God Level Collection

Chapter 313 Appointment of class cadres

Chapter 313 Appointment of class cadres

After all, judging from Cao Zhen's behavior today, we know that he is a person who is good at seizing opportunities.

Now that the two belong to different camps, and Vice Minister Wang seems to be in a position of power, it's no wonder Cao Zhen didn't take the opportunity to make trouble.
At that time, can I do something by myself?
With anticipation for tomorrow, Yun Jin fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Yunjin ate breakfast, followed the course instructions, and came to the teaching building for class.

After entering the classroom, many people have already come to the classroom, chatting in twos and threes.

Seeing Yunjin push the door and come in, the classroom immediately fell silent. Yunjin's eyes swept over her classmates, and those classmates all avoided their eyes, obviously not wanting to have anything to do with Yunjin.

In fact, there are many classmates who misunderstood themselves as teachers yesterday and had a flattering face
Yun Jin didn't care, she went to find a seat in the back row and sat down.

After a while, Cao Zhen came.

Different from the deserted scene where Yunjin came alone and no one said hello, Cao Zhen entered the classroom in a crowd, surrounded by the two students who gave birth to psionic abilities yesterday, one fat and one thin, followed by a dozen people, Simply majestic.

And as soon as he came in, the students who were sitting in the classroom stood up and said hello, and the voices of "Brother Cao." "Police Officer Cao is here." "Good morning, Brother Cao."

Yun Jin took out her ID card, checked the courses of other classes, and didn't bother to talk to this person who was more prestigious than the minister.

But Yun Jin ignored Cao Zhen, Cao Zhen did not let Yun Jin go, he glanced around and found Yun Jin sitting alone in the last row of the classroom, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Hey, isn't this Police Officer Yun?" , It’s too disrespectful to not say hello when you see your superior.”

Yun Jin looked up at him, and pointed to her epaulets, "The school prepares a uniform uniform to tell us that we are here to study, and everyone is treated equally, and they are just students. If you have any opinions, you can go to the principal."

Cao Zhen was stabbed by Yun Jin, neither soft nor hard, but he didn't care, and continued, "Then basic politeness is still required?"

Yun Jin sneered, "Vice Minister Wang didn't seem to be very polite when he saw Minister Zhou."

As soon as these words were spoken, the whole classroom fell silent.

Everyone looked at Yunjin in horror, obviously they didn't expect Yunjin to dare to talk about such a sensitive topic, and they didn't expect Yunjin to directly talk about the struggle between the two senior leaders.

Immediately, everyone was afraid to answer. After all, if you accidentally say a wrong sentence and fall into the ears of those high-level people, your life will be over.

Even Cao Zhen's face was ashen, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Yun Jin glanced around the classroom contemptuously, feeling that these people really think too much. If the second and third level police officers are not awakened, they will never be able to become a police inspector in this lifetime, and they are actually afraid of being missed by the minister.

I also don't think that the two ministers are at least level 8 evolutionary, and they may even be half-step extraordinary, would they care about these ordinary people who are not even awakened?

Even people like Cao Zhen and himself, who had just awakened, probably only got a second look because they were fighting on behalf of the two sides, and they probably would be forgotten in the back of their heads not long afterward.

Do you really think that you can rely on this one-sided relationship to become a confidant, a confidant, and then make a fortune all the way?

Two newly awakened people are not enough.
The promotion promises made by Vice Minister Wang and Minister Zhou yesterday were actually the rewards of yesterday. Whether they can develop in the future depends on their individual abilities.

Yun Jin smiled and shook her head, ignoring the people who were silent, and continued to look down at the courses of other classes, intending to see if there were any courses related to the cultivation of awakened people.

Yunjin didn't speak, and the others didn't dare to speak, and the atmosphere of the whole classroom continued in a strange silence.

It wasn't until 9 o'clock in the morning that a teacher came to the classroom, and the atmosphere in the classroom became a little more normal.

The teacher was a middle-aged man, with the countryside surrounding the city above his head, showing the Mediterranean trend. He came to the classroom with a notebook, coughed twice, and said, "Let me introduce myself to everyone. My surname is Tang, and I have the same police rank. Senior police officer, you can call me Teacher Tang, or you can call me Officer Tang, I am your counselor."

"For the next month, I will be in charge of the study of our class. If you have any questions, you can find me in the short-term class office on the first floor of the office building."

After introducing himself, he said again, "Everyone should already know the specific rules of the short-term class. If you don't know, you can read the short-term class rules sent to your ID card again."

"The short-term class is a relatively special training class, but it is also a piece of qualifications for you, and it will be written in your files. It is helpful for evaluation and promotion."

"Next, I will appoint a class cadre."

Speaking of class leaders, all the students sat upright and tried to show their best side. Teacher Tang glanced at the whole classroom, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Cao Zhen is the class monitor, He Wei is the deputy class monitor, Zheng Dongsheng is the disciplinary committee member, and Tang Ji is the propaganda committee member."

At the end, he lingered on Yun Jin and Yang Hao twice, then gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Hao is the study committee member."

After speaking, he was relieved, then lowered his head and continued to sort out the materials.

In fact, he hesitated for a long time to make this decision: there were three people present at the same social level as him, and one was higher than him. In addition, the dispute between two ministers was involved, and he also had a headache.

But thinking of the file bag that was sent to his desk this morning and the person who was coming, he still decided to lean towards Cao Zhen and stay away from Yunjin.

As soon as the appointment was announced, everyone in the class had different thoughts, but they all looked at Yunjin in unison, with gloating, mocking, and contempt in those eyes.

Cao Zhen was the first awakened person yesterday, Zheng Dongsheng and He Wei were the two fat and thin people who gave birth to psionic energy yesterday, and Yang Hao was the dwarf who gave birth to psionic energy yesterday and no one took refuge in him.

As for Tang Ji, no one knows who it is, and it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that five people broke through yesterday, and today there are five class cadres, but Yunjin was not accepted and was squeezed out by an ordinary person.

The hidden meaning of this could not be more clear.

To be honest, even Yun Jin didn't expect this kind of arrangement. He glanced at Mr. Tang on the podium: This bald man is not high-ranking, and he dared to get involved in the struggle between two ministers.

Such an obvious favoritism, even if Minister Zhou doesn't care, but do you really think that the people of Minister Zhou's family are just for nothing?
(End of this chapter)

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