God Level Collection

Chapter 315 I want to be the squad leader!

Chapter 315 I want to be the squad leader!
In Liberty Continent, whoever has nothing bad about him, who can stand the scrutiny, even provoked him just now, is simply reckless!

And once the appointment was announced, everyone's eyes on Yun Jin changed: before, everyone thought that Cao Zhen had reached the sky in one step, but unexpectedly there was another Yun Jin.

Compared with Yunjin, can Cao Zhenna reach the sky in one step?This is called reaching the sky in one step!

The strong team in the strong department is still the team leader!

Although it is not a third-level inspector, the position is actually the same as that of a third-level inspector, and the power is overwhelming!Even the third-level superintendent must treat the master with care!
And everyone knows about the Security Bureau, this is a ladder that reaches to the sky, as long as anyone enters this bureau, everyone will be promoted.

Maybe Yunjin is still a first-class constable today, maybe a few months later will become a first-class inspector.

Even if the strength keeps up, it is possible to break through and become an evolutionary, and become a superintendent!
This is the real upstart!

With Yunjin, what are Cao Zhen and He Wei!
After the first-level police inspector of the Security Bureau read out the appointment, after Yun Jin took the letter of appointment, he shook hands with Yun Jin, turned around and left the classroom.

From the moment he entered to the moment he left, among the more than 200 people present, he never spoke to any of them, and he didn't even look directly at Inspector Ma, who was at the same level.

On the other hand, Inspector Ma cautiously stood aside and laughed with him, without any abnormality, obviously thinking that it was perfectly fine for him to do so.

The strength of the Security Bureau can be seen.

After the inspector from the Security Bureau left, Inspector Ma was in no mood to stay any longer, said a few words casually, and left in a desperate mood.

The atmosphere in the whole classroom started to become weird again. On one side was Yunjin who had returned to her seat holding the appointment letter from the Security Bureau, and on the other side was Cao Zhen who was at a loss on the podium holding three appointment letters.

The more than 100 students present did not know who to lean on next.
But it was Tang Bald who had a bigger headache.

In the morning, because Superintendent Ma and the letter of appointment made him feel that he had to show affection to Cao Zhen and the others, three of the five class cadres belonged to Cao Zhen, and Yun Jin himself did not get in.

It turned out that Yunjin actually entered the Security Bureau in the blink of an eye, so what the hell is going on!The class cadres have all been settled!
This plan can't keep up with the changes at all!
In fact, he hesitated for a long time on the podium, whether to do such an absolute thing, but after much deliberation, he still had to stand in line thoroughly.

But who would have thought that Cao Zhen's side would be on the decline as soon as he stood in the team, this is really terrible!

Thinking of this, his eyes wandered between Cao Zhen and He Wei, the meaning was self-evident.

Cao Zhen was of a high rank and could handle it. He Wei, who was at the same level as Tang Bald and who was assigned to the same place as Yun Jin, was instantly scared.

He said cautiously, "Why don't I hand over the deputy squad leader to Officer Yun?"

Bald Tang nodded quickly, then looked at Yun Jin, "Officer Yun, what's your opinion?"

Yun Jin waved her hand and refused, "I'm not interested in this. He Wei is doing well. I still want to go back to Hong'an District to drink tea with Officer He."

After saying this, He Wei's face turned dark again.
Go to the internal monitoring team of the security department for tea?
This is to kill yourself.

He said hastily, "Officer Yun, I really can't afford to be the deputy squad leader, or you can do it."

Baldy Tang followed suit.

But Yunjin just said, "Inappropriate."

All the students in the classroom just watched the three push each other. It was the first time in so many years that the important experiences that could have been written down in the file were pushed by each other like this!

The three gave way for 5 minutes, and finally Yunjin let go. He sat on a chair and looked down at the people on the podium, "It's fine to be a class cadre. I'll be the monitor, and Cao Zhen will be the deputy."

Upon hearing this, Cao Zhen immediately became angry, "You are enough, Yunjin! I am your superior!"

Yun Jin spread her hands, "Then I'm wrong."

"You!" Cao Zhen pointed at Yunjin, speechless for a long time.

Baldy Tang wiped off his sweat, and said to Cao Zhen cautiously, "Officer Cao, what do you think?"

Cao Zhen scolded Tang Tuzi angrily, "You let me be a third-level police inspector as deputy?"

Baldy Tang was sweating even more.

Yun Jin smiled on the top, "What's the vice? The monitors are all at the same level. Aren't Vice Minister Wang and Minister Zhou also at the same level?"

As soon as these words were said, the audience immediately fell silent again. Everyone knew that words involving high-level officials should not be said casually, as it would easily lead to problems.

But Cao Zhen was so angry now that he didn't care about that at all. He yelled at Yunjin, "Yunjin! Don't be complacent! You have the ability to enter the Security Bureau, but you also have the ability to stay! Be careful in a few days, Minister Zhou Unlucky, you will also be beaten to the end!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone fell silent!
Yun Jin's words are gossip at most, but Cao Zhen's words are overstepping!
The other students knew that there was something wrong with Cao Zhen's words, how could Yun Jin not know?

He slapped the table and stood up, "Bold! How dare you criticize the Minister! Cao Zhen! I will write a report on your behavior and submit it to the Security Bureau! Although I don't care about the internal monitoring work in your Jinsha District, there is someone in the Security Bureau. .”

When Yun Jin said this, Cao Zhen's face turned green, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, his mouth was trembling, he slammed the door and left.

The audience was silent, only the sound of the swinging door echoed in the classroom.

After recovering, everyone remembered that Yun Jin was indeed a member of the internal monitoring team of the Security Bureau, and had the right to monitor all the security officers of the Criminal Investigation Department.Matters involving ministers can be discussed in private, but if discussed in front of him, it may be recorded and submitted.
At this time, someone whispered, "But he himself talked about Minister Wang before."

The person next to the man quickly pulled him, "Speak carefully!"

After saying "Careful", the person next to him added in a low voice, "We said, he can record and report, but he said, none of us have the right to record and report."

Immediately, everyone stopped daring to speak, and looked at Yunjin with fear and flattery in their eyes.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the classroom was not right again, Baldy Tang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said, "That's it, Officer Yun will be the class monitor, Officer Cao will be the deputy head, He Wei will be the propaganda committee member, Tang Ji"

At the end, Tang Baldzi glanced at a chubby student in the first row who resembled him sextantly, and said, "As an assistant propaganda committee member, to assist He Wei."

After arranging everything, he quickly said, "Okay, this morning's class is over, everyone should be busy with whatever you want."

After speaking, he wiped his sweat again, and ran out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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