God Level Collection

Chapter 368 I want them...

Chapter 368 I want them
This is the reason why Yunjin agreed that day, because it is equivalent to controlling the lifeline of the four seas.

The way of luck is mysterious and mysterious. To put it simply, it is the favor of heaven.

If there is more luck, there will be more good fortune and less misfortune. Even if there is misfortune, it will turn evil into good luck.

If luck is low, and it is far lower than the status of the individual or the organization, it means that the virtue is not compatible, and it is easy to cause disasters and be overthrown within a few days.

Therefore, in addition to the luck that each person has, the luck attached to other forces or official positions is only to assist in the practice.

For example, the half-step evolutionists at the eighth social level can practice faster than those at the ninth level.

However, the luck will also be depleted, and the auxiliary cultivation will be consumed every day, and the only way to increase the luck is to be diligent in government affairs.

However, from the attribute of psionic energy to the transcendent, the luck will be directly consumed, which is scary. The less you use the qi, the less you can use it. The official position may be lost and the organization may be destroyed.

But if the practice is slow, the promotion will be slow, the luck will be less, and the practice will be slower, which becomes an endless loop.

Therefore, it is very important to grasp the speed.

The central government's solution is to set up the Nine Tripods to suppress the national air transport, and each state and autonomous region also has its own township, which can adjust the distribution of air transport.

Limit the degree to which officials can use luck when practicing, generally speaking, it is about one thousandth of a day.

The dark organization's solution is more direct, confession.

Anyway, the only ones who can use luck to practice are the speakers of each county, or the speaker of a region, so let the bottom-level organizations provide it.

Let these organizations provide luck, and then provide it to the speakers to practice, and the speakers will gather the luck in their own area to supply to the leaders.

Such layers of offerings only consume the bottom group of dark organizations, after all, it is their luck that is lost.

Whether it is the talker or the leader, there is no loss.

But if the bottom layer is empty, the entire dark organization will become rootless duckweed, so the dark organization has come up with another method: directly affiliated organizations and affiliated organizations.

The directly affiliated organization belongs to the one to be cultivated, and the affiliated organization belongs to the leek.

Directly affiliated organizations generally only need to pay [-]% of the organization's luck, while affiliated organizations need to pay [-]%.

So the world is peaceful.

However, after this model has been in operation for a period of time, the dark organization found that these qi are enough to be used on the speaker, but it is far from enough to cultivate on the leader.

Therefore, the leader also distinguishes between the direct speaker and the subordinate speaker, and continues to cut leeks
Yun Jin thought so much, but in fact he just wanted to point out that luck is very important in the Free Continent, but the bee-human tribe can subsidize him with thousands of luck, which is simply a godsend.
Although the bee people may have more good things, but Yunjin thought about it, he still can't be too greedy, so he nodded and agreed, "Yes, I agree."

The two reached an agreement, Yun Jin stretched out his hand, but Ya Shuo didn't accept it, but excitedly pushed the little queen bee in front of Yun Jin, and asked the little queen bee to shake hands with Yun Jin.

The little queen bee pouted and shook hands with Yun Jin, which meant that the two parties had reached an agreement.

After the agreement was successful, Yun Jin asked, "But how do you transfer it? It seems that I can only summon the Queen Bee alone?"

The little queen bee glared at Yunjin, Yunjin changed her words, "Queen bee, king."

What's the difference between a queen bee and a queen bee? Why is this girl's film so realistic?

Yashuo thought about it and said, "Why don't we move to where you are?"

Yun Jin said, "That's a long journey, right? I'm in Xiangshan City, how about you?"

Yashuo's face was a bit ugly, "Hanbei."

Although she didn't know where it was, Yunjin knew it must be far away.

Ya Shuo sat down on the ground again, and began to worry.

A smile appeared on Yunjin's face, "Or else, I'll let you go directly to the flower field, but you also have to pay the toll."

Yashuo looked up at Yunjin with surprise on his face, "Really? Yes, what do you want?"

Yun Jin pointed to the hundreds of nurse bees in the cave, "I want them."

Ya Shuo didn't even hesitate, "Okay, except for the dozens of nurse bees we took away, I can give you everything else."

Yun Jin nodded, and the two considered the deal to be established.

In fact, the ultimate goal of Yunjin is those poor nurse bees, who may grow up on the earth. Yunjin really can't treat these living people as slaves, or throw them away when they are used up.

When she thought that because she had transferred the queen bee, these hundreds of people could only be left to die silently, Yun Jin felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the world in his painting is also big now, and he can do a lot of work. Let’s raise them first, and wait to see if he can let them do something. After all, he has only heard about the shortage of labor, and he has never heard that it’s okay to have labor. dry.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin suddenly asked Ya Shuo, "They don't eat much, do they?"

Ya Shuo shook his head with a smile, "Not many, they are the best workers. They only need to drink some dew and eat some grass leaves every day to survive and grow up. But when they grow up, if any of them become soldier bees, then Need to eat a lot."

Yunjin has a general understanding, it is simply the cheapest labor.
After discussing all the details, Ya Shuo asked dozens of nurse bees he had chosen to stand up and come to the side of the queen bee, and then he brought Yun Jin to the remaining nurse bees.

Looking closely, those nurse bees are actually children. After all, the nurse bees are beekeepers aged three to 16, and none of them are adults.

Yashuo introduced Yunjin to those nurse bees, and then explained the situation, but the nurse bees didn't say anything, but looked at Yunjin numbly, which made Yunjin feel distressed.

Then Yun Jin ordered them to say, "The next day, everyone, please go to the jungle to collect as much vegetation and seeds as possible, and if possible, small saplings as well."

The guardian bees still didn't speak, but they all nodded slightly, and then walked past Yunjin one by one, obeying Yunjin's order.

Yun Jin: They can't be dumb, right?

Seeing Yunjin accepting these nurse bees, Yashuo said excitedly, "Then, how do you plan to bring us there, Your Excellency?"

Yun Jin thought for a while, "After I return to my world, let the little queen bee tell me how to summon her. I will prepare things first."

"When everything is ready, I will notify you tomorrow, and at this time tomorrow, let the little bee king summon me again, and then I will take you and my nurse bee back to my world first."

"When you are all here, I will summon the little queen bee."

(End of this chapter)

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