God Level Collection

Chapter 441 A Deal in the Dark

Chapter 441 A Deal in the Dark
An old man wearing a simple robe and looking a bit fairy-like stood at the gate of the building to welcome him.

Although he saw the man, the old man did not go out to greet him. From this, it can be seen that the status of the two is slightly higher than the old man.

The man arrived at the gate of the building, saw the old man, and bowed slightly, "Representative Han."

The old man smiled and stretched out his hand, "Mr. Hu."

That man was obviously a sloppy uncle.

Compared with the last time Yun Jin saw him, he had changed a lot, his body was thin, like a bamboo pole, his face was gloomy, he had thick bags under his eyes, his skin was as dry as a layer of skin, without even a little moisture.

But his eyes were full of light, as if two groups of flames were burning inside, shining brightly.

After shaking hands with Representative Han, the two walked into the building side by side and arrived at the living area of ​​the elderly on the fifth floor.

Stepping into the fifth floor, the old man smiled and shook his head, "Old man, it's not like young people like to stand tall and see far away. I still feel safer staying in the middle."

The sloppy uncle pulled a smile on his face, making his face look a little weird, "Representative Han just joked, indisputable is the highest state."

The old man nodded, "That's right, so young people should calm down."

As soon as he said this, the sloppy uncle's footsteps suddenly paused. He adjusted his pace and said in a calm tone as much as possible, "But Representative Han, Huangquan Township is really important to me."

Although he tried his best to speak in a calm tone, coupled with the words he spoke between his teeth and his bloodshot eyes, he looked very ferocious.

The old man patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "I understand, I understand. Huangquan Township is very important to most people. After all, everyone wants to cross the boundary between life and death."

The sloppy uncle shook his shoulders and said seriously, "I'm not doing it for myself, I want to find my lover back."

The old man who said this was taken aback for a moment, and in a flash the old man laughed, "Oh, oh, that's it. Haha. Sorry, sorry, I was thinking about it."

The two came to a reception room and sat on both sides. The old man lit a cigarette and took a puff. The smoke lingered in front of him. He said slowly, "Mr. Hu, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's mainly because of this matter Significant. If you ask me how many representatives of the Dark Council and how many superhumans, I will tell you or not.”

"If you say one, you have to tell others. If everyone knows, is it still a secret?"

The sloppy uncle opened his mouth to speak, but the old man stretched out his hand to signal, "Besides, you are still young, you may feel love or something, unforgettable, and you will die for her, and become an enemy of the whole world."

"When you reach my age, you'll know hehe, in front of time, nothing lasts forever."

Speaking of this, the sloppy uncle stood up straight away, and he bowed solemnly, "Representative Han, I will not argue with you about these things, I know what I want in my heart. My obsession with martial arts is love. I believe you understand me the meaning of."

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then a serious expression appeared on his face.

The sloppy uncle saluted again, "If you can tell me where Huangquan Township is, I am willing to fight for you for the rest of my life!"

This is already a declaration of refuge. For the first time, the old man showed a thoughtful look on his face. He sat motionless on the chair, and the smoke was slowly burning, almost burning his fingers. He sighed, shook his head and said , "I'm really sorry, Mr. Hu."

The sloppy uncle with his head down gritted his teeth, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes, but when he looked up, he still showed a smile, "Then thank you Representative Han."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the reception room without looking back, and left the building.

After he left, the old man sighed deeply and pressed the cigarette to death in the ashtray.

A middle-aged man came out of the darkness and asked curiously, "Father, why didn't you promise him?"

The old man glanced at the man, and said calmly, "He is from that world, who knows if he is a spy, even the councilors don't fully trust him, they just treat him as a pawn."

The middle-aged man looked at the old man in astonishment, "Father, this is not your style."

The old man who said this widened his eyes and slapped the table, "You bastard! Can't I think about it for the parliament and our country?"

The middle-aged man quickly lowered his head, "Yes, father."

But with his head lowered, he muttered in a low voice, "The sun really came out from the west."

The old man glared at his son, then coughed twice, and said, "Actually, it's not only that. Although he is willing to seek refuge with me, if he is given the address of Huangquan Township, he will never return. It is no different from not taking refuge in me." ?"

The middle-aged man cupped his hands and said, "Father is wise."

The old man glared at him again, "Aside from flattering, what else would you do! Look at your elder brother! Look at you again!"

Even though the middle-aged man was in his 30s or 40s, he still approached him and said with a smile, "Father, of course I am not as wise and powerful as my elder brother. I have no ambitions, but I just want to be by your side to fulfill my filial piety. "

The old man who said this was happy in his heart, and his eyes narrowed with a smile.

It's just that for some reason, there was always a trace of melancholy in his eyes that never disappeared, as if he didn't agree with the sloppy uncle and had other secrets.

Yunjin didn't know these things. He practiced all night and finally cultivated a full 29 points of spiritual power, but just like breaking through level 7, he didn't know why the last point of spiritual power of an 8th-level evolutionary was always Can't integrate.

It is obvious that they have been cultivated, but no matter what, it is difficult to integrate, as if they have encountered a bottleneck.

Not even luck.

After this night of consumption, Yun Jin had a total of 7200 Luck points in his hands (excluding his own), almost 7000 points were consumed, but his own Luck has also risen to 7000 points.

He has surpassed the luck of an eighth-level evolutionary, but he has not yet become an eighth-level evolutionary.

Yun Jin guessed that part of the excess luck was because he had more psychic power than a level 8 evolutionary, and part of it was brought about by his official position.

But no matter what, his luck has reached, and even with a lot of hard work, he should be able to become a level 8 evolutionary.

Just where is the problem?
Since she didn't have any ideas for the next step, Yunjin didn't continue to practice, but got up and went to find January, intending to see how the faceless girl was doing.

When I came to the room of the faceless female priest, the transparency of the faceless female body had returned to the original level.

Yun Jin said with a smile, "Finally looks like a female ghost."

(End of this chapter)

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