God Level Collection

Chapter 384 A Monitor Is Installed On You

Chapter 384 A Monitor Is Installed On You
As soon as this was mentioned, Li Feixue's expression became visibly nervous, "Why are you asking this?"

Hey?Li Feixue's unusual behavior caught Yunjin's attention instead, this is the rhythm of something.

Yun Jin pretended to be nonchalant, "It's nothing. I just wanted to see if you need help."

Li Feixue shook her head like Gao Lego, "No, I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, she quickly took a few mouthfuls of rice, then put the bowl on the table and said, "I'm full, you can eat first."

After finishing speaking, she ran back to the room, not knowing what to do.

Yun Jin looked at the child with great interest, feeling a little interesting
He simply gave an order to the Blood Raven that was summoned yesterday, and it has been following Li Feixue for the past few days.

After a while, Yunjin finished her meal and put all the bowls and chopsticks in the kitchen. Kobo would appear quietly and clean them up.

At the same time, Yun Jin heard a scream from the bedroom.

He quickly walked into the room, only to find that Xiao Xu was looking at the screen in disbelief, and then dragged the mouse back desperately.

Yun Jin asked, "Are you okay?"

Xiao Xu lost his calmness before, and his voice was a little trembling, "My program."

She quickly opened a window again, wrote a few lines of code, and her original page full of garbled characters came to the top in an instant.

The moment he saw the line of code at the top, Xiao Xu covered his head with grief on his face, "I knew it was impossible to just type a few more lines of garbled codes, and I must have hit enter and backspace by accident!"

She wailed, "It's all for nothing!"

This is the first time Yun Jin sees Xiao Xu as a person
In the past, no matter when he was working as customer service or writing programs, Xiao Xu was like a machine, everything was stylized, and even his tone of voice didn't change much.

Yun Jin even suspects that she is an artificial intelligence robot. After all, the Liberty Continent has Xiuer's artificial intelligence, so it is not a problem that there are artificial intelligence robots secretly on the earth.

But now it seems that it should not be.

Yun Jin coughed, "Do you want to have a meal?"

Xiao Xu turned his head and took a look at Yun Jin, his eyes were a bit sharp.

Yun Jin smiled awkwardly, "After all, you have the strength to do things when you are full, right?"

This sentence may have been spoken in Xiao Xu's heart, Xiao Xu nodded, and followed Yun Jin out of the bedroom without even caring about the procedure.

Yun Jin had long been used to Xiao Xu's unpredictable personality, so he brought Xiao Xu to the living room, motioned her to find a place to sit, and then went to the kitchen to bring her the meal he had prepared earlier.

After all, Xiao Xu is considered a guest, so Kobo prepared her breakfast this morning when he was cooking.

The rice was not very rich, just scrambled eggs and noodle soup, but after all, it was made by Cooper using his awakened ability, and the taste was simply peerless, and Xiao Xu immediately fell into it.

Her eyes were shining, and she ate quickly, as if someone around her was robbing her.

While telling her to slow down, Yun Jin brought her water.

After all, if the operator really choked to death in Yunjin's residence, it would be difficult for Yunjin to explain to the country.

Within a few minutes, all the breakfast was in Xiao Xu's stomach, and Xiao Xu gave Yun Jin a thumbs up, "It's delicious."

Yun Jin smiled, "It's okay."

The two people who hadn't met a few times in total suddenly had nothing to say, and the atmosphere turned cold.

Yun Jin found a topic, "Xiao Xu, where are you from?"

"Sandong's." Xiao Xu said clearly.

Yun Jin, "Do you have a date?"

Xiao Xu shook his head and smiled a little naively, "No, what do you want that for? Can you knock?"

knock?Yunjin didn't realize the meaning of the word for a while.

Xiao Xu tapped her finger a few times in front of her, and Yunjin immediately understood that this "knock" refers to typing the code.

Forgive yourself for being wrong.

But comparing a boyfriend with a code, it really deserves not to have a boyfriend.

How can code be fun with a boyfriend.

At the same time, Xiao Xu also said, "It's not fun for a boyfriend to have a code."

She had a look of longing, as if stars were shining in her eyes, "You don't understand, the magic of code. Every line of code is like the most beautiful words, the most beautiful notes, and every line of code you tap can become the most rigorous. The program is simply the most wonderful thing in the world.”

Yun Jin curled her lips, "Then why are you an operator?"

As soon as he said this, Xiao Xu's face fell down, "I don't want to, it's just that the technology of bridging with the Free Continent network is simply too charming, so I was fooled."

"So." Speaking of this, Xiao Xu looked at Yunjin, "Can you let me be your exclusive operator by your side, so that I can study technology every day."

Yun Jin, "Wake up, stop dreaming."

Xiao Xu looked unwilling.

After dinner, Yunjin drove Xiao Xu back to the guest room and let her sleep. This girl seemed to have been really busy last night, and she didn't fall asleep until after 5 o'clock. After sleeping for two hours, she woke up again, her eyes were like a panda's of.

So originally I wanted her to finish it quickly and leave, but now Yunjin is too embarrassed, so she can only let her rest first and do it later in the evening.

And before going to bed, Xiao Xu also returned the phone to Yunjin, because the frequency in the phone had been changed last night and it can be used normally.

Then it's just some encryption and server-side stuff.

Anyway, Yun Jin didn't understand what she said, but she knew it and it worked.

Yun Jin picked up her mobile phone and played for a while, after thinking about it, it's been a week, it's time to contact Miss Shuaishen.

He opened the chat box of Miss Shuaishen, thought for a while, and sent a WeChat message: Are you running?
This question was asked by Yunjin after careful consideration.

When chatting with girls, you must be surprised, only in this way can you have something to talk about.

For example, if you ask the most common question most boys ask, "What are you doing?"

Most girls don't bother to talk to you, and even if they talk to you, they just reply to what she is doing.

So what do you talk about next?
Talk about that?Or keep asking questions?This will only make the whole chat a one-sided demand.

And guessing the first question will arouse the girl's curiosity:
【Why does he think I'm running?Did you see me?Or did I give him the impression that he was a sports girl?I'm not running, why did he say that? 】

And once a girl starts thinking about your behavior, that's a good start.Don't say let the other party fall in love with you, at least the next topic will not be boring.

Sure enough, Wang Yuqing replied: How do you know I'm running?

Yun Jin smiled, of course it was a wild guess, but WeChat can't reply like this, Yun Jin replied: Believe it or not, I installed a monitor on you.

(End of this chapter)

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