Chapter 213
The woman then asked, "Do you have a car?"

Yun Jin shook her head, "No."

The woman said, "It's okay. I have."

She took out a car key from her bag and put it on the table with a trident logo on it, "President Maserati. If you want, I also have a Porsche 911, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, take your pick."

Yun Jin's eyelids twitched slightly, is this a large-scale show off scene?
The woman turned around and put the bag back to the side, "Don't think that I spent my parents' money to buy this, no, I earned it all myself."

Yun Jin felt very uncomfortable, he picked up the coffee and took a sip, it was so bitter that he almost spit it out.

He only drinks caramel macchiato, and he also needs to add milk and sugar. This kind of mocha has little sugar, which is simply a soup for him.

But this sip of coffee also made him sober up a lot.

This woman is really not simple.

From the moment she entered the coffee shop, she was actually doing one thing from beginning to end: hitting Yunjin's self-confidence.

Whether it's her confident tone, her haughty posture, her analysis of the old urchin's purpose but Yunjin's failure to do so, or her asking about the house and the car, it's all to make Yunjin think that she is far inferior to her.

Yun Jin frowned and looked at her, what is this woman going to do.
Tang Mingyue didn't know Yun Jin's mental activities, so she continued to ask, "Are you rich?"

Yun Jin smiled and said, "Yes."

Tang Mingyue's expression was slightly astonished, but it was replaced by a smile in an instant: It's interesting for the prey to struggle, but she will defeat him with even more terrifying pressure, "How much money do you have?"

Yun Jin caressed the coffee cup, "Twenty million a year."

Yun Jin didn't let Tang Mingyue speak, but continued, "Besides, I do not have a house or a car. The main reason is that I have my own land, one square kilometer. There are also means of transportation that you ordinary people can't imagine."

Tang Mingyue thought Yunjin was bragging, she smiled, took a sip of coffee, and said nothing.

It has to be said that her pretending style of smiling without saying a word really has the style of an old urchin.

Yun Jin didn't bother to explain to her, anyway, the two of them didn't know each other at first glance.

And this way of showing off your wealth by saying how many suites and cars you have is really stupid.

Really rich people don't talk about this at all.

The two were silent, each drinking their own coffee, of course, Yunjin just took a sip.

When Yunjin was about to sip and vomit, the old naughty boy finally came back with a coffee cup.

When he saw the two of them, he said in surprise, "What a coincidence? Why are you sitting together?"

According to micro-expressions, if the expression lasts for more than 0.5 seconds, it means it is fake, and the expression of the old urchin lasted for nearly .2 seconds.

Well, fakes can no longer be faked.

Yun Jin and Tang Mingyue just looked at him quietly without speaking.

I have to say that there is a reason why the old naughty boy hooked up so many girls. He is as thick-skinned as a city wall, and he is not embarrassed at all, and he continues to act.

He pointed at Tang Mingyue and said, "Let me introduce you, this is me."

Yun Jin answered, "Granddaughter, Tang Mingyue."

The old urchin nodded with a smile, "Yes. It's her."

Then he pointed at Yunjin, and just as he was about to speak, Tang Mingyue also answered, "Yunjin, a famous psychologist."

Yunjin had no expression on her face, but she sighed in her heart. This woman did her homework well, and she investigated herself beforehand, after all, he didn't introduce herself.

The old urchin smiled even wider, "Yes, that's right. It's him."

He rubbed his hands, "Oh, since you both know each other, why don't you just chat? I'll withdraw first?"

Tang Mingyue smiled and stood up, "No need. I still have something to do. Let's talk about it next time."

"Doctor Yun, add a WeChat account?" This woman really never forgets to take the initiative in everything.

Yun Jin restrained her urge to add her on the zombie WeChat (because she was afraid that she would turn into a zombie if she couldn't restrain herself), and added her on the normal WeChat.

After adding WeChat, Tang Mingyue smiled and waved to the two, then picked up her bag, and walked out of the coffee shop on those two pairs of slender legs.

After Tang Mingyue left, the old naughty boy sat back in his seat and asked expectantly, "How is it?"

Yun Jin took a sip of coffee, then spat it into the trash can, called the waiter, and said to the old urchin angrily, "It's not good. You're a bad old man, very bad."

Before the old urchin could speak, the waiter came over, and Yun Jin said, "Please remove these two cups of coffee, the farther the better, it looks bitter, if it's convenient, give me a glass of water, and serve it to me again A caramel macchiato, please."

The waiter nodded and took it down.

The old naughty boy asked preoccupiedly, "What's wrong? You need to look good, have a figure, have a figure, have knowledge and knowledge, and have a family."

"And!" the old naughty boy said heavily, "If you follow her, we will be a family!"

Yun Jin took a sip of water, rinsed her mouth, and said, "Maybe I'm her grandfather. If I'm with her, the difference in generation is too great."

The old naughty boy was stunned for a moment, but he understood in an instant, "Then we will break off our relationship."

Yun Jin pointed at him, "You old guy, you actually broke up with your brother because of a woman."

The old urchin choked, "We are not brothers, I am your uncle."

Yun Jin took the coffee handed over by the waiter, "Then I am your granddaughter's uncle."

Old Urchin:
He was a little angry, "Do you have such a big opinion on her?"

Yun Jin took a sip of coffee, "I don't have a problem with her, I have a problem with you. You said that we have a relationship, but you actually tricked me and let me go on a blind date without telling me."

The old naughty boy was not embarrassed at all, "I also want you to get out of the ranks of single dogs as soon as possible."

He said, with a worried look on his face, "Look at you, for so many years, you don't even have a girlfriend, and you are too old."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Jin waved her hand and said, "Don't. I'm most afraid of this. I still believe in fate."

The old naughty boy snorted, "I told you before, young people talk about fate, and when we are our age, we know it's all coincidence."

Yun Jin nodded, "That's why you deliberately arranged this coincidence."

The old naughty boy couldn't say no to Yunjin, so he snorted coldly, drank the coffee in one gulp, and said, "All right. Then you can stay alone. I'm leaving."

After speaking, the old man really left.

Yun Jin didn't care too much, the old urchin's character is that kind of temper that comes and goes quickly, and he will be fine in a few days.

He drank the coffee in his cup, then got up and was about to leave. The waiter came up and said politely, "Sir, the orders for the three of you haven't been settled yet."

Hey!The old naughty boy didn't complete his goal, and he didn't even close the order.

this temper.
(End of this chapter)

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