God Level Collection

Chapter 43 The ability to collect zombies

Chapter 43 The ability to collect zombies
Yun Jin looked at his limp arm, and looked at him suspiciously, "What funeral?"

The man in black let go of his hand, lying on the ground in large characters, and said, "I've been infected with zombie poison, and I'm about to die. Everyone I come into contact with will be infected. So you are also poisoned."

Yun Jin asked curiously, "Didn't you become a zombie after being poisoned by a corpse? And with your own ability, you will also be poisoned?"

The man in black chuckled twice, "My ability is divided into two parts, you don't understand."

Yun Jin also smiled, "You don't understand my abilities either."

The man in black looked at Yun Jin with a puzzled look on his face.

But Yunjin didn't explain. He let two blood crows fly over to look at the man in black, and then transformed into blood crows to chase the other two zombies.

After Yun Jin knocked down the man in black, the man in black probably knew he couldn't escape, so he let the two zombies escape directly, trying to distract Yun Jin.

After a while, Yun Jin returned to the man in black with two cards.

The man in black was out of breath. Seeing Yun Jin coming back, he asked, "Did you catch them?"

Yun Jin ignored him.Such a scumbag has nothing to reason with.

Having relieved his worries, Yun Jin was no longer polite. He sensed the psionic energy in the man in black first, and there was quite a lot of it, a full 80 points.

Could this zombie ability be a D-level ability?
Yun Jin roughly calculated her psionic energy reserves. She had 165 psionic energy points in her body (25 points were consumed), and 200 psionic energy points on her body, which should be roughly enough, right?
Yun Jin thought for a while, and spent another 35 points of spiritual energy to collect 70 points of spiritual energy from the man in black.

Yun Jin also left 10 points of psychic power for the man in black, because his injury was not serious, Yun Jin was afraid that he would die without the psychic power.

With a total of 400 psionic energy points, Yun Jin felt that it should not be a big problem.

He first collected the zombie virus in himself, and then put his hand on the forehead of the man in black, and said "collect" silently.

At first, his hand was only slightly glowing, and then a terrifying storm of psionic energy erupted, and the surrounding air seemed to be artificially moved, with Yunjin's hand as the center, spinning non-stop, blowing whirlwinds.

Yunjin felt the wind hitting his face, making it hard for him to open his eyes. He only felt that his eyes were white, and his spiritual energy was being consumed at an unprecedented speed, 40 points, 80 points, 120 points.

Soon his psychic power was not enough, he took the first psychic card and said softly, "Solution."

Immediately, 100 points of spiritual energy surged into his body, replenishing his consumption.

160 points, 200 points, 240 points.
Except for the first time to collect Haitang's awakening ability, Yun Jin hadn't experienced this terrifying extraction speed for a long time.

He felt his muscles start to ache and tear, and the second, third, and fourth spiritual energy cards were all consumed.

Yun Jin suddenly had a terrible idea: Could it be that the psionic power is not enough?You won't be drawn into a mummy, will you?

Fortunately, his idea did not come true. When 360 points of spiritual power were consumed, a brand new card appeared in Yunjin's hands.

This time the card is like jade, clear and smooth, with lines still on it, green bubbles one by one, and the central picture is an overwhelming army of zombies, claws and fangs, as if they are about to rush out of the card.

Before Yunjin could take a closer look, the man in black coughed a few times and asked weakly, "What did you do to me?"

Yun Jin put the three cards in his pocket, seeing that he was about to die, he didn't bother to hide it, "Your awakening ability was drawn."

"Are you going to destroy this world like I did?" When speaking, the man in black had a hint of longing in his eyes.

Yun Jin had nothing to say to him, "What did the world do to you? You will take revenge and destroy every now and then."

People may talk too much when they are dying. The man in black glanced at Yun Jin and said, "Last year, when my wife was picking up my daughter home, she was hit by a speeding Ferrari. My daughter and my wife died on the spot. "

"The driver is a rich second generation. He first hit and ran, and then returned to the scene after half an hour."

"On the traffic accident certificate, it was determined that this was an ordinary traffic accident. The criminal lawsuit was submitted to the court with civil compensation. The court paid 200 million yuan plus three years in prison in the first instance."

"But I refused to accept it and appealed. In the second trial, I was sentenced to [crime of negligence causing death], with a compensation of 250 million and three years in prison."

Speaking of this, the voice of the man in black was a little choked up, "They think that paying more money is enough to make up for the damage I suffered, but who cares about money! What I care about is my daughter, my wife!"

After listening to Yun Jin, he was speechless for a long time. From a rational point of view, if the traffic accident certificate is true, then there is no problem with the court's decision, but from an emotional point of view, he has a little sympathy for the man in black.

After all, losing a wife and a child at the same time would indeed make a person's life worse than death.

After a while, he said, "Everyone will be punished for what they do. If you are like this, so is that person."

"Whether the hit and run is true or not requires sufficient evidence."

"I can save you, and then help you find evidence to see if there is a retrial. If there is indeed something tricky in it, then I believe the law will severely punish all relevant personnel."

"Of course, no matter what the result is, your crime will also be judged."

The man in black smiled, "No need, he is already dead. He was dismembered by my zombies and died."

"You don't have to save me. I've been dead since the day my daughter and wife died."

"I don't want to go to trial either. When the court sentenced him to three years in prison, the law died in my heart."

He opened his eyes and looked at the world with nostalgia, and said, "You are a good person. But this society is not as beautiful as you imagined. Sooner or later, you will understand."

After speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.
Yun Jin didn't try to save him, he just wanted to kill himself, since he has made up his mind to die, so be it.

This is also the first time that Yun Jin watched a life die in front of him indifferently.
After a long time, Yun Jin tried his breath, but there was no more breath.Yun Jin gathered his corpse into a card and walked back to the riverside park with heavy steps.

Several blood crows have picked up the two bombed corpses one by one.Yun Jin also collected them into cards, and asked Xue Crow to clean up the traces of the two scenes, then he picked up the box of Tsingtao beer that the female white-collar gave him, and took a taxi home.

He didn't want to explore the truth of the car accident anymore. In a car accident, more than a dozen fresh lives became sacrifices, and seven or eight innocent people were implicated. That's enough.
Moreover, no matter what, the man in black directly killed four or five people, so he deserved the death penalty.If he felt wronged by the death of his wife and daughter, wouldn't those people who were killed by him not be wronged?

Thinking about it further, with his current mentality and the terrifying ability of zombies, in time, it might really lead to a disaster.

Yun Jin thought for a while, and was surprised to find that she had saved the world.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of the community, and Yunjin walked through the small garden and returned home.

He opened the door, and Xiao Dai was curled up into a ball, sleeping at the door.

As soon as he heard the sound of the door opening, Xiaodai woke up immediately. He raised his head cutely, and found that it was Yunjin, then yelled "Meow~", and threw himself into Yunjin's arms.

Yun Jin hugged it with a smile, scratched its neck, and Xiaodai immediately yelled "Meow Meow Meow" comfortably.

"Have you been waiting for me?" Yunjin took off his coat and shoes, threw them aside, and asked Xiaodai.

 Thanks to "Huan Wu Yao" for the reward of 1000 starting coins!Thank you boss, boss atmosphere!Make a fortune!

(End of this chapter)

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