God Level Collection

Chapter 220 Lucky up~up~up~

Chapter 220 Lucky up~up~up~
Wang Yuqing stretched her waist, "I hope so, I always feel that God has forgotten me. Or else my boyfriend got lost. I haven't met one in all these years."

Yun Jin was a little surprised, "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

Wang Yuqing was a little embarrassed, "That's right. It's amazing, right?"

Yun Jin nodded.

A beautiful girl in her 20s who has never had a boyfriend, this is simply the probability of being struck twice by lightning.

Except for the silly Baitian in the TV series, or people with serious physical and personality problems, how could it be possible that they have never had a boyfriend.

After all, this is still a face-to-face society.

Wang Yuqing explained, "In fact, I was also chased by people. But I am too weak, and the people who chase me seem to become very bad. Someone wanted to send me flowers, but accidentally fell down, and the thorns of the roses pricked him face."

"Someone wanted to bring me breakfast, but before it was delivered, he got food poisoning and went to the hospital." Wang Yuqing paused and added, "By the way, he just took a sip of the breakfast he was going to give me."

"Someone wanted to ask me to watch a movie, but was accidentally locked in the classroom and didn't come out until the next day."

Wang Yuqing spread her hands, "Anyway, they are all unlucky."

What Wang Yuqing said was calm and breezy, but Yun Jin felt chilly all over her body.
Is this god so terrifying?
But after he thought about it, he didn't seem to be unlucky. Could it be because he didn't want to pursue her?
Yun Jin secretly warned herself that this person is a bastard, and she had better stop thinking about her.

But he didn't seem to have any thoughts about her.

Yun Jin coughed twice, and just wanted to comfort Wang Yuqing, but Wang Yuqing looked at him, frowning, with a serious face, "You said, I won't die alone, right?"

Yun Jin: .
According to what the girl said, the situation is really different.

The two chatted for a while, and after seeing that it was getting late, they planned to have a meal together.

In fact, Yunjin has no special preference for food. Now a lot of people say that he is a foodie, he can eat, he likes to eat, and he knows a lot of delicious things.

Yunjin admires such a person very much. He can only classify food into four categories: bad food, average food, good food, and very good food.

Asking him to give a score, or finding something delicious, is as difficult as going to the sky.

But what he took Wang Yuqing to eat today is the only one or two dishes that he thinks are [very delicious]: braised pot.

Taking Wang Yuqing into the store, Yun Jin introduced her to the stew pot, and then asked Wang Yuqing if she had any taboos.

Wang Yuqing thought for a while, "Does coriander count?"

Yun Jin nodded, "Forget it."

Then he ordered pangasius, beef, pork ribs and crab sticks, and asked Wang Yuqing to try the specialties of this restaurant.

While waiting for dinner, Yun Jin and Wang Yuqing continued to chat, "Then you just ran out once, and you gave up?"

Wang Yuqing looked left and right, confirmed that there were no acquaintances, and no one paid attention to her, and whispered to Yunjin, "Of course not, I have been quietly planning my next trip."

Following her example, Yun Jin asked softly, "Then where are you going?"

Wang Yuqing smiled mysteriously, "I won't tell you, but it must be very interesting."

Yun Jin took a look at this silly girl and felt that she was planning a big event.

As the saying goes: Honest children cause big troubles, I hope nothing happens to Wang Yuqing.
After dinner, as soon as the two of them left the shopping mall, Yun Jin saw a familiar figure flash by and enter the street next to him.

He frowned, feeling that the man seemed to be Shen Mo.

He told Wang Yuqing to wait for a while, and then ran towards the alley.

As a result, at the entrance of the street, only Shen Mo was left with a back. She was carrying a backpack with stuff in it, and with her head down, she hurriedly walked into another street and gradually walked away.

Yun Jin looked at her back, frowned slightly, always felt that something was wrong with her, and told him intuitively: This matter has something to do with the organization.

Yun Jin looked at Wang Yuqing, then at Shen Mo's back, hesitated for a moment, and did not chase after him.

When he returned to Wang Yuqing, Wang Yuqing asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Jin casually found a reason, "I saw a friend just now, but he seemed to be leaving in a hurry, so I didn't have time to say hello."

Wang Yuqing nodded clearly.

Perhaps because of Shen Mo, Yun Jin always pretended to be troubled, he walked around with Wang Yuqing for a while, and then found a reason to send Wang Yuqing home.

Then he took a taxi home.

In fact, Yunjin doesn't know what to do when she goes home, but she has something on her mind and doesn't feel comfortable playing, so it's better to go home and rest.

Yun Jin went back to her room, and took out a few things she got from Shen Mo: a sunny doll, the devil's lucky dice, and a possessed paper man who knows nothing.

While playing with them, Yunjin was lost in thought.

As it went out, Yun Jin accidentally lost her hand, and the devil's lucky dice accidentally fell out of her hand.

Yun Jin quickly reached out to catch it, but because her hand was too close to the table, the dice fell directly on the table.

The dice rolled a few times and stopped: lucky.

Now that she had already thrown it away, Yunjin simply picked it up and threw it away for fun.

Lucky, lucky, lucky.

Three consecutive times are lucky, plus the first time, a total of lucky +4.

Yun Jin has studied it before, and the probability of each side of this lucky dice is definitely not a [true random value], but has some internal special probabilities.

For example, affected by your own luck.

For example, the first two times are relatively easy, and the misfortune will gradually increase from the later on, and the fourth time, the probability of misfortune and the probability of luck are almost the same.

Normally, if he throws four lucks, he will stop. Generally, luck +4 is enough to do some ordinary things.

But today Yunjin was in an irritable mood, he wanted to continue throwing for no reason.

So he didn't care that he was already lucky +4, and then continued to throw it down.

Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky!
Another lucky four times in a row!
Yun Jin was surprised.Lucky +8?

What's happening here?
During the Yunjin experiment, the highest thing he threw out was lucky +6. Before he could experience what lucky +6 was like, the next time he threw out misfortune, causing him to be unlucky all day.

And lucky +8, Yunjin has never been thrown out.
Do you want to continue throwing?

Yun Jin hesitated a little.

But after only a few seconds, Yunjin figured it out, he didn't plan to go out today, and he didn't plan to do anything, just to vent the depression in his heart, throw it away if he wanted to!
Follow your own mind and make yourself happy is the most important thing!
Thinking of this, Yunjin picked up the dice and decided to continue throwing!
 The next chapter is an important one, please do not skip it

(End of this chapter)

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