God Level Collection

Chapter 308 The chance to "become" the Awakened

Chapter 308 The chance to "become" the Awakened
Just at this time, seeing Yunjin coming over, many students who had seen Yunjin during the report greeted her one after another. Yunjin said, "Everyone, we will spend the next month. I hope you will take care of me."

Although some people just looked at Yunjin coldly, most of the students responded politely.

Yun Jin took the opportunity to say, "The leaders will come to the playground to inspect us soon, should we line up neatly?"

These students actually knew that they had to perform well, but everyone was dissatisfied with each other, and they didn't know each other, so they were all scattered.

And because Yunjin helped the teacher register in the afternoon, all the students don't know Yunjin's background, and they have also been guided by Yunjin, so now they are willing to give Yunjin this face.

Soon, under the organization of Yunjin, the students of the short-term class lined up in a row of 20 people, a total of [-] square rows.

At this moment, accompanied by several school leaders, Minister Zhou and Deputy Minister came to the playground side by side, and their eyes lit up when they saw the students lined up neatly in front of them.

The vice minister said, "Principal Xu, you organized the short-term class well this time."

Principal Xu glanced at the neatly lined up suspiciously, "Thank you, Minister Wang, for your compliment."

At this moment, Yunjin, who was blocked behind the line and was counting in rows, was spotted by everyone. Minister Zhou's eyes fell on Yunjin, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and then he suddenly remembered who Yunjin was.

Minister Zhou saw Yun Jin, and Principal Xu also saw it. He whispered to his assistant, "Who is this?"

The assistant shook his head, and quietly went to the teacher team behind to inquire. After a while, he came back and explained, "It seems that his name is Yunjin, and he is a student in a short-term class. In the afternoon, he took the initiative to help Director Zhao handle the reporting affairs."

Although his voice was low, the two ministers and other leaders were all senior awakeners, so they could hear him clearly.

The two ministers, the leaders and the school teachers appeared on the playground, and the students in other classes also quieted down. They hid quietly one by one, and the brave ones stood on the side of the playground, trying to let the leaders see their own Performance.

But none of them were as conspicuous as the students in the short-term class: there was a boxy team in the middle of the playground, each with their heads held high, looking uniform and full of energy.

When the leaders walked to the short-term class team, all the students shouted in unison, "Welcome to the leaders, teachers review!"

The deafening sound resounded throughout the playground, and even echoed above the playground, startling everyone.

And Yunjin also ran to the leader, stood up, and shouted loudly, "Leaders, teachers, there should be 2518 students in the November short-term class of the 11th class, and there are actually 200 people. Welcome leaders and teachers to review!"

Perhaps I have never encountered such a spiritual outlook and such an organized class of freshmen. Whether it is Minister Zhou, Deputy Minister Wang, or other leading teachers, they all lost their voices for a while, and then Minister Zhou was the first to react. He patted Yunjin on the shoulder and praised, "Good, good!"

With him taking the lead, Vice Minister Wang also extended his hand to shake Yun Jin's hand, and patted Yun Jin's hand twice to encourage him.

With two ministers taking the lead, the other leaders and teachers all shook hands with Yun Jin in turn.

Yun Jin didn't expect the opportunity to come so suddenly, so she took the opportunity to test the luck of the leaders one by one.

Next, when the leaders walked up to the rostrum and took their seats, Yunjin returned to the square team, and then carefully analyzed the luck of each leader.

The more she analyzed, the more startled Yunjin became.

It turned out to be exactly as he had expected. Most of the leaders of Minister Zhou's lineage had increased luck, while the leaders of Vice Minister Wang's lineup, including Vice Minister Wang, had continuously lost their luck.

And it is likely that a period of time has passed, because their luck is far inferior to that of Minister Zhou and other leaders of the same level.

This is enough to show that the future of the Criminal Investigation Department of Xiangshan City will change. Minister Zhou will completely establish his authority, and Deputy Minister Wang, a powerful deputy minister, will collapse.
And looking at the luck of Vice Minister Wang's leadership, it is estimated that not only he collapsed alone, but others will also be implicated or liquidated.

This means that many positions will be vacant!
This is a huge opportunity. If it works well, maybe it will be possible to perform several consecutive jumps!

Yun Jin suppressed the excitement in her heart, and couldn't help but think of Hu Yu, that guy's luck has been lost so badly, he couldn't have caught the line of Vice Minister Wang, right?

If he is also liquidated, then no one will know about his identity.

Thinking of the information that Hu Yu inadvertently disclosed, it is estimated that the power struggle between Vice Minister Wang and Minister Zhou has reached a fever pitch. Vice Minister Wang and his family are very confident, thinking that Minister Zhou will be defeated soon and Vice Minister Wang will soon take power.

But he didn't expect the always strong Vice Minister Wang to finish the game.

Yun Jin recalled that the luck in Vice Minister Wang's body had dropped to about 4000, which was more than double that of Minister Zhou's 10000. This ratio was almost impossible to turn over.

Yun Jin looked at the rostrum, and Minister Zhou was still sitting in the middle gently, with smiling eyes behind his glasses, looking harmless to humans and animals, while Vice Minister Wang was holding a microphone beside him, talking non-stop, impassioned.

Yun Jin shook her head, the way of luck is really mysterious, if it wasn't for Yun Jin's ability to check luck, who would have believed that Vice Minister Wang, who is so powerful to such an extent, would collapse.

After a while, Vice Minister Wang finished speaking, then looked at Minister Zhou next to him, and said, "Minister Zhou, do you want to say a few words?"

Although he said so, Mike was still holding it in his hand, without any attitude of giving in.

Minister Zhou smiled, shook his head, it was useless to use the microphone, and the spiritual energy spread to the audience, and the voice appeared in everyone's ears out of thin air, "I won't say more, Minister Wang has said everything that should be said. As a minister, I will give everyone a chance."

As he said that, Minister Zhou took out a jade bottle and explained, "This is a high-power psychic liquid, which can strengthen the body and make everyone feel psychic power. If the aptitude is good, it can even produce psychic power by itself, and even awaken it." , are all possible.”

"Next, everyone will see their opportunities."

What Minister Zhou brought out must be something good, because Yun Jin could see that the faces of some leaders on the rostrum had changed, even Minister Wang's expression was a little different.

Obviously, even if this item is not particularly precious, it is not readily available.

The most important thing is that it can make people become awakened ones!
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

(End of this chapter)

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