God Level Collection

Chapter 360 A Faceless Woman's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 360 A Faceless Woman's Careful Thoughts

It needs to be exposed.

In February, he will stay in the world in the painting in the future, and it is estimated that he has not left his name in the dark organization, so it is the safest and will not be found out.

As for the faceless girl, it was Wang Ke who came from the Freedom Continent, and it took about a month at most, and it was estimated that he would be a first-level awakened person or a second-level awakened person at most.

If someone detains him or monitors him, it is estimated that he will not surpass the evolutionist.

It should be safe to let the faceless girl go.

Yun Jin felt that she had planned very well.

But the faceless girl started to negotiate terms with him.

"Master. No matter what, I will come forward. Your friend is my friend. Even if I die, I will bring him here."

The sudden flattery of the faceless girl made Yunjin a little uncomfortable.

Sure enough, the next moment, the faceless girl changed her voice, "But... she was injured by you just now, and the injury is still not healed."

Although she knew that the faceless girl was taking advantage of the opportunity, at least her attitude and tone were what Yun Jin wanted to see.

To train a person, one must slap the sweet date.

Only by punishing her without hesitation when she does something wrong, and then rewarding her when she does something right, can she be trained better and better.

Yun Jin understood this truth, so she agreed without hesitation, "Okay, I'll let January prepare it for you."

Just before January went out, Yunjin told January about the sacrifice of the blood sacrifice for the faceless girl to restore her strength, and January carefully wrote it down, and then said, "Okay, I'll prepare it now."

Maybe Yunjin is rare to be kind to herself, and the faceless girl immediately knew that she had to be soft when facing Yunjin, so she looked at Yunjin pitifully, and said weakly, "Master, or I will go with her~"

It happened that Yunjin was going to catch up on a nap, and she was afraid that the Faceless Girl would scare herself and prevent her from sleeping well, so she just waved her hand to signify her agreement.

The faceless girl cheered and embraced January, and possessed herself in January's body.

After bowing to Yun Jin in January, she pushed the door backwards, closed the door, and went to prepare the sacrifice for the Blood Sacrifice of the Faceless Woman.

And Yun Jin took off her clothes, went back to the bed, and went to catch up on sleep.

Upon waking up, January was ready, Yun Jin paced into the basement,
Everything in the basement was emptied, leaving only a bathtub, which was filled with blood, filled with various internal organs and organs, which looked weird and disgusting.

Yun Jin turned her face slightly, and asked January, "What are they all about?"

January explained, "I bought ten pigs and killed them now."

Yun Jin nodded and asked again, "Is it enough?"

In January, "The Faceless Woman said it was barely enough. She said that the spirituality of pigs is still not as good as that of humans, and it is not that strong for her recovery. She said that even if there are no humans, primates like monkeys are better than pigs."

Yun Jin snorted, "Choose and choose."

January smiled at the side, but said nothing, because Yun Jin's words were obviously not meant for her.

After everything was ready, the faceless girl broke away from January's body, made a face with only a mouth towards Yun Jin, and then floated into the bathtub.

Obviously, she could hear the words of the two of them clearly in January.

In January, people put those dead pigs next to the bathtub, and then waved everyone else out.

Only Yunjin, Yiyue and the faceless woman were left in the basement.

The faceless woman entered the bathtub, and the blood spread upwards like life, dyeing her white clothes bright red.

Then the blood began to spread outward, slowly covering the ten dead pigs. On the face of the faceless woman without any organs, at the position of the eyes, two green rays of light suddenly shot out. Visible began to shrink.

The blood seemed to be flowing, transporting all the nutrients into the faceless woman's body.

The aura of the faceless girl became stronger and stronger, and she flew up into the air, howling terribly. With her fluttering red dress and "eyes" emitting green light, she looked evil no matter how she looked.

It was also at this moment that Yunjin associated her with the evil image of abducting Xiaodouhua to self-mutilate and even sacrificing Xiaodouhua to summon her.

Maybe this scene was too scary, so January stood beside Yunjin, not sure if she was looking for support or wanting to protect Yunjin.

Yunjin felt that the latter were mostly the latter.

The faceless woman's sacrifice process lasted for about 10 minutes, and all the blood on the ground was sucked into her body by her.

The blood kept climbing up her clothes, and all got to the center of her forehead, and her clothes turned back to white.

After all the internal organs and dead pigs withered, and all the blood was sucked into her body, there was a bright red cinnabar in the center of the faceless woman's forehead.

After a while, the cinnabar faded away, the green light disappeared, and the faceless girl turned back into the original image with fluttering black hair, a white dress, and no organs on her face.

It didn't look like there was any change, but Yun Jin felt that the Faceless Girl had become stronger, even stronger than when he summoned her before.

This guy really belongs to the evil camp. When he talked about restoring his strength, he took the opportunity to make more demands, and then secretly improved his strength.

However, the two of them signed a contract, and Yunjin was not afraid that she would improve her strength and treat her badly, but she was a little unhappy after all.

So Yunjin grabbed her and kneaded her into dough. Perhaps because of her improved strength, the faceless girl knew how to resist. She stretched out her hands and feet from the "dough", and screamed loudly, "My body is not made of dough." of!"

Although she resisted, when Yun Jin thought about it, she immediately froze and couldn't move. Yun Jin kneaded her into dough again, and then started punching and kicking!

"I was wrong, master!"

"stop fighting!"

"I'm hurt internally!"


Out of anger, Yunjin threw the faceless girl dough to January and asked her to start planning.

In January's hands, the faceless girl was no longer so obedient. She started wrapping towards January, and then a face without organs also appeared in January's ear, saying in a strange voice, "Miss, kill that man, and you will be the boss~"

Yun Jin stopped suddenly, turned her head, and the faceless girl froze there, not daring to move.

Yun Jin asked, "By the way, can those people you control tomorrow give them the same dream? Let them think that only a moment passed and nothing happened."

The faceless girl moved her head up and down, "Yes, yes."

Yun Jin nodded, "Then do this first."

As she said that, Yun Jin walked out, and just when the faceless woman thought Yun Jin didn't hear what she said just now, Yun Jin said without turning her head, "By the way, if you start trouble again, I'll beat you to death .”

(End of this chapter)

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