God Level Collection

Chapter 264 The Truth About the Orphanage Incident

Chapter 264 The Truth About the Orphanage Incident
Yun Jin quickly looked at the screen and found that it was the call from Police Officer Xiao Liu.

Yun Jin answered the phone in a little surprise, wondering how Police Officer Liu could contact her in the other world.

When the phone was picked up, Police Officer Xiao Liu didn't feel the slightest bit strange. He didn't even mention the things in the other world. "Expert Yun, I have good news for you. Teacher Yang woke up."

Only then did Yun Jin suddenly remember that he had collected the snapdragon grass from Teacher Yang's body not long ago, and counting the time, he should have woken up early.

It is estimated that the police station suddenly received the news that Teacher Yang had recovered, and conducted a series of physical examinations and interrogations on Teacher Yang.

Contact yourself now, everything should be over, so let yourself know.

Although she knew the news a long time ago, Yun Jin still pretended to be pleasantly surprised and asked, "Really? Is it convenient for me to go and see her now?"

Police officer Xiao Liu said, "It's convenient, Mr. Yang has already explained all his illegal behaviors clearly, and he also took the initiative to accept the organization's education and fine."

Often dealing with the police, Yun Jin has long learned to distinguish between what the police say.

What Police Officer Xiao Liu meant was that Mr. Yang's crime was not serious and he was not held criminally responsible, so he was fine.

Although the terms illegal and criminal are often juxtaposed together, they actually belong to two completely different concepts.

Violation of the law is only a violation of the laws and regulations of the country, and the harm to the society is not great, and the circumstances are minor.

But crime is different. Breaking the law is not necessarily a crime, but a crime must be illegal, and what is violated is the "Criminal Law".

Now that Mr. Yang's matter has been settled, and Police Officer Xiao Liu also offered to let him go, Yun Jin also plans to go.

After all, although Teacher Yang is worthy of Yunjin's admiration in some aspects, and Yunjin also wants to know what happened that day.

After hanging up the phone, Yun Jin looked at the zombie's WeChat group chat, and decided to wait until he came back to continue researching. Then he returned to the real world, changed his clothes, and went out to take a taxi to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, Police Officer Xiao Liu was already waiting outside. He was lighting a cigarette, with one hand in his pocket and the other holding the cigarette, and he was frowning and smoking.

Yun Jin walked over and scolded with a smile, "How did you learn this!"

Officer Xiao Liu saw Yun Jin, smiled embarrassedly, then cut off the cigarette, and sighed, "Hey, it's a lot of pressure. It's a troubled time now, and two major cases have happened in a row."

Yun Jin knew that Police Officer Liu was referring to the [Orphanage incident] and [Sloppy uncle's defection] incidents.

So I could only nod my head.

Police officer Xiao Liu continued, "The province is very dissatisfied with the city. There is news that there will be major changes, and the sky will change. We are not easy to do."

Yun Jin patted Police Officer Xiao Liu to show comfort.

This kind of thing is officialdom, even if Yunjin has an opinion, she doesn't dare to intervene.

After all, everyone involved is a big shot.

Officer Xiao Liu knew Yun Jin well, so he stopped talking after a few words, and took Yun Jin upstairs.

While walking, Officer Xiao Liu said, "The bureau also knows the situation of Mr. Yang very well, so the minimum fine is [-]. We also know that Mr. Yang can't get it out, so the bureau is also applying to see if it can be waived." .”

"However. This matter is still a big blow to Teacher Yang. You can persuade her more when you have time."

Yun Jin nodded, "I will."

Because the matter of the orphanage was too serious (too many deaths and injuries), and what Yun Jin said was about pyramid schemes, the police station thoroughly investigated Mr. Yang and the orphanage.

Expected to dig up some gory, dirty stuff.

As a result, the more I investigated, the more sympathetic and pitiful I felt to Teacher Yang.

Teacher Yang has worked hard to maintain the orphanage for so many years. He is very kind to every child, works hard without complaint, and has no selfishness.

Usually, I will take some jobs to earn living expenses for the children, and also find various relationships, so that people with conditions in the society can adopt their children, or find relationships for children who have not been adopted to go to school.

Anyway, for so many years, I have broken my heart for these orphans.

The police also found the orphanage's electronic ledger. Teacher Yang spent all the money he earned from providing places for the pyramid schemes in the past six months, and he didn't keep a cent for himself.

All her clothes were bought during Chinese New Year seven or eight years ago
Just being wrong is wrong.

Children in orphanages are children, and people who have been brainwashed by pyramid schemes also have children.

Therefore, apart from feeling sad and sorry for Mr. Yang, the police station can only punish Mr. Yang according to law.

Of course, because of the touching things Mr. Yang has done these years, they are still trying to reduce the punishment for Mr. Yang.

Arriving at Teacher Yang's ward, Yun Jin knocked on the door and whispered, "Mr. Yang, I'm here to see you."

Teacher Yang turned her head and looked at Yunjin, but she hadn't seen her for a few days. She seemed to be much older, with a lot of gray hair on her head, and tears in the corners of her eyes.

Yun Jin pushed open the door and walked in. Officer Xiao Liu closed the door behind.

Yun Jin walked to the bed, looked at Teacher Yang, and asked softly, "Mr. Yang, are you okay?"

Teacher Yang shook her head, tears flowed from the corner of her eyes, she said with a choked up voice, "It's not good, it's not good at all."

Yunjin poured her a glass of water and handed it to her, but Teacher Yang didn't pick it up, but just wept silently, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Later, Teacher Yang burst into tears.

Officer Xiao Liu leaned quietly outside the door, wiping the corners of his eyes.

Yun Jin gently patted Teacher Yang on the back to calm her down, and said softly, "I don't blame you, I don't blame you."

Teacher Yang looked at Yunjin, his eyes were red from crying, "If I hadn't been greedy to pick up that MLM company, they wouldn't have wanted to attack Xiaodouhua, Xiaodouhua wouldn't have exploded, and everyone wouldn't have died."

"It's all my fault! I'm the one who killed those children!"

Yun Jin looked at Teacher Yang in surprise.

Teacher Yang cried heartbreakingly, "Those beasts!"

Yun Jin patted Teacher Yang on the back lightly, then asked softly, "What about Qin Zhuoyan? Wasn't he there that day?"

Teacher Yang choked up, "He arrived later that day, but Xiaodouhua was out of control, and he couldn't control it. We can only reduce casualties as much as possible."

"But his ability is to control plants, and he can't stop Xiaodouhua at all, and he can't even protect himself."

Yun Jin sighed.

Yunjin spent the next half day listening to Teacher Yang's talk.

Perhaps because of self-blame or discomfort, Teacher Yang has been emotionally unstable.

Yun Jin managed to calm Teacher Yang down, fell asleep, and left the ward.

Officer Xiao Liu was still outside the door, but his eyes were red.

(End of this chapter)

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