God Level Collection

Chapter 284 Division of Hierarchical Occupations

Chapter 284 Division of Hierarchical Occupations

After giving the little Lolita, Hu Yu looked at Yun Jin and Qian Fatty, his expression obviously improved, and he said, "Both are talents. Mr. Qian passed the test, and his education is a key university. According to our classification, it is a social Level fourteen."

Yun Jin did the math, this level is not low.

According to Xiu'er, junior colleges are at level [-], ordinary universities are at level [-], and key universities are at level [-]. If you are looking for a job at this level, you can already find a good job. The government has failed.

Then Hu Yu looked at Yun Jin again, and his smile grew stronger, "Mr. Yun's level is higher, level thirteen."

"Level [-]?" Yun Jin was taken aback. Although she had graduated from a key university, she was just like Fatty Qian, so why was her level higher than him.

Could it be that there is an advantage in this test with a low score?

Fatty Qian didn't pay much attention to this matter, he just glanced at Yun Jin and continued to listen quietly to Hu Yu.

Hu Yu nodded, "You also graduated from a key university, but you have a special major. You are a doctor, and you are a special talent, so your social level will be raised by one level."

"How about it? Do you want to try the magistrate exam? Our social system is two levels apart. You can't hold a position, but you are one level away. As long as you learn relevant knowledge and pass the exam, you can upgrade your rank and hold a related position."

After Yun Jin heard this, she didn't answer directly, but asked, "Then what if I find a job with the same level as me or a job with a lower level than me?"

Hu Yu said, "Your social level will be adjusted accordingly. Generally, everyone will find a job of the same level. People with pursuit and strength will pass the exam to find a higher-level job."

"However, it's only a dozen or so levels. When you really enter the job, there will be no exams to improve your level, so this is an opportunity to change your life."

Yun Jin nodded clearly, and continued to ask, "Is there such a possibility? I am at the thirteenth level first, and I passed the exam to find a job at the twelfth level. My level has also been raised to the twelfth level. Use it as a pedal, take another exam, and find an eleventh-level job?"

Hu Yu shook his head, "You are thinking too simply. Although we use social class to divide everyone's class, there are actually many subdivisions."

"Such as personal rank versus job rank, leadership versus non-leadership, etc."

"The level you increase because of your job is just the level of your occupation. Once you lose your job, your level will plummet unless you have other high-level part-time jobs."

"Your personal level will not change unless you die. Your current personal level is level [-]. You can continue to study in graduate school, do a Ph.D., and even take the national professional title. These are your personal levels. "

"And people of the same social class are also divided into ordinary jobs, special jobs, leadership positions, and non-leadership positions. It is not easy to change each category."

"It took a lot of effort for me to transfer myself from a non-leadership position to a leadership position. Otherwise, even if my social rank is ten, I would not be a team leader, but at best an inspector."

Like a sponge, Yun Jin frantically absorbed all the information Hu Yu said.

It was not until this moment that he discovered that this new world called Free Continent had such a strict hierarchy.

I heard the robot Xiuer talk about the strict levels of the new world before, Yunjin didn't feel so obvious, but this time I really felt it.
It really takes a lot of effort to make every progress.

After learning the information from Hu Yu, Yun Jin did not directly reject his proposal, but said, "I am still very interested in becoming a sheriff, but I have to help my friend find his family first, so I may not be able to do so in a short time." There is no way to study and take exams."

Hu Yu looked regretful, "That's okay, we can add a contact information, and then we can have a good chat when you feel that the opportunity is right."

With that said, Hu Yu took out his own card and handed it to Yun Jin. Yun Jin stretched out his hand to take it with a dazed expression, but Hu Yu shrank the card, "Just touch each other's cards."

It was only then that Yun Jin suddenly realized, he took out the card, touched Hu Yu's card, and then a 3D projection appeared in front of him, on it was like a WeChat account, with a list, and Hu Yu was the first one.

There are Hu Yu's photos, information and so on.

Then Hu Yu sent a piece of information to Yunjin, saying, "That's it, this is the basic information of our country, you can read it, and then don't cause trouble, don't provoke people from the dark forces, and find a job as soon as possible."

After speaking, Hu Yu left the room without looking back.

Yun Jin looked at Fatty Qian and Li Feixue who had been ignored from beginning to end, and had a deeper understanding of the level barriers in Freedom Continent.

Don't feel that the gap between one level and the other is very small. The social status gap at each level is very large, and it is very difficult to improve.

Yunjin, Fatty Qian, Li Feixue, and Xiongzi all added friends, and then shared the information with them.

The four of them left the Public Security Bureau, found a place to sit down, and began to study the information in their hands.

There are 27 states and 2 special administrative regions in the Free Continent. Of these 27 states, only 9 are directly under the central government, that is, the central government can directly govern them. The other 18 are all autonomous. Although they accept the jurisdiction of the central government, they do not care about personnel. The military and finances are all handled by each state.

The level of the two special administrative regions is the same as that of the state, but the area is relatively small, but the economy is highly developed, and they are also autonomous. Xiangshan City is one of them.

Although it is said to be self-governing, the central government has become stronger and stronger in recent years, and has been thinking about taking over power and changing the national structure. Therefore, various forces have serious friction and are trying to test and unite. Now is a period of change.

There are also various precautions in the free continent, such as not going out after 10 o'clock in the evening, for example, there are banks here that can exchange gold for the country's currency, and so on.

Yunjin and Fatty Qian read all the precautions carefully, but Li Feixue was not interested at all, after just a few glances, he went to play with the brat.

Yun Jin looked at Fatty Qian, "What do you think?"

Fatty Qian stared at the 3D projection in front of him with his soybean-sized eyes, pondered for a long time, and said, "I feel that something is not quite right, it seems that things are not that simple."

Yun Jin said, "How do you say?"

Fatty Qian pointed to the information, "Look, although the finances of each state are handled by each state itself, the currency of the whole country is unified, so who will print and distribute the currency?"

(End of this chapter)

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