God Level Collection

Chapter 401 I Met Weixiao

Chapter 401 I Met Weixiao

The authority and responsibilities of the Ministry of Security remain unchanged, but a new department has been set up to be responsible for the affairs of the central government.

At the time, this was actually just a statement made by Minister Zhou.

After all, he was appointed by the central government, so he must keep up with the pace of the central government and show it to the central government.

But no one is optimistic about this department, especially a department that competes with the Ministry of Security for food, it is simply courting death.

So this department has been in a half-dead state.

It is only reasonable for Yun Jin, a newly evolved person, to directly parachute here to become the deputy director.

After all, there are still quite a few evolutionaries, but not all of them can be assigned to leadership positions.

Yun Jin didn't think that Superintendent Chai told him the three choices, and Minister Zhou asked him to choose, so he thought that everyone was as lucky as himself.

According to his inquiries in the past few days, after becoming an evolutionary, he will usually be put in a combat position to practice for a period of time, then transferred to a supervisory position to continue his experience, and finally become a leadership position.

Of course, this is the journey of someone who wants to become a leader.

If those combat lunatics would stay in their combat positions directly and would not change.

And those who want to be "imperial envoys" have experience in combat duties and will stay in supervisory positions forever.

So the other two routes also have a lot of talent.

As for why you have to transition to combat positions, it is really because the higher you go, the fewer leadership positions and supervisory positions.

After all, an evolutionary can already be the head of a county, and there are relatively few political system officials in the Free Continent, so there are not enough positions
After chatting with the director in the high-level affairs bureau for a day, Yun Jin had a general understanding of the entire high-level affairs bureau.

Maybe because the department is small, so the rights are small, so everyone doesn't fight for power and profit. Yun Jin, the second-in-command, and Director Gao, the first-in-command, chatted very speculatively.

Director Gao is a middle-aged man with a big belly. He looks like a bureaucrat, but he has a very good temper.

It is estimated that he has a bad temper and can't handle high-level affairs.After all, there will always be some weird things at the top.

Director Gao even invited Yun Jin to visit his house when he had time, but Yun Jin did not refuse, mainly because he was leaving tomorrow, which was obviously a courtesy.

The next day, Yunjin got on the plane to Central City.

The planes in the Free Continent are not the same as those in the real world. Although they look the same, it is said that there is a psionic stimulation array inside.

Although there is no small-scale civilian psionic equipment yet, but there are such large-scale ones, it means that they are actually on the right track.

The reason why Yun Jin was not optimistic about the Free Continent before was that he paid too much attention to personal strength. If such an organization were to scale up in the face of the earth and form a corps, it would probably be like paper.

However, Yunjin will not just underestimate the enemy. After all, he can think that it is impossible for the leaders of Huaxia not to think that since Huaxia is still in a state of probing, it means that there are some hidden dangers in the Free Continent that even the nuclear powers on the earth dare not act rashly. thing.

Maybe go to Central City to find out.

This time to the central city, Yun Jin only brought Xiao Xu, and no one else, oh. Of course, he also brought the picture scroll.

In January, both Huiyi and Li Feixue stayed in Xiangshan City. Huiyi was stronger and could replace Yunjin to control the dark forces.The white clothes replaced the gray clothes to sit in the picture scroll.

Even, Yunjin gave January everything that was transported from all over the world, hoping to see a different Xiangshan City when he came back.

Maybe if I don't get in the way, I will manage a world in January.

After getting off the plane, Wei Xiao was already waiting for Yun Jin at the airport.

She has the same oval face as Weimiao, with big eyes, as delicate as a doll.

The only difference from Weimiao is that Weimiao seems to bring sunshine wherever she goes, while she is like an independent queen in the dark, lonely, but also alone, exuding a cold aura all over her body.

Her original short black hair has grown long, hanging over her shoulders, very soft, giving her a little more warmth.

Seeing Yun Jin, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth invisible to the naked eye, then she ran over and threw herself into Yun Jin's arms.

Yun Jin hugged her, smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

At this time, there is no need to pay attention to secrecy, or to keep it secret. At this time, there is only the girl in his arms.

Although Wei Xiao was very excited, his voice was still cold, as if there was no warmth, "Why are you here so late?"

Yun Jin, "It should be normal for the plane to be delayed."

Wei Xiao said, "I mean you came to me too late."

Yun Jin: .
There is really no way to accept this.

If you were an ordinary person, if you saw Yunjin and Weixiao like this, you would probably look at them curiously, but Xiao Xu is obviously not an ordinary person. She didn't wear glasses today, and she had a fake smile on her face, and she didn't look sideways. Follow Yun Jin's side.

Weixiao was the first to cast his eyes on the past, after all, some parts of Xiao Xu were too prominent, "Is she?"

Yun Jin let go of Wei Xiao, and said casually, "I'm the secretary."

Wei Xiao looked at Xiao Xu, then at himself, his face remained unchanged, but his voice turned cold, "Men really like big ones."

Yun Jin patted the 16-year-old girl's head twice, "I'm waiting to tell you."

The three of them took a taxi with their luggage, went to the hotel to put down their luggage and things, and at the same time put Xiao Xu down, and let her code the program in the room by herself.

And Yun Jin went out with Wei Xiao and found a place to eat.

I have to say that Central City is indeed the center of the Freedom Continent. There are everything in it, including all kinds of weird restaurants.

Even slightly famous restaurants are created by awakened ones.

Of course, their abilities are also related to cooking.

Because this is Weixiao's home game, Yunjin followed her, and the two of them arrived at a fish head restaurant. According to Weixiao, this was a newly opened restaurant nearby, and the chef was an awakened person.

The ability of the awakened person is to [make a fish head].

That's right, it's [making fish heads].

Any kind of fish head can be made, and how to make it is delicious.

Because his ability is to see a fish head and know what method can be used to make it the most delicious. All the cooking steps and ingredients will appear in his mind.

In addition, the head and neck of the fish are the most delicious parts of the big fish, so it is particularly delicious.

It was very popular just after it opened, and now it has just lowered its popularity, so Wei Xiao came to bring Yunjin to eat.

I have to say, this kind of ability is really special, Yunjin is also very curious, how can it be possible to make flowers with just a fish head?

(End of this chapter)

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