Chapter 257
Yun Jin glanced at the crowd, there were 21 people in the whole boat, except for 18 students, there seemed to be only three parents or friends.

He recalled the scene on the sea-crossing bridge. At that time, there should be people next to a dozen students.

It seems that they were all scared back by the level of jumping into the sea.

After all, even some students don't have the courage to jump in, let alone ordinary people.

The wooden boat was sailing in the deep sea, and the sails were still fluttering without wind, separating the sea water and casting a faint brilliance.

Yun Jin observed the driving route, and found that the ship had been heading into the deep sea, and it was diving deeper and deeper, which could be seen from the darker and darker sea outside.

And the further you dive, the tighter the radiance cast by the sail tightens, and in the end, it even just wraps around the entire ship.

Looking at the tumbling sea outside and the dark shadows wandering in it, Yun Jin felt as if she could touch them as soon as she stretched out her hand
I don’t know how long it took, maybe close to an hour, when everyone was sitting on the ground bored, staring at the dark sea in a daze, there was a sound of "Bo~", the whole ship passed through a membrane, Suddenly appeared on the sea.

Suddenly, fresh air and the sun's rays appeared around everyone out of thin air.

In fact, the sun on the sea is not too strong, and it has the unique foggy feeling in the other world.

But suddenly coming out of the dark deep sea, everyone was shaken, even Yun Jin covered his eyes with his hands, letting his eyes adapt to the bright environment in front of him.

After a while, Yunjin's eyes gradually adapted to the sunlight, and he looked around the environment.

In front of him was a completely unfamiliar sea area. The sea water was so clear that one could see to the bottom at a glance. It was only two or three meters away, and there were some strange fish swimming in it.

There is a small island in front, but it has been completely transformed into a dock, and the island is full of boats.

Yun Jin looked back, and behind him was the endless sea, without the slightest appearance of the bottom of the sea.

If it wasn't for Yunjin's clear memory of that dreary journey, she might have thought that she came to this island across the sea by boat.

The wooden boat slowly drove into the dock, and automatically fit onto the dock. The woman in the cloak waved to everyone, and then stepped off the boat first.

Everyone followed her off the boat and came to a house full of technology.

The whole body of the house is made of glass, but when the sun shines on it, it only reflects blue light, and the scene inside cannot be seen.

The woman in the cloak stopped and said to Yunjin and the other three, "Parents and friends, please wait a moment, I will take them to sign up first. You can walk around the beach, but please don't go into the sea."

After finishing speaking, she said to the other eighteen students, "Come with me."

As she spoke, she walked towards the glass room first, and the other students quickly followed.

Wei Xiao glanced at Yun Jin, Yun Jin nodded to her, and then Wei Xiao dragged the box and walked in.

After a while, there were only three Yunjins left in front of the glass room.

Yun Jin glanced at the other two, one was a mother in her 40s, Yun Jin remembered that she was here to send her son to school.

The other is a girl in her twenties, quite pretty, Yunjin vaguely remembers that she was with a young man just now, it should be a couple.

Maybe because they all came from the same place, and they were all "left behind", so the three of them greeted each other, and the mother said first, "Hello, you all sent your family here too, right?"

Yun Jin nodded, "Yes, I will send my niece off."

The girl in her 20s also said, "I'm giving it to my boyfriend."

The girl's voice is sweet when she speaks.

Under the active communication of the mother, the three of them got to know each other. The mother came to send her son to school. Their family lived in a remote county in the province. The son had just graduated from high school, but his academic performance was not good and he was not admitted to university. Hanging out at home.

The girl is a local named Su Hui. Her boyfriend is her college classmate and colleague. The two originally worked in a foreign trade company and have decided to get married in recent years.

Yun Jin didn't introduce herself too much, she just said that she is a psychiatrist.

After getting acquainted, the scene cooled down, and the three of them chatted for a while, Yun Jin found an excuse and left first.

He could see that the mother took the initiative to make friends with two people because she wanted to pave the way for her son, so that the three students could get to know each other and take care of each other when they went to school.

It's just that Yunjin knows Weixiao's temperament and doesn't want to force her to go with two other strangers, and it's always not safe for a girl to be with two strangers.

So Yun Jin took the initiative to leave the glass room, planning to walk around the island.

It has to be said that Yunjin's previous guess was not wrong. The other world where humans live and the other world that Yunjin went to before do not seem to be the same place.

Don't say anything else, just look at the environment and you can see it.

Except that the gray sky in the other world has not changed, this place is much cleaner than the other world that Yun Jin went to before.

There is no dust on the ground, the trees are very lush, and even the sea water is very clear.

If you really want to compare, Yunjin even feels that the environment here is comparable to some tropical resort islands in the real world.

If it wasn't for the still gray sky, Yunjin would have thought that she had traveled under the sea for an hour and arrived at the Maldives.
Yunjin strolled slowly on the beach, hearing the rustling of waves, stepping on pure white sand under her feet, and smelling the salty smell of sea water through her nostrils.

Slowly, he felt a little hot, so he took off his coat and sat on the beach, looking at the sea.

The sea water is very clear, and there are some strange fish swimming in it. Yunjin pulled a reed-like grass from the shore, held one end with his hand, and stretched the other end into the sea.

The fish in the sea were actually very vicious, and they bit the grass directly with one bite.

Yunjin pulled another sapling from the shore and put it in the sea, but it was still crushed and eaten by those strange fish.

Why is this thing like a piranha, with such sharp teeth.

Yun Jin took out his own card bag from his pocket, rummaged through it, and after a while, he took out a card from it.

Yun Jin looked around to make sure that there was no one around him, and then he whispered, "Untie", and a rusty stainless steel water pipe appeared in his hand.

This was bought by Yunjin from a waste recycling station, and it was specially used to make food for Liujin Beast.

Because it is inconvenient to store, in addition to putting a few pieces of Yunjin in Cooper's place, some of them were collected into cards, which happened to be used this time.

Yunjin put the stainless steel water pipe into the water, and those strange fish really kept scrambling to bite.

(End of this chapter)

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