God Level Collection

Chapter 218 Derpy's Little Game

Chapter 218 Derpy's Little Game
Still only for a moment, a brand new card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

【The Essence of the Light Grass】

Notes: The essence of the gendarme plant in the other world, red translucent paste, melts in water, improves the body's recovery ability and increases the affinity of fire attributes after consumption.

Looking at this card, Yun Jin thought about the [Flame Gatling] she had just now, and suddenly realized that she had trained the wrong attribute?
These seem to be related to the fire attribute, but what I practice is the electric attribute.

The choice between the two is actually the wrong choice
This is unreasonable, could it be that he was infected by Wang Yuqing?
However, there is no turning back when the bow is opened. Now that this is the case, Yun Jin has no way to change attributes.

Yun Jin also comforted herself that the trigger condition for electric attribute psionic energy is to be struck by lightning, maybe the condition for activation fire attribute psionic energy is to burn herself.

Putting the [Essence of the Fire Grass] into his pocket, Yunjin has a certain understanding of the effect of collecting creatures with awakening ability before and after death.

It seems that if you collect them during your lifetime, you will directly gain the awakening ability.

However, collecting corpses after death will obtain some essence that strengthens oneself.

These essences have different effects depending on the awakening ability of the creature.

There is no way to say which of these two options is better and which is not.After all, one is an active ability and the other is a passive effect.

After finishing the experiment, Yunjin also took out Bi Po's card.

He de-carded Bipo, then used the collection technique on it, and collected [Poppy's Intoxication (one-time)].

Bi Po woke up slowly, seeing Yunjin, it shrank back, screaming "twitter", and didn't know what it was talking about.

It was probably begging for mercy, after all, its memory was still in the moment when Yun Jin killed several of his companions.

Yun Jin ignored it, but stretched out her hand to lift it up, and brought it to the puddle of the golden crab girl.

Sensing that Yunjin was bringing a creature over, the golden crab girl slowly poked her head out of the puddle.

When Bi Po saw the golden crab girl, her eyes widened and her whole body trembled, as if she was very afraid.

Yun Jin still kept it on the ground, and said to Golden Crab Girl, "Are you interested in this? I can help you and let it help you rebuild the lake."

The golden crab girl looked at Bi Po with her dark eyes, and said slowly after a while, "Give it to me, I'll help you train it."

Yun Jin nodded in agreement, and then returned to the real world.

Today's affairs are all sorted out, especially the setting up of the inner world passageway, so that Yunjin has one less worry.

He left the room, and there was no one in the living room, Wei Xiao was not there, Kobo was not there, and Xiao Dai was not there either.
Wei Xiao was in his own room, and Kobo was cleaning in the other world, but why did Xiaodai go?
Yun Jin walked around the house and found that Xiao Dai was squatting on the kitchen floor, wagging his tail, wondering what he was doing?
Yun Jin walked over quietly and found that the little guy was staring at Cooper's tablet.

There is a fishing game on the tablet. Whenever a fish comes out, Xiao Dai stretches out his little paw and clicks it.

After the fish is clicked, as if being pressed, it struggles on the screen for a while, then disappears, and then the points increase by 1.

And Xiao Dai looked at his paw, and then touched the screen with his paw, as if he was wondering where the fish went.

But before it could figure it out, another fish appeared, and Xiao Dai stretched out his claws again and quickly held the fish down.

The fish was held down, its tail swung for a while, and then disappeared, and the points were increased by one again.

Xiaodai is more confused
The fish came out faster and faster, until Xiaodai used both paws at the same time, pressing the left side for a while, and the right side for a while, but he didn't catch one fish, but he gained a lot of points.

Seeing Xiaodai's cute appearance, Yun Jin couldn't help smiling. He took out his mobile phone and quietly took a small video for Xiaodai, recording this beautiful moment for Xiaodai.

Xiaodai's patience has never been very good. When he couldn't catch any fish, he became even more irritable. With a bow, he jumped directly onto the platform, moved around on the platform, and flapped his claws indiscriminately.

After fluttering for a while, maybe bored, Xiaodai yelled "Meow~" twice, turned his head, and happened to see Yunjin.

Suddenly there are some little stars in its round eyes.

"Meow~" Xiaodai yelled and ran over, circling between Yunjin's legs.

Yun Jin picked it up and felt that the little guy seemed to be a little heavier.

However, Yunjin still remembers that its weight has not changed in the past few months, maybe it is an illusion now?
Yunjin didn't bother to weigh it, anyway, as long as it is not sick or injured, it doesn't matter if it weighs more or less.

Yun Jin carried Xiao Dai to the sofa, turned on the TV, and while watching TV, stroked its fur. Xiao Dai closed his eyes comfortably, lay on Yun Jin's lap, and slowly fell asleep.

Time slipped away quietly in this leisurely and happy life, and soon, a day passed.

The next day, Yunjin woke up early, washed up, went to Wang Yuqing's community to pick up Miss Shuaishen without eating.

But even so, Yunjin still misjudged the power of the morning rush hour. Even if he left at 7 o'clock, it was still already 8:[-] o'clock when he arrived at Wang Yuqing's community.

The normal half-hour journey was blocked for an extra hour.

After getting out of the car, Yun Jin saw Wang Yuqing squatting on the ground, in front of her was an old man dressed in rags and dirty clothes,

The old man knelt on the ground, set a bowl, his hair was disheveled, and he seemed to be begging.

Wang Yuqing chatted with the old man, opened her small bag, took out five yuan, and put it into a dirty bowl.

Then she smiled and talked to the old man, stood up, and went back to the gate of the community.

Yun Jin glanced at the old man, then walked towards Wang Yuqing, "Sorry, I'm late."

Wang Yuqing smiled, her eyes bent into a crescent, "No, I just arrived too. I got up late this morning."

Yun Jin didn't say anything, but said, "Then let's go now?"

Wang Yuqing nodded, "Okay."

Walking on the road, Yun Jin thought about it for a while, and then said carefully, "Many beggars seem to be liars, right?"

Wang Yuqing was stunned for a moment, she obviously didn't expect Yun Jin to see the scene just now.

She blushed slightly, and then said with some embarrassment, "Maybe there may be. But I think so. Although there are liars, there are also people who really need help. Two or three out of ten are real. Get It’s good to have help.”

She paused, maybe she was afraid that Yunjin would feel that she was too stupid, and then added, "Actually, when our family had no money before, I wouldn't give them any money."

"However, the current conditions are not bad. If you see it, it is fate, and you can help if you can. My parents also support my behavior, saying that it can be regarded as a good deed for me. After all, I am so bad. Hehe."

(End of this chapter)

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