God Level Collection

Chapter 240 Gathering Snapdragons

Chapter 240 Gathering Snapdragons

If it is other toxins or excessive "supplements", Yunjin is not worried.

However, according to police officer Xiao Liu, the snapdragon "kidnapped" the patient's body and combined with the patient to live together.While healing the patient, he also absorbs nutrients from the patient's body.

So Yun Jin was very afraid that after collecting the snapdragon grass, it would cause Teacher Yang's body to collapse.

Taking out a game coin, Yun Jin asked, "Using the harvesting technique to collect snapdragons will not cause Teacher Yang to lose his life, or have a major impact."

A coin slot appeared in the void, and Yunjin put the game coins into it.

After a while, a note with [True] appeared slowly.

Yun Jin felt relieved, since there was no problem, it would be more convenient for herself, all she needed to do was collect the snapdragon grass from Teacher Yang's body while no one was paying attention.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin quietly opened the door and took a look. Fatty Qian was still worshiping in the living room. It seemed that it would take a long time, and he probably wouldn't come looking for him in a while.

But yes, a normal person suddenly finds that the girlfriend he gets along with day and night has another side that he doesn't understand at all, and that side is still so terrifying, he probably doubts life.

Yun Jin calculated the time, if it is fast, he can finish it in about an hour, so it should be in time.

He locked his door, turned into a blood crow, and flew towards the hospital.

In the air, Yun Jin stretched her wings, sensing the spiritual energy in her body.

Even after turning into a blood crow, the spiritual energy still flows in his body.

Yunjin couldn't help releasing the psionic energy to wrap the whole body, and then concentrated part of the psionic energy on the wings, wanting to see if it could accelerate herself.

After doing all this, Yunjin obviously felt that her speed had become much faster.

It used to be that my flying speed was about 60 kilometers per hour, but now it has been directly doubled to close to 120 kilometers per hour, which is a bit like flying fast.

In less than ten minutes, Yun Jin flew to the hospital.

He came to the fourth floor with ease, flew around the hospital, and quickly identified the ward where Teacher Yang was.

Teacher Yang was still sitting there stupidly like last time, a nurse had just finished changing her drip, and then left the ward.

Yun Jin walked around to the window of the corridor to check, maybe because Teacher Yang would not run away in this situation, or someone would do harm to her, so there was only one policeman standing guard outside the door.

And he wasn't that serious either, sitting on the bench, playing with his phone, and glancing at the corridor from time to time.

Yun Jin roughly knew it.

He came to Teacher Yang's window again and observed the situation in the room with his sharp eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there are no cameras.

Normally, it is illegal to install cameras in private wards, which is a violation of personal privacy.

It's just that Teacher Yang is a criminal suspect, so Yunjin is not sure whether the police will put cameras to monitor.

To be on the safe side, he went to the roof of the hospital, turned back into a human body, and took out a game coin to confirm.

"Teacher Yang's ward has filming equipment."

After a while, a note with [Fake] appeared slowly.

Yun Jin felt relieved, turned into a blood crow and flew into Teacher Yang's ward.

When he came to the hospital bed, Yun Jin lightly transformed back into a human body, then lightly touched Teacher Yang's arm, imagining the various characteristics of [Snapdragon Grass], and said "collection" silently.

The snapdragon grass is a very magical plant at first glance, and Yunjin actually spent a full 30 points of attribute power to collect it.

If this is calculated according to ordinary spiritual power, it is 300 points, and it is more than enough to collect one awakening ability.

After the snapdragon grass was collected, Teacher Yang lay down on the bed in a dazed state and fell asleep. It may take some time to get used to it.

Yun Jin didn't wait any longer, she put the card into her pocket, and then turned into a blood crow, flapping her wings and flying out of the window.

When going back, Yun Jin used her spiritual energy to speed herself up again. When she returned to her bedroom, Yun Jin turned back into a human body. Looking at the time, it only took 30 minutes.

I have to say that flying in a straight line in the air is fast!

And there are no red lights, no traffic jams, it's really cool.

This is the real [straight-line distance]!
Yunjin still remembers that when he was traveling for his graduation from college, he booked a hotel in advance, and the app showed that the hotel was one kilometer away from the airport.

He felt that it was very close, so he booked this hotel.

Then I took a taxi for [-] kilometers.

Because this hotel is behind the airport, you have to go around the airport expressway to get to this hotel.

It's a rip off
Since then, Yunjin no longer believes in [straight-line distance]. Whether looking at hotels or itineraries, she directly opens Baidu Maps and checks the driving distance, which is the real intuitive one.

Back in the bedroom, before Yunjin could take out the card in his pocket, there was a knock on his door.

Yun Jin tidied up her clothes, opened the door, and outside the door was Fatty Qian.

He looked at Yun Jin and said seriously, "Doctor Yun, I've decided."

Yun Jin waited for his answer.

"I still love her."

Yun Jin gave Fatty Qian a thumbs up.

No matter what, after knowing so many things about Shen Mo, Fatty Qian still chooses to be with her. This kind of courage is worthy of admiration.

The friendship between men is very simple, since everything has been told to you and you have made a decision, then I will accompany you to do it.

Yun Jin and Fatty Qian left the room, and then began to explain to him, "According to the information I know now, Shen Mo probably went to the inner world with the members of her organization."

As she said that, Yun Jin asked Fatty Qian, "You know what the other world is, right?"

Fatty Qian nodded, "I know, Jiang Xiaobai told me about this before."

Yun Jin said, "The world is huge, and the sections of various countries are put together, so the situation is very complicated. Looking for someone in it is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Fatty Qian frowned, agreeing.

As a buddy, Yunjin definitely didn't just talk about the troubles without proposing a solution.

He pointed to Weixiao's room and said, "However, we recently met an awakened person. His ability is to send letters to people."

"And this ability does not need to know the specific location of the other party."

Yun Jin stretched out two fingers, "I guess there are two ways to send this awakening ability."

"One, there are traces to follow. The letter will fly to the recipient. If this is the case, we can follow the letter directly and find Shen Mo."

"Second, it is to travel directly through the space and come to the recipient's vicinity. In this case, it is up to you. You have to write a letter to impress Shen Mo, and ask Shen Mo to tell you her specific location."

 Today is the guarantee chapter on the 28th, I slipped away.If there are more updates, I will specifically mark it.For those who don’t know why, go and read the leave section of the previous two days~ Thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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