, "I'll bring you the ecological chain of the lake, so that your lake will no longer be stagnant."

Yun Jin said, "Yes, yes, but... when I summon you, can you bring something?"

The golden crab girl said, "Yes." As she spoke, she tapped the crab shell on top of her head and said, "Come out and say hello to uncle."

After she finished speaking, small heads drilled out of the crab shells, all of them were like crab girls, with crab shells on their heads and carapace faces.
But it looks like they're all girls
So these are golden crab girls?
Those little crab girls stared at Yun Jin with their dark eyes, and said one after another, "Hi Uncle, I'm Qian Yi."

"Hi Uncle, I'm Qianji."

"Hi Uncle, I'm Qiansan."

"Hi Uncle, I'm Qiansi."

There are a total of seven little crab girls, arranged from one to seven, except for the last one named Qianqian, they are all arranged according to numbers.

Although the golden crab girl repeatedly said that she would bring her children, Yunjin never thought that this would be a buy one get seven free, it was a clearance sale.

And what is that crab shell on the head of the Golden Crab Girl?Dimensional pocket?how can anything be installed
The golden crab girl tapped the crab shell above her head and said, "Okay, let's all go back."

The little crab girls retracted their heads obediently one by one.

The golden crab girl said to Yunjin, "So I can come here with my things."

Yun Jin picked up the two bags of fish fry and shrimp fry in her hand, and asked, "Then do you still need this?"

The golden crab girl said, "Give it to me first, I will study it when I come back."

As she spoke, she dug two small pits on the ground with her two pointed legs, opened her mouth, and spit out a pile of water, filling up the small pits, and then she put the fish fry and shrimp fry into the puddle.

After finishing all this, the golden crab girl said, "Then I will go back to the inner world first. You can call me back tomorrow."

Yun Jin nodded.

The golden crab girl opened her mouth again and spit out a water polo. The golden crab girl jumped into the water polo, and then the water polo became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the world in the painting out of thin air.

Looking at this scene, Yun Jin felt that this should have nothing to do with [Lucky Inner World Creature Summoning Ritual], it should be the unique ability of Crab Girl.

But why does this crab girl's mouth seem to be a dimensional pocket, and she can spit out so much water?
Yun Jin looked at the dug-out lake full of pits, and rationally left the world in the painting. If the guy in Tsing Yi came out and saw it, he might chase after him with a sword and cut him.

After leaving the room, Wei Xiao was gnawing on an apple and watching TV, while Xiao Dai was sitting on her lap, yawning boredly, and wagging his tail slightly.

Yun Jin sat beside her, hugged Xiao Dai, and while stroking the cat, asked, "You actually have time to watch TV?"

Wei Xiao nodded, "I'm more inspired today, so I'm done writing, it's boring."

Yun Jin nodded, this kind of life is really not easy for Wei Xiao.

Anyway, he was bored, so he just sat there watching TV and stroking the cat.

Xiaodai was a little excited in Yunjin's arms, with his belly facing upwards, his little paws kept resisting Yunjin's claws, and kept "meowing".

Yun Jin grabbed its tail, and it curled up its tail.Yunjin touched its ears, and it covered its ears with its paws, it was so cute.

Yun Jin didn't play for a few minutes, the TV series ended, and the TV screen turned into a news bulletin:
Recently, our province has joined forces with other provincial and municipal public security organs to crack down on a particularly large criminal case involving an awakened person by adopting methods such as upgrading jurisdiction and using police from different places.

8 people involved in the case, including 1808 leaders including Lu and Xiong, were arrested, 53 criminal dens were destroyed, 35 guns, 108 imitation guns, 11 crossbows, and 87 controlled knives were seized during the operation. More than 100 cars and a batch of property involved in the case.

It is reported that this is the first case of an awakened person involved in gangsters in the country, and the number of people is extremely rare.

Yun Jin looked up at the TV, and suddenly had an inexplicable premonition in her heart that this could not be an organization, could it?
The scale is so terrifying, and it is an awakened person. If there is a second organization, it should not be silent.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin sent a message to Officer Xiao Liu and asked about it.

After a while, Officer Xiao Liu replied: No comment.

After a while, Police Officer Xiao Liu sent another message: Mr. Hu and his team took the lead.

Looking at this message, Yun Jin felt a little inexplicable.Dominated by the sloppy uncle?What's the meaning?Is he a criminal gang?Or... was he the one who took the lead in solving this case?

Yun Jin felt that the matter was becoming more and more confusing. He returned to the room, took out the game coins and asked questions, "The gang involved in the case of this sabotage is [organization]."

In just a few seconds, a note with [True] slowly appeared.

It's really an organization!
Yunjin was excited and suspicious in her heart, but felt that things happened too fast, a little unbelievable.

These are nearly a thousand awakened people who have practiced psychic powers. How could they be taken over so easily?
Thinking of this, Yun Jin suddenly thought, Haitang and Shen Mo are also members of the organization, are they all right?Wouldn't he be arrested too?
Yun Jin quickly sent a text message asking Fatty Qian, and then clicked on Zombie WeChat to check Haitang's situation.

The video appeared, and it was still Haitang's room. Haitang was lying on the bed, wearing a silver pajamas, humming a song, not looking like something was wrong at all.

At the same time, Yunjin received a text message from Fatty Qian: Is Shen Mo okay?She's fine, right next to me.After that night, we made up and stayed together.Don't worry, we are fine now.

Yunjin looked at Haitang in the text message and video, holding the [True] note in her hand, a little confused: What is going on here?

(End of this chapter)

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