God Level Collection

Chapter 326 1 Night Level 4

Chapter 326

"Although I don't know why that Yunjin came to Xiangshan City, there is no doubt that there is also a Chaofan standing behind him. There are only three or four Chaofans in each state. He is anonymous. He must not be a local Chaofan in Xiangshan City. Then it is us. ally."

"The central government does not want to pull out large families or forces from various places. It just requires them not to occupy one side, become the emperor of the country, and become an obstacle to government orders."

"Since that Chaofan wants to come out, let him go. We must support him."

"Maybe there's a good show to watch."

Speaking of this, Minister Zhou laughed, but when he smiled, his eyes narrowed, like a smiling fox.
If Fatty Qian was here, he would understand very well that this is the [official avoidance system] used by all dynasties in China (including today).

This system can effectively avoid forming a party for personal gain, and turn the place into a private product of an individual family.

At the same time, after leaving Su Tong's dormitory, Yun Jin felt a lot of pressure.

He needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

In this way, when facing various forces, he can have more room for maneuver.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin hurriedly returned to the dormitory, then closed the doors and windows, lay down on the bed, and began to practice.

To temper your body, you don't have to sit or maintain a fixed posture, no matter how comfortable you are.

Of course. It's better to lie down than to be comfortable.

Just don't fall asleep.

If it was normal and there was no pressure, Yun Jin might still be lazy and accidentally fall asleep, but tonight he has decided to practice all night!
Running the [Psychic Basic Training Method], Yunjin began to temper her torso.

In the basic cultivation method of psionic energy, tempering the torso of the body is to temper the muscles, blood vessels and skin of the rest of the body except the head and limbs.

Compared with the limbs, this project is larger and more difficult.

Because it is a whole, and the muscles and blood vessels of the limbs must be connected in sequence.

So even if it is Yunjin, the speed of cultivation is relatively slow.

Fortunately, his body has 1356 points of spiritual energy, and 1248 of them are attribute spiritual energy, which is much faster and can support his consumption.

After all, based on ordinary psionic energy, his psionic energy has more than 12000 points.

It took Yun Jin two and a half hours to temper his body, and his spiritual energy also consumed more than 400 points of attribute spiritual energy.

But he was rewarded a lot, actually adding 200 points of ordinary spiritual power to Yun Jin.

Now he has 308 points of ordinary psionic energy in his body, and he is gradually transforming.

Yunjin didn't get distracted by converting them into attribute psionic energy.

Instead, taking advantage of the pressure tonight, he continued to refine his internal organs in one go.

Tempering the internal organs is a meticulous task. After all, all the organs in the body are extremely important. Even Yunjin has to settle down and carefully temper each blood vessel and each cell.

To be on the safe side, he even called Kobo out and gave it the snapdragon grass and the antidote.

Let it plant snapdragon grass directly in Yunjin's body when something happens to Yunjin, and then wait for the right time to use the antidote.

Fortunately, none of these backup methods were used, and Yun Jin successfully tempered the internal organs.

Refining the viscera consumes more spiritual energy and takes longer. Yunjin was refined until 6 o'clock the next morning before it was successfully refined.

The attribute spiritual energy in his body is almost exhausted, but the increase in spiritual energy is only more than 90 points.

Some input and output are not proportional.

But Yunjin also feels very reasonable. After all, there are not as many cells in the internal organs as in the outside of the body. It is normal that the increase is small.

and!After the internal organs are tempered, the overall improvement of Yunjin is very amazing.

Yunjin felt that she was like a superman now, and her breathing rhythm was almost as slow as once a minute.

The lungs are like a huge bellows, with each inhalation and exhalation, two air flow dragons can appear out of thin air in front of him.

And his heart is like the pressure pump of a car, it only beats once in more than 20 seconds, but one beat is enough to supply the blood in the whole body to flow once.

It was also at this time that Yun Jin understood why he had to temper his body and limbs first.

If you don't have a strong enough body, you can't support that kind of pressure at all.

Of course, this is only Yun Jin's normal state, once Yun Jin encounters a battle, his breathing and heartbeat will return to normal levels.

At that time, the energy erupted from the internal organs was astonishing.
And when Yunjin finished tempering her viscera, it also meant that Yunjin had stepped into the ranks of the fourth-level awakened ones!

100 points of psionic ability is a first-level awakener!
After repairing the limbs, 200 points of psionic energy is a second-level awakened person!
After repairing the body, with 300 psionic energy points, he is a third-level awakened person!
After finishing internal organs, 400 points of psionic energy is a fourth-level awakened person!
After repairing the head, a fifth-level awakened person with 500 psionic energy points!
The golden body is not bad, and the spiritual attribute becomes an evolutionary!
It means that we have truly embarked on the path of evolution.

Although Yunjin is already a half-evolved person and just rebuilding her foundation, becoming a fourth-level awakened person in one day is shocking.

Looking at the time, it was already six o'clock, Yunjin was not in the mood to sleep, so she just got up and went to the playground for morning exercises.

When I came to the playground, there were already many people on the playground, some were running, some were exercising on equipment, and some were boxing.

Yunjin doesn't know any boxing skills, and doesn't know how to use those weird training equipment, so he just runs.

It's just that when he started to run, his steps were heavy, and when his foot collapsed, there was another footprint on the hard playground, and his panting sounded like a cow lowing, which could be heard throughout the playground.

At first, the trainees looked at him with disgust.

But when he saw the two airflow dragons when he was breathing, they were all stunned.

"He broke through again?"

"This seems to be the performance of the internal organs, right?"

"Probably, but level four in one night? He really plans to become an evolutionary in half a month?"

"It's too fast!"

The reason why she came to practice in the morning was that Yunjin also had the idea of ​​showing her strength.

Ever since Tsing Yi came out, it was impossible for him to keep a low profile. Since he can't keep a low profile, let's make it public!
What is a half-moon evolutionary!Get a week to be an Evolutionary!
I have even been "discovered" by someone in the "backstage" of the Transcendent, so I have nothing to hide.

After showing her strength, Yunjin went to have dinner, and then went to classroom 319 to attend class.

This time when Yunjin entered the classroom, no one paid any attention. The students in the classroom came up to greet Yunjin one by one. Even Su Tong looked at Yunjin with complicated eyes when he entered the door.

Others don't know, how can he, an old teacher, not know.Internal organs repair and head repair are the most difficult parts of the awakened person stage, but Yunjin unexpectedly stepped over one of them without making a sound.

It's simply monstrous.

(End of this chapter)

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