God Level Collection

Chapter 390 The deceased regained his memory?

Chapter 390 The deceased regained his memory?

In fact, Yunjin can't understand, how can a girl be so sloppy
It simply refreshed the three views of Yunjin.

In Yunjin's heart, she always thought that girls are very cute animals, every girl should be fragrant, and her boudoir should be as pink as Ding Xiaohui (that female college student), very neat and tidy.

But Xiao Xu destroyed Yun Jin's three views.

The only consequence of this is that Yun Jin doesn't even bother to ask what Xiao Xu's name is Xu, so he can just call him Xiao Xu.

After "imprisoning" Xiao Xu, Yun Jin also completely relaxed. According to the agreement between the two, Xiao Xu could not come outside, but could only stay in the room.

Three meals a day will be placed at the door on time, and then she can just come and take them.

Originally, Yunjin thought that the conditions she raised were a bit harsh, but who knew, Xiao Xu was very happy.

Perhaps for this kind of technical house, it is enough to have food and code to code.

From the guest room to the stronghold, and from the stronghold to the world in the painting, it is rare for Yun Jin to go to the gathering place of the bee people to see Ya Shuo and the little queen bee.

Seeing Yun Jin's visit, the little queen bee still looked arrogant, but Ya Shuo was more caring and humble towards Yun Jin.

He stayed beside Yun Jin with a smile, and asked insinuatingly, "Mr. Yun hasn't come to visit us recently, is he busy?"

Yun Jin looked around the flower field, nodded, "Yes, recently I am preparing for the attribute of spiritual energy."

Ya Shuo's eyes lit up, "Is Mr. Yun going to become an evolutionary?"

Yun Jin glanced at him and nodded.

Ya Shuo's hands tightened slightly, even though he tried his best to restrain himself, there was still a hint of joy on his face.

Yunjin gave him a strange look, a bit confused about why he was happy when he became an evolutionary.
The two walked and chatted, walked around the flower field, and came to the tent again, Yunjin asked, "Are you going to live in the tent all the time?"

Ya Shuo was a little embarrassed, "We actually want to live in a log house, but we don't have the materials."

Thinking of this, Yunjin glanced at the Fengren Village on the other side of the river. The houses were all made of wood. Is there any wood in the world in her painting?

I think should not be.
At most it is some bamboo.

But if someone wants to chop bamboo, Tsing Yi can probably chop that person first.

Where did the wood come from?

Perhaps seeing Yun Jin's doubts, Ya Shuo said, "The wood was sent by the envoy of God."

Angel?So it should be them in January?

It appears to have been brought in from the outside.

Yun Jin felt at ease when she was doing business in January.

He thought for a while, and then said, "Well, I will ask the person in charge of these things later, if it can still be shipped in, I will ship some for you. But it is not a free gift to you, you need to get the equivalent value things in exchange."

Speaking of this, Ya Shuo rubbed his hands, "Then what do we usually need?"

"It doesn't depend on what we want, but on what you have." Yun Jin counted with her fingers, "The honey you make, the special products you make, luck, your items, and even your population are all fine."

"I don't refuse anyone."

Ya Shuo thought for a while, "How to measure the value?"

Yun Jin said, "Let January bring someone to talk to you. I believe you can reach a good result."

Ya Shuo wanted to say something else, but Yun Jin waved his hand, indicating that the matter was settled, Ya Shuo shut up and did not continue to bargain.

After wandering around the Bee People, Yunjin found that in the past half a month, the Bee People have been immersed in the happiness of living under the sun and beside the flower fields.

But after all, the two sides are just exchanging interests, and Yun Jin doesn't bother to raise any opinions, let them arrange it themselves.

In fact, Yun Jin still had a good idea in his heart that if the bee-human clan collapsed, he could take the opportunity to incorporate it.

After visiting the bee people, Yun Jin went to Er Yue's place.

Er Yue is now more and more like a farmer. He moved the nursery and fruit trees to an open space near the foot of the mountain. Yun Jin guessed it was because of the pressure of doing things under Tsing Yi's nose.

Of course, Er Yue denied this statement. What he meant was that he studied the soil quality of the entire painting world and found that the area near the foot of the mountain was the most suitable for planting.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether others believe it or not, Yun Jin regards herself as believing it.

Now in the nursery, Bi Po and Tu Xiong are helping, and Xiao Youqian now has Tsing Yi as her backer, and rides the golden beast all day long to shuttle around the world in the painting.

Just now, she circled the brocade twice, whizzing in, then whizzing away, while running, the two leaves on her head kept swaying up and down, just like a wind-like woman
The plants in the nursery are growing very luxuriantly now, Bi Po and Tu Xiong are watering there, and Yun Jin invites Er Yue to sit aside.

Looking at the nursery, Yun Jin asked Er Yue, "Your sister won't let you continue to arrange the Beeman Village, do you have any ideas?"

Er Yue shook his head, and said frankly, "Master. Actually, you arranged me to enter the world in the painting, and I knew that this was what you valued. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people. Only I can enter the world in the painting. .”

"Whether I or my sister is doing things for you, I'm really not very good at dealing with people. At the beginning, I arranged for the nurse bees in a unified way, and I could do a good job. Later, I let them divide the work and cooperate, and I was a little weak. "

"Whether it's making unified planning, communicating with them, or coordinating, I'm a bit too busy. Moreover, I'm also a little annoyed about this job. In contrast, I prefer to take care of these flowers and plants for the master. Maybe I I prefer to be closer to nature."

He looked at the nursery in a daze, "My sister occasionally chatted with me and said that I also liked nature before I was alive. Even though I was busy with work, I would go for a walk in the park every spring to see the flowers and plants. Maybe this is what I brought to me during my lifetime. Get used to it"

Yun Jin froze for a moment, then realized, "Your sister has recovered her memory?"

Er Yue was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook her head, "Yes, probably not. She, she is."

The more anxious February was, the more unclear the explanation became.

Yun Jin's face darkened slightly, and then she called out to January in her heart, asking her to come to the world in the painting.

This incident is no small matter.

January and February are fine, after all, they were just ordinary people, but people like Zishu, Ugly Cow, and No.13 to No.[-] all had bad deeds first.

Especially Zishu, Ugly Niu and his group were dangerous and evil during their lifetime. If they also recover their memories, then things will be a big deal.

Moreover, Yunjin still has two evolutionaries who were cultivated in the deceased's WeChat. If they also recover their memories in the future, it will be two bombs!

In a moment, January came to the world in the painting.

(End of this chapter)

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