God Level Collection

Chapter 317 Is It Difficult To Cultivate Spiritual Energy?

Chapter 317 Is It Difficult To Cultivate Spiritual Energy?
Yun Jin said, "Teacher Su"

Before he finished speaking, Teacher Su interrupted him, "Don't call me Teacher Su, call me Brother Su."

Yun Jin: .
This is changing so fast, and you, a 50-year-old man, are ashamed to be the brother of a young man in his 20s. Your daughter was introduced to me just now!

If it does!Wouldn't this seniority be messed up!

But since Teacher Su wants to get in touch, Yun Jin is willing to go along with the flow, and he said kindly, "Brother Su, is it rare for me to be like this?"

Teacher Su signaled Yun Jin to come out, and said, "It's not that rare, but it's really uncommon. The abilities of awakened people are actually very rare, and most of them can only be regarded as auxiliary, so we are more Use the increased spiritual energy after awakening to measure the strength of an ability."

"The spiritual energy increased by the awakening ability is less than 10 points, which is F grade."

"Below 100 points, it's E grade."

"More than 100 points, it's D grade."

Yun Jin looked at him, a little surprised.

Teacher Su closed the door of the inner room, motioned Yunjin to sit down, and then said with a smile, "Do you think this kind of classification is unreasonable?"

Yun Jin nodded, "It's very unreasonable."

Teacher Su wrote down the three levels and values ​​on the blackboard, and then explained, "In fact, this classification is very reasonable."

"Psychic energy is a mysterious energy extracted from the body and mind. Its discovery is trans-epochal. It is a kind of energy that can allow people to evolve to a higher level. Using it can make a person slowly reborn."

"You should know how many levels the awakener has, right?"

Yun Jin sat on the chair, took out the notes, and nodded while taking notes, "I know. Levels one to five are Awakened, Levels six to eight are Evolvers, and Level nine is Extraordinary."

Teacher Su looked like a child who can teach, "Yes. But do you know what each stage does?"

Yun Jin shook his head.

Teacher Su said, "The fifth level of awakening is to use spiritual energy to exercise one's limbs, torso, internal organs, head and whole body, and to obtain more spiritual energy from it."

"Each level is carried out step by step. You can't skip the level, and you can't practice indiscriminately. The spiritual energy required for each level will be doubled."

"According to the research done by some professors in our country, when the spiritual energy increased by the awakening ability is less than 10 points, then if he wants to exercise his limbs, the time will be very slow, almost at the speed of a turtle."

"Normal Awakened (Class E), it may take half a year to complete the training of the limbs and obtain more spiritual energy from the limbs, but if the initial spiritual energy is lower than 10 points, it will take about seven or eight years to complete the limbs. practice"

"Such an awakener is almost equivalent to waste, and is a part of being abandoned, so the awakening ability below 10 points is F-level."

Yun Jin suddenly realized, "What about E-class and D-class?"

Teacher Su asked rhetorically, "What is the spiritual standard for a first-level awakened person?"

Yun Jin, "100 to 200 points."

Teacher Su nodded, "Yes, this is the difference between E-level and D-level. D-level is born as a first-level awakener, while E-level requires cultivation."

Yun Jin was puzzled, "Then why do people like me who have more than 300 points of psionic power after awakening and more than 100 points after awakening be classified as D-level."

Teacher Su was overjoyed, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Yun Jin's wrist.

Yun Jin restrained her conditioned impulse to fight back and looked at Teacher Su.

As for Teacher Su's sudden force, Yunjin only felt a sharp pain, and his whole face was distorted.

Teacher Su let go of his hand and said, "Do you understand now?"

Yun Jin was a little confused.

Teacher Su: .
Teacher Su said, "Because you haven't cultivated, even if you have 1000 points of spiritual power after awakening, you are still a first-level awakened person if you haven't cultivated your body."

"You must have fully trained your limbs and have more than 200 points of spiritual energy to be classified as a second-level awakener!"

Speaking of this, Teacher Su looked serious, "The essence of psychic power is to allow people to achieve evolution and a second leap, so having psychic power without self-cultivation or spiritual cultivation is putting the cart before the horse!"

"Moreover, being physically and mentally strong will in turn make your psychic energy even stronger!"

Speaking of this, Teacher Su suddenly flashed a golden light with his right hand, and slammed it against the wall next to him with a "boom".

The wall next to him shattered, but his right hand was unscathed, "This is the true strength of an awakened person. Although your spiritual energy is higher than mine, I can hit you five by one."

Yun Jin looked at Teacher Su's divine appearance that day, and silently added in his heart: Even if I am poor, but as an evolutionary, I can hit you five times with one hand.
However, although Mr. Su was a bit too pretentious, his words were not rough. Yun Jin really only accumulated spiritual energy before, and did not allow his body to keep up with his cultivation. This was indeed his major flaw.

However, the reason why he wants to enter the detective department is because he wants to practice from scratch. I believe that with the total amount of psionic energy of his current seventh-level evolutionary, the speed of cultivation can probably surprise a lot of people's eyes, and he may create a The myth of the fastest practice time!

The scene where Yunjin was fantasizing about being awesome, Teacher Su saw it, but thought that Yunjin had been hit, he patted Yunjin on the shoulder, and comforted, "The initial 300 points of psionic power is not useless. "

"In addition to the fact that your cultivation speed will be three to four times faster than that of ordinary awakened people, you will not have any thresholds in the first three levels. You must know that most awakened people are stuck at the point of promotion, but they are not actually cultivators. Progress, but spiritual energy."

"Some people have finished cultivating their limbs and torso, but they only have more than 230 points of spiritual energy. After that, they can only slowly accumulate and accumulate. It may take five or six years to replenish the 70 points of spiritual energy, and then continue to practice."

Yun Jin looked at him in surprise, and really wanted to ask: Is it difficult to practice psionic energy?It seems that every time I overuse my spiritual power, or receive strong stimulation, it will automatically increase my spiritual power
Moreover, Haitang also said that her talent can only be regarded as not bad, not very good (see Chapter 18 to Chapter 20 for details).

However, in order not to make herself look particularly indebted, and to conceal her identity, Yun Jin still didn't ask this question.

Teacher Su looked at the time, "Okay, let's go, you can continue to listen in the afternoon, I will talk about the cultivation methods of the awakened ones in the afternoon, and you can try to cultivate then."

Yun Jin nodded, and followed Teacher Su out of the practice room.

As a result, as soon as he left the practice room, a young woman in a uniform and glasses was waiting outside. She was holding a book in her hand and was reading it intently.

(End of this chapter)

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