God Level Collection

Chapter 211 The Magical Use of Paper Cranes?

Chapter 211 The Magical Use of Thousand Paper Cranes?

Wei Xiao said, "I know. So I don't mind."

Just when Yun Jin thought that Wei Xiao had figured it out, Wei Xiao said, "But! Sending this bunch of thousand paper cranes to chase after the house to urge you to change, isn't it deceiving too much!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Xiao pushed Yun Jin out of his room, and then closed the door with a bang of "Peng".

Yun Jin worriedly pressed her ear to the door, wanting to hear what Wei Xiao was doing.

But after listening for a long time, Yunjin could only hear Weixiao's "crackling" typing. He speculated that he might be telling the "persecution" he had suffered in the reader group.

After confirming that Weixiao hadn't taken any drastic actions, Yunjin came to the living room with the bag of paper cranes. Maybe because the bag was too crowded, the paper cranes would complain from time to time.
"Ouch, I'm crushed to death."

"You're crushing Lao Tzu's wings."

"Get your mouth off my ass!"

Yun Jin put the bag of thousand paper cranes on the table, and opened the one in his hand first.

After the paper was unwrapped, the thousand paper cranes seemed to have no magic power, no sound at all, and no movements or expressions.

Yunjin smoothed the paper, and there was a sentence written on it like a letter:

To the second personality: smelly author!Fragmented dog!Leave a tail and don't update!
Yunjin guessed that [Second Personality] might be Weixiao's author's name, and the words written on the paper should be the words Qian Zhihe repeated.

Yun Jin took out another paper crane from the bag, wanting to verify it.

The Thousand Paper Crane was even tougher, even if it was pinched by Yunjin, it would still stretch out its paper mouth and peck Yunjin non-stop, while pecking, it would shout, "Don't touch me, don't touch me!"

Yunjin took it apart without hesitation, and the thousand paper cranes actually called out in a very humane way, "Ah~"

Yun Jin: Is this a dramatist?
Yun Jin smoothed out the paper of the Thousand Paper Crane. It was a piece of blue paper with the words:

To the second personality: short and weak!Can the dog author stand up once!
Yun Jin, "Wei Xiao can't stand up."

He put the two pieces of paper together, and he had a certain understanding of this awakening ability in his heart.

It is probably to write what you want to say and who you want to give it to on paper, and then fold it into a thousand paper cranes to spread the message.

I have to say that this ability sounds very beautiful.

If you write a love letter to a girl you love, when she is resting, a thousand paper cranes will fly to her desk and say:
I have walked bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, and drank many kinds of wine, but I only love you
It is estimated that the girl's heart melted immediately.

In the end, this person was actually used to remind people?
This brain circuit is also very strange.

While he was complaining, Weixiao opened the door, walked out of the room, and said to Yunjin, "I asked in the group just now, and it's not just me, but many people also received paper cranes."

Yun Jin was a little surprised, "This person even harassed readers? It's too perverted."

Wei Xiao:.
"I inquired from the author group."

She paused, and added, "Several authors said that they also received this kind of harassment from paper cranes. Some were because they were slow to write, some were because they wrote the heroine to death, and some were because of eunuchs."

Yun Jin rubbed her chin, "The dead eunuch deserves the bombing by thousand paper cranes. He wrote the heroine to death. Well, it's self-inflicted, but if you write slowly, you will be harassed. This is a bit too much."

Wei Xiao pointed to himself, "It's me."

Yun Jin smiled, she was lucky.

Wei Xiao sat on the sofa, and then looked at the paper Yun Jin opened. After reading it for a while, she also understood the principle of the thousand paper cranes.

She looked at Yunjin, "This person is too boring. With this kind of ability, it's okay to find the lost population."

Yun Jin didn't turn his head around for a moment.

Holding the paper, Wei Xiao explained, "Look, he doesn't actually know where I live, or which city I'm in. As long as I write my pen name, this paper crane can find me."

"Wouldn't it be particularly useful if he used this ability on those lost children or lost old people?"

"As long as you write that person's name, the thousand paper cranes will automatically fly to that person. That person's family members or the police can find him just by following the thousand paper cranes."

Yun Jin thought about it, and it seemed to make sense.

But it's hard to say, maybe there are any additional conditions for this ability.

After the two chatted, Weixiao said to Yunjin, "The glass in my room is broken, what should I do?"

Yun Jin said, "Let's change another piece. There's no way to stick this one together for you."

Wei Xiao said coldly, "Then how do I change?"

Yun Jin scratched her head and thought about it, she really didn't know how to replace the broken glass, she couldn't just buy it and install it herself.

However, fortunately, he is renting a house, and if he has something to do, he can find the landlord, which is the solution to everything.

Yun Jin called the old naughty boy, and the old naughty boy said, "I thought it was a big deal, just wait, I'll call the owner of the hardware store I know and ask him to arrange someone to come and change it."

After hanging up the phone, not long after, the old naughty boy called again, "By the way, Xiaoyun, measure the length and width of the frame."

Yunjin went to measure it and sent the data to the old naughty boy.

The old naughty boy didn't reply, so he probably found someone to do it.

I have to say that there is nothing wrong with broken glass in summer, after all, it is cool, but broken glass in early winter is uncomfortable
There is no heating in early winter, and the wind turns cold again. When a small wind blows, it is extraordinarily cool.

Yunjin closed the door of Weixiao's house, and then wrapped up tightly with Weixiao, turned on the air conditioner and watched TV in the living room.

It's just that the door is a bit air leaky, and there will always be cool wind coming in. Because it's not a completely enclosed space, the hanging air conditioner doesn't work very well, and it's still a little cold.

After more than an hour, the master came to install it, and the old urchin also called.

He first asked if the master came to the door, and then said to Yun Jin, "Xiao Yun, do you remember the one thing you promised me earlier?"

Yun Jin said, "I remember. What's the matter? Do you want me to install the glass myself and take a video for you?"

Old Urchin:
"Am I that boring?"

He said angrily, "You, at 9 o'clock tomorrow, put on your best clothes, and then go to the cafe from last time. I will tell you what to do then."

After finishing speaking, the old naughty boy hung up the phone without waiting for Yunjin's response.

Yun Jin pouted, what happened to the old man today?Bad mood?

In the past, the two of them joked very casually, but today they are actually a little angry.It's really strange.

But Yunjin didn't care too much, the old man might be in menopause, so be tolerant.

Early the next morning, Yun Jin took a shower, put on a white shirt with a stand-up collar, a thin long black down jacket, black cropped trousers, and black sneakers, and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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