God Level Collection

Chapter 287 Pretend to be mysterious...

Chapter 287 Pretend to be mysterious.
Yunjin's first reaction was to be taken aback: These are not the people recruited by the tattoos and yellow hair, are they?
However, immediately Yun Jin dismissed this idea, not to mention just letting the two of them leave, but to say that the two of them hadn't even joined an organization, so it was impossible to organize so many people.

And look closely at the eyes of these people, although there is fierceness and jealousy in them, but more of them are envy.

Envious of a wool?What the hell?

Just when Yunjin was confused, the crowd gave way to a passage, and a young man in a Chinese tunic suit, with half a mask on and the other half of his face walked in.

He looked Yun Jin up and down, then nodded and said, "It's okay. Follow me."

His words were not questions, more like orders.

But Yun Jin... who knows who he is.

Yun Jin looked at him, and a message emerged from his body: a member of the dark forces.

Apart from that there is nothing else.

It looks like a tattoo, he is a person who likes to hide his identity.

Moreover, he didn't reveal his identity, and no one in the crowd discussed it. He just watched the two quietly, making Yun Jin even more confused about the situation.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't someone discuss who this person is, how awesome it is?

All of them dare not even say a word, what the hell are they.

Seeing Yun Jin unmoved, the young man frowned, "You don't know me?"

Yun Jin shook his head.

The young man didn't explain, but waved towards Yun Jin, and then walked towards the passage out of the way of the crowd.

Yun Jin glanced at the crowd, and realized that she could only follow, because these people were too tightly surrounded and there was no other way out.

In addition, she really couldn't figure out the way of the young man, so Yun Jin simply strode up to follow.

After getting out of the crowd, there were a lot fewer people in fancy clothes outside. Although they were scattered there chatting in twos and threes, many of them had already left, probably because they didn't get recruited here and went to try their luck elsewhere.

The young man led Yunjin through two streets, and came to an office building. He looked at the camera, and then pressed his hand on the door.

A gleam of light flashed through the door, swept across his palm, and then slowly opened.

Yun Jin guessed: This is a fingerprint, no, palm print recognition?

When the young man entered the office building, Yun Jin pondered for a while, then followed him in.

Because he didn't feel the pressure from the young man, it showed that the young man was not his opponent, he was skilled and courageous, so he was not afraid at all.

And just now he sensed the whole building, and he didn't seem to be aware of the danger.

Anyway, come here, at least take a look at what this young man is going to do?
Following the young man upstairs, there is an open training field. In the field, a group of young people are practicing against each other, shouting "Drink!" and "Ha!" incessantly.

Seeing the two people coming in, the group of young people stopped what they were doing, and then greeted the young man.

"Brother Ming."

"Brother Ming is back."

"Brother Ming came back very early today."

The young man nodded and did not explain, and led Yunjin through the training ground and into the office area inside.

Yun Jin felt that something was wrong at this moment, why it seemed to be different from what she had imagined.

When he came to one of the offices in the office area, Brother Ming knocked on the door, and then opened the door, "Brother, I'm back."

The person inside was writing something with his head down, but he waved his hand without raising his head, "I don't worry if you do the work."

A smile appeared on the young man's half mask, then he closed the door and brought Yun Jin to another room, and the young man and Yun Jin went inside.

The two faced each other, the young man looked serious, while Yun Jin was stunned.

The young man put his hands behind his back and said decisively, "When you come to our [Four Seas], you must abide by the rules of our Four Seas. Although our Four Seas is a new organization, it has strict requirements, and ordinary people cannot enter."

"In Four Seas, we want to be a family, we can't fight among ourselves, we must be united in the outside world!"

"In the four seas, we."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Jin waved his hand to interrupt him, "Stop, stop, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

The young man who said this was taken aback for a moment, but in an instant he coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and his face became serious again, "I am going to absorb you into our organization."

As the young man said, a burst of psionic power suddenly burst out from his body, and the Chinese tunic suit on his body immediately fluttered with the aura, "Enter into our four seas, and we can guide you to become an awakened one! We can protect you!"

"In Four Seas, there are three of us awakened! Although we are a new organization, we have a strong heart!"

Yun Jin: .
What the hell is this!
Yun Jin was really dumbfounded. She originally thought that the person in front of her was a guide from a mysterious organization, or she was looking for a secret deal with herself.

It turned out to be recruited!

And just now Yun Jin noticed that the young man in front of him was low in strength, so he didn't care, but as soon as the young man activated his psychic power, Yun Jin realized that this person only had more than 100 points of psychic power, which was a bit stronger than the blood crow.

Show off this power in front of yourself?

Thinking of this, Yun Jin's complexion also sank, and her aura suddenly exploded!
In fact, Yunjin's strength has always been very strong. The Evolver has attribute the spiritual power of his whole body. His whole body is close to 1000 points of spiritual power, which is equivalent to 10000 points of ordinary spiritual power!
This is a kind of strength!
In the real world before, in order to avoid causing trouble and keep a low profile, Yun Jin never showed any momentum.

But now, in the other world, in the New World, Yun Jin is really not afraid of anything!
Run away if you can't beat it!His strength has soared now, and with the blood crow, psychic acceleration, and psychic card, even if he meets an extraordinary person, I believe he can escape!
So this is the first time he unscrupulously released his aura.

Psionic energy is not simply energy, it is the power born from the perfect fusion of a person's body and spirit!It is the most mysterious cosmic energy in the human body!
Could it be an ordinary display to unleash the aura of showing one's spiritual power!
In just an instant, a psionic storm was born out of thin air in the entire office, and it spread rapidly towards the surroundings!

The young man's face turned pale, and he was pressed to the ground, while the boss in the next office also changed his face, and his whole body mustered up, barely supporting himself!
The young people training in the training ground were just ordinary people, and under the momentum, they fainted directly!
And that's not the end, maybe because it was the first time for Yunjin to arouse his aura, he felt as if he had reached a wonderful state, as if his spirit and flesh had reached a perfect fusion, and his whole person had been sublimated.

His psychic power is also rising rapidly, 1000 points, 1100 points, 1200 points!
When everything reached its peak, a majestic momentum broke through the barrier of the room and rushed straight to the sky!

 Overestimating my strength, Chapter 2 still needs an hour. .I'm really sorry, folks.

  But I won't ask for leave, and I won't ask for leave tomorrow.It will only be updated at 12 noon.

  Let's watch Chapter 2 at 17 o'clock. I'm really sorry. .

(End of this chapter)

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