God Level Collection

Chapter 342 The Anders Project

Chapter 342 The Anders Project

Yun Jin put away her sloppy expression, and said hello, "General Lin."

Lin Xu nodded, and said in a straight voice, "Mr. Yun, Xu Hui has reported your situation to me just now. It is really beyond me that you can achieve such good results in such a short period of time. unexpected."

"So, we don't actually have a plan for the next step for you. I hope you can understand."

What Lin Xu said was very frank, just like Yun Jin's impression when he first met him.

But Yunjin can also understand.

After all, what Lin Xu said at the time was very clear. Because of the special circumstances, the country itself lacked enough evolutionaries, so it could only recruit clean people who were willing to serve the country to help and increase the chance of success.

When a country, or even the world, lives and dies, it is impossible to put all hope on one person, or a group of people.

It must be one thing, dozens of people do it, so that even if everyone else fails, but one succeeds, there is still hope.

This is the legendary [Saturation Plan].

Of course, dozens of people do the same thing, but there must be a focus, some people get more resources, and some people get less resources.

Those recruited like Yunjin are of course those with few resources.

So Yun Jin understood very well.

He nodded and said, "Understood."

Lin Xu continued, "The reason why I took the initiative to talk to you this time is because the next two things are very important, and I hope you will pay attention to them."

"The first thing is about your personal safety."

When it came to this, Yun Jin sat upright and listened patiently to Lin Xu's explanation.

Lin Xu, "Before, we also had agents who were successfully promoted to the eighth social level, but when they stepped into the seventh level, they found that Liberty Continent had a strict review at the seventh level of the social level."

"It's about the same as political censorship in our country."

"The level is lower than level seven. People in the free continent will only check your files, and they won't even do basic investigations. It's very loose. But once you become an evolutionary, when the social level is about to be promoted to level seven, Liberty Continent will conduct a thorough review of your file and all your information."

"Once they fail to pass the review, they will be removed by the Ministry of Security of the central government."

Yunjin looked surprised, this country is too strange, didn't check when he first entered the government, but actually checked when he entered the high-level?

Lin Xu said with a serious face, "So I hope that you will not be promoted for the time being until we have thoroughly processed your file."

Although she doesn't understand the rules of the Free Continent, since it is so dangerous, Yun Jin will not go to death without protecting her own safety.

So Yun Jin said without hesitation, "I will not reveal my strength."

Lin Xu nodded, the expression on his face softened a little, then he thought about it, and explained, "According to our understanding, this review was done many years ago, it should not be aimed at our infiltration, more It's against the forces of darkness."

"People in our dark forces have found that they also have similar censorship. We suspect that after the seventh level of social level, they may have access to some core secrets of both parties."

Lin Xu gave an example, "Just like our country, every document is divided into confidentiality levels. If the level is not enough, it cannot be consulted. I believe there is a similar level of confidentiality in the free continent. It's just that they, maybe only level [-] or above have Qualified to get in touch."

Yun Jin understood.

Lin Xu continued, "The second thing is related to your mission. Since you are infinitely close to the mission, I will also reveal the mission goal to you."

"The main goal of this infiltration is to obtain a document: the Anders plan."

"According to our intelligence, Anders, a member of the Central Government's Presbyterian Council, strongly advocates attacking the Inner World continent, and even entering the real world. And he even made a detailed plan, which is the Anders Plan."

"We don't know whether his plan is to gain political capital or if there is really some secret that we don't know about."

"During our contact for nearly a year, we found that the people in the Free Continent seem to be very familiar with us and the other world. We suspect that there is a big secret hidden in it."

Lin Xu said in the end, "We don't ask to know all of this document, but we hope to at least know the feasibility and evaluation of this plan. This will help us deal with the Free Continent in a short time."

Yun Jin was a little hesitant, "Such an important plan can be accessed by the seventh level of society?"

Lin Xu smiled, "You underestimate the status of the seventh level of society. You also overestimate the importance of this plan."

"If this is the central government's future plan, it may not be accessible to the seventh level, but this is only a committee member's plan, so the general middle and high-level leaders can access it. Even if they don't know the specific content, the evaluation level should still be fine. of."

Since Lin Xu said he could touch it, Yun Jin believed it.

After all, Lin Xu is a member of the country, so he must know the operation of the government better than himself.

So Yun Jin asked the last question, "Is there a foreigner in the Free Continent? Anders? It feels like a Westerner's name."

Lin Xu nodded, "Half of the states in the Free Continent are run by white people, and half of the states are run by yellow people. The language and customs of the white people are similar to those of Western countries. The language and customs of the yellow people are close to our country. "

Only then did Yun Jin get a general understanding of the situation in the Free Continent.

Finally, Lin Xu said, "The next two legs are the rest day of Liberty Continent. You can contact the person who made the file on your side in detail, and submit a report of your fake information to us, and then our side will I will try my best to make all your information true."

Although Lin Xu didn't say how to do it, Yunjin still agreed. After all, the power of a country must be much stronger than that of an individual.

After hanging up the phone, Yunjin realized that Lin Xu said that these two days are the weekend, do you want to go back to the real world?

Yunjin suddenly misses the junk food in the real world a little bit, and also misses the peaceful world a little bit
Thinking of this, Yun Jin transferred a copy of her own data to Xiao Xu, and then came to the world in the painting, intending to ask how Tsing Yi's space channel is going. Back to the real world.

Although Xiangshan City also has some interesting things, such as the Fallen Cave that old man Yang has always wanted to take Yunjin to, Yunjin is really not interested for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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